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How to Use GA4 to Track & Optimize SEO Performa...

Leigh Buttrey
April 24, 2024

How to Use GA4 to Track & Optimize SEO Performance

GA4 covers more than just traditional "conversions" but the extension of events now also heavily tracks customer engagement, which is super important nowadays to track with so much competition for every industry and a new focus on content optimization for long-term strategies
- Provide quick overview of differences between UA and GA4 in context of SEO
- How to do a quick review of GA4 event tracking functionality in a post-migration from UA context, considerations for GA4 integrations within typical tech stack
- Steps for setting up conversion/event tracking for SEO with GA4
- Steps for tracking engagement for SEO with GA4
- Examples of using this data for ongoing optimization and scaling SEO performance

Leigh Buttrey

April 24, 2024


  1. How to Use GA4 to Track & Optimise SEO Performance

    Leigh Buttrey AS Marketing Speakerdeck.com/leighbuttrey /leighbuttrey
  2. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO • Differences between UA and GA4 in

    context of SEO • How to do a quick review of GA4 event tracking functionality • How to understand GA4's automated event tracking • Using GA4 for scaling SEO performance Here’s what we’ll cover:
  3. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO What are the differences? Universal Analytics Google

    Analytics 4 Page View Event Event Event Social Event Transaction/Ecommerce Event User Timing Event Exception Event App/Screen View Event
  4. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO • App Tracking (Firebase) • Hit Types

    • Session Calculations • Bounce Rate & Engagement • Cross Device Tracking • GTM is more important than ever • Account Structure
  5. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO 1 Page View And <10 Seconds And

    No Conversion Event 1 Page View And >=10 Seconds Or Conversion Event > 1 Page View Engagement Rate Bounce Rate
  6. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO Types of User engagement • Content consumption

    • User interactions • Site search • User journeys • Audience engagement • Engagement rate (which has replaced bounce rate) • Video engagement • Downloads • Page views per session
  7. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO #4 Verify event tracking (GTM) Use the

    DeBugView in GTM to see the events in real-time
  8. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO #5 Verify event tracking (GA4) Use the

    DeBugView in GA4 to see the events in real-time
  9. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO #2 Monitor & optimise Dedicate one person

    in your team to be responsible for the following:
  10. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO #3 Content optimisation opportunities In GA4 head

    over to the advertising report > conversion paths
  11. /leighbuttrey | #brightonSEO #TopTip Add in the metric “engagement rate”

    and then filter the report by focusing on all content that contains /blog