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Foods That Make You Gain Weight Like Crazy

October 06, 2016

Foods That Make You Gain Weight Like Crazy

here are some tips on how to keep healthy diet


October 06, 2016


  1. • No matter how many times a week you hit

    the gym, there are certain things in your pantry that can spell serious trouble for your weight-loss goals. You surely know to stay away from the processed junk food that may be lingering around your kitchen, but there are certain other foods you’re eating every day that could be contributing to constant weight gain. In fact, a few of the healthiest, most nutrient-dense foods are actually very high in fat. So if you’re snacking on these kind of foods all day long or eating them with every meal, you could start to see the numbers on the scale go up. Check out these foods that make you gain weight like there’s no tomorrow. • 1. Red meat • If you’re the first person to reach for a hamburger at the barbecue, you might want to rethink that choice. In moderation, red meat has its benefits — you’ll get plenty of protein to fuel your gym workouts and you’ll feel more energized throughout the day — but it’s not always the best option. Calorie Secrets explains red meat can be a key factor in weight gain because it’s so high in saturated fats. Furthermore, research has shown eating meat, including red meat, can lead to an expanding waistline over time.
  2. • 2. Sugary soda • Sugary sodas are so sinister

    because many people drink them without really thinking about it, and often more than one per day. Fitday says soda is even more dangerous than the occasional slice of cake or cookie because of the addictive addition of caffeine. Don’t think diet soda is OK either — you might not be getting the calories and sugar, but the artificial sweeteners are horrible for your body
  3. • White bread • Another staple food that most have

    lying around the house for the emergency peanut butter sandwich or two is white bread. If you incorporate white bread into your diet as a treat every now and again, then you’re not likely to see weight gain as a result. But if you are eating two or more servings of this processed food daily, don’t be surprised if you start packing on the pounds. WebMD explains eating two or more portions of white bread a day is directly associated with rapid weight gain. It’s not that surprising when you consider these loaves are made with refined flour that offers very little nutritional value. Do your body a favor and choose whole-grain bread instead.