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LINE Developers Taiwan
December 07, 2023


- Speaker: YT Chen
- Event: 輔仁大學企業參訪

LINE Developers Taiwan

December 07, 2023

More Decks by LINE Developers Taiwan


  1. 01 02 03 04 差一學分就好事成雙囉 萬事起頭難 我爸常問我在 LINE 做什麼 How

    to get your first job as an SWE? Work in LINE 跟熊大度過春夏秋冬 Join LINE Self Introduction CONTENT
  2. YT Chen TECH FRESH @ LINE Education • M.S. in

    Computer Science and Information Engineering @ NTUT • B.B.A. in Banking and Finance @ TKU Experience • 2023 | TECH FRESH @ LINE Taiwan • 2022 | Backend Engineer Intern @ thingnario • 2020-2021 | Data Engineer @ iiNumbers
  3. 就學期間 How to get your first job as an SWE?

    如何開始?要學什麼? 怎樣才可以開始找⼯作? 要補習嗎?聽不懂怎辦? 啊啊啊考不上怎麼辦? 拉低我 GPA 怎麼辦? 課太多要延畢怎麼辦? 哪間機構好?怎麼都那麼貴? 老師講的太快聽不懂怎麼辦? 轉系輔系雙主修? ⾃學? 培訓機構? 跨考研究所? 以最⼩成本試錯並滾動調整
  4. “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” — Linus Torvalds

    確定 目標 How to get your first job as an SWE? 自學 基礎 • What is recursion ? • What is DSA ? 實作 專案 特點項目文字 研究 透徹 • FE / BE • APP • Data / AI …? • How does my project work? • Why I choose these tools ? • I want to make a FB • Which framework can I use ?
  5. “The future depends on what you do today.” — Mahatma

    Gandhi 與人 為善 How to get your first job as an SWE? 主動 爭取 • Can I participate in ? 面試 導向 補足 核心 • Do your best at work. • Ask for internal referral. • What is OOP ? • What is OS ? • Start your painful journey at LeetCode.
  6. Automate regular tests and find something bad via report. Smoke

    Test Minimum test. Performance Test Health Check Did services run well ? CI / CD Do something automatically. What does Automation Engineer do? Load Test, etc.
  7. Now, I’m a SWE! And then? Problem Solving • Be

    good at Google search (or ChatGPT). • Analyze any problem and solve it. • If you can t solve it, just ask more senior SWE for help. (Must!!!) Debugging Expert • Why can t it work? • Why can it work? • I can t reproduce it T_T Good Learner • Self-taught. • Learn fast and learn for YOURSELF. • Organize all knowledge in your head and use it anywhere. Team Player • Proactively report the progress to your supervisor. • Corporate with each other. • Don t treat yourself as just a programmer.