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Tweek , Social Media Club Hamburg

June 03, 2012

Tweek , Social Media Club Hamburg

I did a presentation at the Social Media Club in my home town Hamburg last Thursday.


June 03, 2012


  1. ,Restricting access to content is a bad business model in

    the age of a global network that costs practically nothing to distribute on‘ Fred Wilson http://allthingsd.com/20120507/google-gets-deeper-into-the-content-business-by-putting-money-into-machinima/?mod=atdtweet
  2. Tweek – Next-Gen TV Guide Platform: iPad Märkte: Deutschland &

    UK Social Curation für Live TV & On Demand Inhalte
  3. Die Presse über Tweek, Berlin “A socially-curated hub for on-demand

    film and live television.” “A single point of entry to film and TV content.” “A really amazing design interface to social TV on the iPad.”