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Automating the Cloud (Unix)

Mat Schaffer
October 27, 2012

Automating the Cloud (Unix)

Mat Schaffer

October 27, 2012


  1. Our agenda • Me • You • Old cars •

    How Chef works • Setting up Chef • An Example deployment
  2. You

  3. “... continuous delivery will move from being a competitive advantage

    to being a prerequisite for survival.” - Jez Humble
  4. (Chef server) b my_cookbook $ chef-client $ chef-client my_cookbook my_cookbook

    $ chef-server my_cookbook ├── README.rdoc ├── attributes ├── definitions ├── files │ └── default ├── libraries ├── metadata.rb ├── providers ├── recipes │ └── default.rb ├── resources └── templates └── default
  5. Cookbook: mysql default['mysql']['memory'] = "32M" Role: db default_attributes 'mysql' =>

    { 'memory' = "2G" } Environment: dev "mysql" : { "memory": "1G" } Node: db3.dev.mashion.net "mysql" : { "memory": "512M" }
  6. 39 service 'nginx' do 40 action :start 41 end Recipes

    1 default['nginx']['version'] = "1.2.3" 2 default['nginx']['dir'] = "/etc/nginx" Attributes 2 DAEMON=<%= @src_binary %> 3 NAME=nginx 4 DESC=nginx 5 PID=<%= @pid %> Templates
  7. git clone https://github.../matschaffer/cposc-cloud cd cposc-cloud gem install berkshelf berks install

    berks upload knife role from file roles/* # store cposc-cloud.pem to ./
  8. gem install knife-ec2 # in ~/.chef/knife.rb knife[:aws_access_key_id] = "AKI..." knife[:aws_secret_access_key]

    = "wmw..." knife[:availability_zone] = "us-east-1d" knife[:image] = "ami-8fac75e6" knife[:aws_ssh_key_id] = "cposc-cloud" knife ec2 server create -x ubuntu -i cposc-cloud.pem \ -r 'recipe[cposc-cloud]' github.com/opscode/knife-ec2
  9. Wrap-UP • Automation can save your business • CM is

    a key part of your automation stack • You can get started today