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Sponsor Dotenv

October 21, 2022

Sponsor Dotenv

Thank you for considering sponsoring Dotenv.



October 21, 2022


  1. Dotenv is a zero-dependency node module that loads environment variables

    from a .env fi le into process.env. Developers trust their secrets with dotenv - their API keys, encryption keys, and application con fi g. About Dotenv
  2. Developers Footnote s 1. https://gist.github.com/anvaka/8e8fa57c7ee1350e3491 2. https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv 100M+ 100 Million+

    Monthly Installs Millions of developers use dotenv – daily. In many cases, it is one of the fi rst tools they use. They initiate their JavaScript framework, con fi gure git, and create their .env fi le . It’s become loved and trusted, and the data re fl ects that. It’s the forty-second most depended-on package [1], ranks sixteenth out of all node modules for the HITS algorithm [1], and is installed more than ONE-HUNDRED-MILLION times per month [2]. It’s in good company. Packages like TypeScript, ESLint, and Redux share a similar rank . Developers adopt dotenv when they begin their careers and continue with it for its simplicity and ease. It’s a great way to manage 3rd party software via API keys; at this point, it is a de facto standard. Many of your current and future customers almost certainly use dotenv.
  3. Opportunity The developers installing Dotenv and visiting its READMEs use

    frameworks are JavaScript developers, and they are looking for other software to make development better, faster, and more fun . Sponsor Dotenv and put your company on their radar early and often . There is a developer out there right now con fi guring web development frameworks like react, angular, vue, or nextjs. They’ve googled how to do it, read a few tutorials, and come across Dotenv for managing their env as part of the con fi guration. They begin reading the Dotenv README, and they see your company logo. They click. They discover your software and start using it. You’ve just saved them tons of time . And most of all, you’ve just given back to the developer community - sponsoring an essential part of the JavaScript ecosystem . 2.5M+ 2.5 Million+ Developers
  4. Proposal Add your logo to the Dotenv README with a

    link to your website . 16K+ 16K+ GitHub Stars
  5. Analytics The GitHub README is viewed fi fty-thousand times per

    month on GitHub alone. We estimate another fi fty-thousand on NPM. (NPM does not provide stats) . Here are the last 2 weeks of GitHub README Views . 100K+ 100K+ README Views Per Month Chart from https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv/graphs/tra ff i c
  6. Sponsorship $1000 $600 a mont h 12-month commitment 3-month commitmen

    t Month-to-month after that. Continue for as long as it is bene fi cial to you and the developer community . Your company logo will be featured on dotenv with a link to your site . Bonus, your company logo will also be featured on dotenv- expand with a link to your site. Dotenv-expand receives an additional 10K views per month on GitHub and NPM and is downloaded almost 40M times per month. View Sponsorship Page https://github.com/sponsors/motdotla
  7. Thank you Thank you, for considering sponsoring Dotenv. Sponsor Dotenv

    $600 a month https://github.com/sponsors/motdotla