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Challenges and risks of the use of NLP summary ...

Masami Yasuda
November 16, 2023

Challenges and risks of the use of NLP summary applications in EFL reading and writing-JALTCALL2020

Challenges and risks of the use of NLP summary applications in EFL reading and writing-JALTCALL2020

Masami Yasuda

November 16, 2023


  1. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ Challenges and risks of the

    use of NLP summary applications in EFL reading and writing 1 YASUDA, Masami, ex Kwansei Gakuin Univ., myasudakg[at].gmail.com Theme: Teaching with Tech JALTCALL SIG Conference Online zoom Conference https://jaltcall2020.eventzil.la/person/57 instead of Hirosaki Gakuin Univ., Aomori June 6-7, 2020 JALTCALL SIG Online JAPAN. E-Learning at KG Univ.
  2. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 2. From CMI, CAI, CBE,

    CALL, WEB to what? 2 https://www.slideshare.n et/myasuda/jalt2020-r https://myasuda kg.blogspot.com/ https://advcomp.wordpress.c om/2020/06/06/jaltcall2020 -online-zoom-june-6-2020/
  3. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/

    3 3. Classroom Research: Treatment & Control + Treatment + Control - Control Interaction Analysis Experimental Research Observation Method (KJ Method, Mindmap) - Treatment Adapted from the table in Sano(2000), 『アクション・リサーチのすすめ』 p. 204 Action Research
  4. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/

    4 4. Professional Development Action Research Questions, Inquiries, Demands for changes, Belief systems, etc. Plan: Problems to identify, Observation (Teacher's, Researcher's) Hypotheses, Explanatory Questions Data & Note collection, Protocols, Journals: (Teachers, students) Analysis, Reflection, Action Changes, Public Reporting, Publishing Return to Teaching Narrative Writing slide Jump to Questionnaire analysis
  5. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 5 5 5. Challenges and

    risks of the use of NLP summary applications in EFL reading and writing Online applications in recent AI development can produce a summary of passages and newspaper articles on the internet. This paper demonstrates and reports on an evaluation of the summary reports. Join us to discuss how useful or otherwise such summary services would be in reading and writing in EFL settings.
  6. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 7 7. Use of Summary

    documents in Academic Training: Even in Video – Shakespeare dramas
  7. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 8. How to use Cliff-Notes

    in academic setting 1. Teachers use as Cliff-Notes  Study Guidebooks, 2. Teachers even write one  and sell it  to the Cliff publisher 3. But it has been feared that students will not necessarily read the original works 8
  8. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 10 10. Natural Language Processing

    (NLP): from Concordance (KWIC, KWOC) to summary and text analysis
  9. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 11 11. Annotated Bibliography in

    academic setting  Annotated Biblio is …  a list of citations to books, articles, and documents.  Each citation is followed by  a brief (usually about 150 words)  descriptive and  evaluative paragraph,  the annotation.
  10. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 12 12. Annotated Bibliography in

    academic setting  The purpose of the annotation is  to inform the reader of the relevance, acuracy,  quality of the sources cited,  as well as for memory retation of research resources.
  11. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 14 Remember that you are

    not writing a review: You are writing a summary. Keep your own reflections out of your summary, and aim to share information instead of opinions. Practice writing summaries about almost anything. Your favorite books Movies, and writing one paragraph summaries. 14. How do you practice summary writing?
  12. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 16 16. How to run

    SummarizeBot and produce summary of news, blogs, on the Web site Intent Analysis Short Text Language Detection Fake News Detection Intent Analysis Short Text Language Detection Fake News Detection Article Extraction News Aggregation Scientific Articles
  13. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 17. How to run SummarizeBot

    and produce summary of news, blogs, on the Web site www.free-powerpoint-templates-design.com 17 API: Install SummarizeBot in SLACK Find the target web page Post the URL Read the result by browser Keywords, Summary, Ratio Save texts
  14. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 19 19. How to author

    quizzes from the summary output texts  Kinds of quizzes 1. Cloze (Blank)  One word – total blanks  Rational  or  every 7th word  C-Cloze - words whose  initial characters are shown in blanks 2. Scrambled sentences  to reorder
  15. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 20 20. How to author

    quizzes from the summary output texts? - 2  Kinds of quizzes (cont’d) 1. Multiple choice questions Completion of sentences WH-Questions Multiple choices: the odds (irrelevant)  e.g. Find the odd of the four  (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6 2. Completing the summary paragraph  the concluding sentences  or a few last sentences
  16. http://k 1 .fc 2 .com/cgi-bin/hp.cgi/myasuda/ 21. Benefits of group work

    with AR technology: An exchange of WH-Q’s on video narration story and mutual grading answers A B C 4 skills Learning performance, Learning motivation, learner autonomy Student engagement, less teacher centered Positive attitudes towards technology D 21