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Space Apps Event Planning Kit

August 12, 2015

Space Apps Event Planning Kit


August 12, 2015


  1. This event planning guide has been developed for those interested

    in planning an International Space Apps Challenge event in their city. Purpose 2
  2. The International Space Apps Challenge is an international hackathon that

    will take place over a 48 hour period in cities around the globe between April 29th and 30th, 2017. The event embraces collaborative problem solving with a goal of producing open-source solutions to global challenges. http://spaceappschallenge.org 3 About
  3. Hackathons are technology development marathons that draw on the talents

    and initiative of bright minded volunteers – developers, engineers, technologists, designers, and anyone with a passion and desire to have an immediate impact on the world. They are open to anyone who has a passion for making a difference and are focused on developing real solutions to global challenges by the end of the event. This hackathon is part of a larger process of defining challenge statements, intensively working to prototype solutions over the course of the Space Apps weekend, and subsequently refining and implementing the most promising prototypes. 4 What is a Hackathon?
  4. The first International Space Apps Challenge was held in April

    2012 in 25 cities around the world. The event brought together over 2,000 participants together to address 71 challenges focused on improving life in space and on Earth! More than 100 unique open-source solutions were developed in less then 48 hours. To view the results visit http://2012.spaceappschalle nge.org/ 5 History 2012 2013 2014 2015 The second International Space Apps Challenge was held in April 2013 in 83 cities in 44 countries around the world and involved over 9,000 participants. Together, in only 48 hours, they created 770 prototypes focused on improving life in space and on Earth! To view the results visit http://2013.spaceappschalle nge.org/ The third International Space Apps Challenge was held in April 2014 in 95 cities in 47 countries around the world (including 44 first-time Space Apps locations) and involved 8,200 participants. They created 671 prototypes focused on improving life in space and on Earth! To view the results visit http://2014.spaceappschalle nge.org/ The fourth International Space Apps Challenge was held in 133 cities and involved over 13,000 participants. With a focus on Women in Data, there was active participation from women globally in hosting and hacking. 949 prototypes were created at the event. Some sites have gone on to pioneer space-tech incubation efforts following the event with the Space Apps Project Accelerator. To view the results visit https://2015.spaceappsc hallenge.org/ 2016 The fifth International Space Apps Challenge was held in 161 cities and involved over 16,000 participants. 1,300 prototypes were created at the event. Space Apps 2016 also included 54 sites who hosted local Data Bootcamps for their communities to prepare those less familiar with the hackathon format To view the results visit https://2016.spaceappsc hallenge.org/
  5. The International Space Apps Challenge was such a success in

    its early years that it has now become an annual event. Our vision is that the International Space Apps Challenge will continue to grow and give people everywhere an unprecedented opportunity to use NASA data to develop meaningful solutions to help to address critical needs applicable to both life in space and on Earth, and that it becomes a global community of individuals excited about collaborating to advance the frontiers of space science and technology. 6 Vision
  6. The only true requirement for planning an event is a

    passion to make a difference and get involved. If that is you, we’d love to talk! The rest of this event planning guide provides practical advice that you can use to make your event a success. 7 Get Involved!
  7. Do you have what it takes to host a successful

    International Space Apps Challenge event? To get started, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Do I have enough time to run this event? * 2. Who else do I need to volunteer to help with event logistics? 3. Are there any organizations or sponsors I can partner with to help make the event possible? 4. Do I have (or can I find) a venue available for the 48 hours of the event? (And does it have enough internet bandwidth available at the event for all participants?) 5. What other logistical elements will be important to the participants at my event? (access to transport, access to food options, etc…) 6. How will I reach out to the right people to participate in the event? * Participating as a local lead can require a significant time investment. We estimate that you will spend at least 10hrs/wk planning for the event with more time the weeks immediately prior. This might be less with a strong volunteer team. 8 Hosting a Successful Event
  8. Anyone interested in planning an event must fill out an

    application to get started. Planning a Space Apps event takes quite a bit of time, so the sooner you get started the stronger your event will be! You can fill out an application at the link below: Once your location is approved, you can get started with your planning. In early 2017 a website for the 2017 event will be created, including a page for your location where you can add information about your local event.* We recommend distributing the link for your location in all of your outreach and PR materials to encourage participants to sign up for your location. *Note: Some organizers like to create independent websites for their own Space Apps events to add more information and be able to better showcase their sponsors. You are most welcome to do that, however all participant registration for the event must go through spaceappschallenge.org. 10 Local Lead Registration
  9. Registration will be available on http://spaceappschallenge.org prior to the event

    and all individuals who are attending will need to register online. You will need to identify on your local page how many people your event can accommodate. Some events have only 20 participants, others have 400+, it varies from one site to another and it is up to you to choose the size of your event. Our experience suggests that 50 – 60% of people who RSVP will actually attend, and some will appear the day of the Challenge who have not signed up. This may vary per event. You are welcome to register additional people on the spot if you believe you will have the capacity to accommodate them. If you expect to be over capacity, you may want to give priority to those who signed up in advance. Due to NASA regulations, Space Apps events are not permitted to charge participants for attendance. 11 Participant Registration
  10. You may want to consider setting up a registration desk

    at the entrance to the room and having someone available to: − Register anyone who attends the day of the event but has not pre-registered − Direct attendees to check in if they have RSVP'd by checking their name on a list. − Give out the name tag stickers/have attendees fill them out. − Direct the attendees to where they can sit/put their stuff, etc. − Answer any questions they may have. − Provide a computer (with Internet) so attendees can register if they haven’t RSVP’d. 12 Participant Registration, continued
  11. Your choice of venue is critical to the success of

    your event. Consider the location, the atmosphere, and the proximity to public transportation and local restaurants. Some good venue options include community centers, conference centers/rooms, and university campuses. The best venues… − Are available all day Saturday and all day Sunday (Or Friday/Saturday, if that is your weekend.) − Have capacity for holding all attendees in one large room for briefings, presentations, and awards ceremonies − Allow for 24 hour access so participants can work overnight on Saturday, if they want − Have smaller breakout rooms or areas where groups can work together − Are easily accessible via public transportation (if available in your location) − Allow for reasonable access to building (no high security buildings) − Allow participants to bring in food − Have tables and chairs for small group gathering and brainstorming − Have bathrooms available − Have a place to throw out garbage (an outside dumpster) 14 Venue
  12. Internet connectivity is a basic requirement for hackathons. The better

    connectivity, the better your event will be. Improve the experience for your participants by: − Access to electricity/plugs for all the attendees − Bandwidth sufficient for all attendees to actively use the Internet simultaneously − Plenty of IP addresses available for your attendees (e.g., you should consider how many to make available for each attendee as many attendees may bring 2-3 devices) − Wi-Fi availability (and the need for any passwords) − Capacity for video/web streaming − Capacity for live online connection with other International Space Apps Challenge sites 15 Connectivity Guidelines
  13. Let your attendees know to bring their own laptops if

    they have them. We recommend you also consider having spare supplies available where possible. For example, you may want to consider having: − Power strips − Extension cords − Projector/Screen (or blank wall) − Microphone/Podium − USB drives − Tables/chairs (if not provided at venue) − Name tag stickers − Laptop/printer (for registration and other general purposes) − Office supplies: Pens, pencils, highlighters, stapler, paper − Whiteboard/Blackboard/Large Paper − Dry erase pens/chalk/markers 16 Supplies
  14. Beginning in early 2017, the Space Apps Global Organizing Team

    will coordinate global calls with Leads from around the world in the lead up to Space Apps. We will share information, provide the status of locations, answer questions, and connect you with others. You will receive information on how to participate in the calls after you register your event online. 18 Pre-Event Coordination
  15. Remember that the International Space Apps Challenge is looking for

    more than just coders and developers! Seek out anyone passionate about space exploration and social need to support the event. Consider marketing the event via some of the following channels: − Go meet with people! Attend tech and non-tech meetups. − Post on mailing lists with a technical audience at least 4 weeks before the event . − Post on local university mailing lists. − Blog about it on your own and other technical blogs. − Post on event planning sites. − Tweet about it on Twitter – hashtag #spaceapps. − Personally invite your friends that you think will have a great time. − Help people market the event to their friends. Tell them what to tell their friends. Encourage people to "own" the event, they should understand what it is, and be able to encourage their friends to come. Make the time and place very clear. Use resources available at www.spaceappschallenge.org a starting point. 19 Outreach to Participants
  16. Each host is responsible for their own partner outreach efforts.

    You may want to consider inviting local organizations to be a part of the International Space Apps Challenge. You could also think about reaching out to software and technology companies, telecommunications companies, NGOs, civil society organizations, government offices, universities, etc. 20 Outreach to Partners
  17. Each event lead is also responsible for arranging needed personnel.

    Think about who you will need to run the event itself such as: − Registration support − People to help manage logistics like food and trash − Clean-up after the event − People available to answer questions Remember that these are just suggestions. Consider the appropriate number of volunteers for your event. 21 Outreach to Volunteers
  18. Here are some suggestions about managing media outreach for the

    event. Press Releases Sample press releases will be circulated to local lead teams at least four weeks before the Challenge. You may share those press releases with your local media outlets (press, TV, and online media) and invite them to cover the event. You may need to translate the press release into your local language. Websites Link to the International Space Apps Challenge from your website. Blogging/Tweeting Reach out to local, national, and international tech blogs that you read and ask them to post about the Challenge. Include a link to the website and registration page. Post on your own organization’s blog and Twitter stream about the Challenge, and ask your local partners to do the same. Include a link to the website/registration page http://spaceappschallenge.org. The official twitter account is @spaceapps. For all tweets use #spaceapps. 22 Outreach to Media
  19. Here are some suggestions about managing social media engagement for

    the event. Use of Social Media In addition to using blog posts and Twitter as a platform to spread the word about the International Space Apps Challenge, you may choose to engage in conversation using social media as much as possible regarding your event. Two-way dialogue is an effective and rewarding method of engaging participants and the interested public alike, and its prolific use will make the International Space Apps Challenge a richer experience worldwide. Twitter As mentioned, the #spaceapps hashtag is the convention for the worldwide event, but you may consider using #spaceapps_[location] as a standard in order to communicate logistical updates that only apply to your location (e.g., bagels and coffee just arrived on the first floor! #spaceapps_sf). We recommend including this secondary hashtag in all local electronic communications and printed material. 23 Social Media
  20. Challenge statements will be posted on spaceappschallenge.org prior to the

    event. Challenges are typically posted one month before the Space Apps event. Many Space Apps cities host an informal pre-event meet-up where participants are invited to get together to brainstorm about the challenges and start forming their teams. You are welcome to invite local experts and scientists to speak to your participants about the challenge themes and inspire them in their brainstorming. It’s not just about smart phone applications! During the International Space Apps Challenge teams will utilize publicly available data to design all kinds of innovative solutions. 25 Challenges
  21. During the event, participants will organize into projects focused on

    solving a specific, issued challenge. Any project including at least one participant makes that project eligible for awards at that participant's location. In order for a project to receive an award or be eligible for global judging, it must be submitted to the Space Apps Challenge website via a project page. Additionally, projects must include links to the original resources, such as a source code repository or hardware schematic. Solutions will only be accepted for judging if they are licensed under an Open Source License as determined by the Open Source Initiative: http://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical 26 Solutions
  22. Local event leads may provide judging and awards for your

    location. Leads may consider awarding awards at your location for best solutions on a specific challenge, most creative solution, most social impact etc. It’s up to you! Local leads will be able to nominate two teams / solutions for consideration in the global judging process. The global judging process will be managed by NASA. Global awards will be announced two to three weeks after the event. 27 Awards
  23. Day 1 9:00 a.m. Registration 10:00 a.m. Schedule and logistics

    announcements 10:30 a.m. Subject Matter Expert briefing 11:00 a.m. Begin developing 12:30 p.m. Lunch break 1:30 p.m. Developing continued 4:30 p.m. Optional progress briefing, more developing 6:30 p.m. Dinner break 8:00 p.m. More developing Day 2 10:00 a.m. Logistics briefing & updates 10:15 a.m. Begin developing 12:00 p.m. Submission Deadline 12:00 p.m. Lunch break 1:30 p.m. Presentations 3:00 p.m. Judges Voting 3:30 p.m. Awards 4:00 p.m. Post event social 29 Sample Event Agenda
  24. Five to Eight Weeks until the International Space Apps Challenge

    ❑ Ensure your location page is completely up to date with all relevant information for your participants ❑ Confirm your venue and that there is appropriate capacity and bandwidth. We’ll be checking in with each venue to confirm registration limits and other details. ❑ Begin outreach to developers to encourage registration and attendance. ❑ Post on your organization’s blog about your involvement in the Challenge and link to the http://spaceappschallenge.org website and registration. ❑ Reach out to local tech bloggers and ask them to post about the Challenge. ❑ Reach out to local subject matter experts about potentially attending the event to advise on any of the posted Challenges or on other projects your location wishes to work on. ❑ Think about any security requirements at your host location (e.g., need for ID to get in). 30 Timeline
  25. Four Weeks until the International Space Apps Challenge ❑ Begin

    mainstream PR—send press releases to local media. Extend invitations to reception for press, where appropriate. ❑ Secure a local organizing team member, developer or subject matter expert to act as the emcee for the event. ❑ Challenges are published one month before the event. Consider hosting a pre-event meet-up for participants to form teams and brainstorm about challenges. Three Weeks until the International Space Apps Challenge ❑ Invite your judges to participate and distribute judging criteria (to be determined locally). ❑ Decide on awards for local winning teams (if you plan to offer any—it’s entirely up to you). 31 Timeline, continued
  26. Two Weeks until the International Space Apps Challenge ❑ Confirm

    necessary A/V support. ❑ Confirm any VIP speakers or mentors that you plan to have attending, as well as any local scientists or experts who might be present to speak about the challenges. One Week until the International Space Apps Challenge ❑ Send out a confirmation email to all those registered for your location with start and end time of Challenge, location address, any security information and reception details (if applicable). ❑ Confirm bandwidth availability (sufficient IP addresses, passwords, access points, etc.). ❑ Purchase any additional items needed (markers, paper, power strips, name tags, etc.). 32 Timeline, continued
  27. One Day until the International Space Apps Challenge ❑ Download

    registration spreadsheet to use at check in. ❑ Confirm that space and A/V equipment have been properly set-up. ❑ Put up signage in appropriate locations. 33 Timeline, continued
  28. Share your event social media channels so we can follow

    you on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram and any other relevant platform! Twitter: Encourage participants and partners to tweet about their involvement using #spaceapps. Blogging: If you blog about the event please e-mail your blogs to coreteam@spaceappschallenge.org so we can amplify them. Blog topics could include: 1. Before the event: How is your planning going? What are the details? Do you have any special guests? Provide any/all of this detail! 2. During the event: We’d love status updates! How are the projects coming? Did you have any great moments? Encourage participants and partners to blog about their involvement in the Challenge. Let them know that we will look to share them! 35 Event Documentation
  29. Final Report: A final report documenting the results of the

    event will be written by NASA and SecondMuse. Survey: Each local lead will be asked to fill out a survey after the event to let us know how the event went, what the results were, who were the winners and what lessons you learned that you’d like to pass on to future organizers. This will be your chance to pass on anything you have learned or want to communicate. We take this feedback very seriously and every year try to implement whatever we can to improve the process for organizers, so your candid feedback is very valuable! 36 Post-Event Documentation
  30. Many Space Apps communities are interested in building ways to

    grow, incubate and accelerate high potential projects coming out of the International Space Apps Challenge. During 2015, NASA developed a Space Apps Acceleration Toolkit for any Space Apps organizers or community members interested in taking projects built at Space Apps to the next level of development. If you, or others in your local community, are interested in supporting projects emerging from Space Apps, check out the Toolkit and get in touch with blake.garcia@spaceappschallenge.org for further information. 37 Supporting Projects After Space Apps
  31. We realize that the success of the International Space Apps

    Challenge is completely dependent on the passion and involvement of local leads like yourself. Thank you so much for your commitment and participation! Thank You! 38
  32. Contact Information Blake Garcia SecondMuse blake.garcia@spaceappschallenge.org Shobhana Gupta NASA Earth

    Science Division Website http://spaceappschallenge.org Twitter @spaceapps 39