Sometimes it's good to be bad. Here are some things that can optimise your JS, but that are usually handled by your compressor of choice. Understand it, but don't necessarily do it.
x = 123 ! x = -‐14 ! x = 0.1541 ! x = NaN ! x = 0x1123 ! x = -‐0xF1A7 ! x = 015 [ digits ][ .digits ][ ( E | e ) [ ( + | -‐ ) ] digits ] ! x = -‐077 ! x = NaN ! x = Number.MAX_VALUE = 1.7976931348623157e+308 ! x = Number.MIN_VALUE = 5e-‐324 ! x = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ! x = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ! x = Number.NaN