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DevTalks 2023

Patrick Koch
January 02, 2024

DevTalks 2023

There are different obstacles, respectively, that you’re facing when starting almost from scratch with the cloud migration of your application. They are related to architectural aspects: what about the structure, what about the components of the microservice, which has to be established in the cloud? Which services of the cloud provider should be used, e.g. Serverless services or a Kubernetes service? They are related to technical issues - probably common mistakes, for example: inappropriate deployment rules of workloads, scheduling problems of Kubernetes pods, wrong or missing policy settings for pulling container images, etc. They can be referred to as financial aspects: what costs can be expected after implementing a minimum viable product or in the future by hosting a productive environment for your customer? How can Infrastructure as Code help? I’ve faced several of those issues and would like to reveal my approaches by explaining real implementations.

Patrick Koch

January 02, 2024


  1. Public AVL List GmbH (Headquarters) Patrick Koch Common Cloud Migration

    Pain Points and how to overcome them based on practical experience
  2. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 4

    Public Today’s Agenda 3 What happened before the cloud? Once upon a time ... and it‘s still 1 The company, the legacy software application 2 Introduction Omg, what do we need to do? Why do we need to migrate to the cloud? Conclusion 5 The pain points Of course, we didn‘t avoid making embarrassing mistakes ;) 4 Q&A 6
  3. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 5

    Public AVL List GmbH Founded 1948 More than 11,000 worldwide 4,000 in Graz (headquarters) 45 affiliates worldwide Export quota of 97% AVL List GmbH (“AVL”) is the world’s largest independent company for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and in other sectors. Drawing on its pioneering spirit, the company provides concepts, solutions and methodologies to shape future mobility trends.”
  4. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 6

    Public Evolved to platform product Container, K8s Automation Framework Web components Started > 25 years ago Python support REST interface 2014 New Generation (unmanaged legacy (C++) and managed (C#) code). Windows® application (component & full integration in internal products) 2018 ~ 8200 files ~ 2,9 Mio LOC Linux components (data, Python) 2022 ... “A legacy system is outdated computing software and/or hardware that is still in use. ” ~ 800 customers ~ 23000 users The application to migrate in the cloud: AVL CONCERTO
  5. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 8

    Public Traditional use case: the engine test bed
  6. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 9

    Public Data processing with AVL CONCERTO
  7. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 11

    Public An evolution happens – why even more automation, and more data? 2021 .. Huge testbed for single unit under test (UUT) 1 Operator per testbed Very high costs Exchanging of unit is labour-intesive One testing unit for multiple UUTs (Battery Cells) 1 Operator for whole lab Costs per UUT are much lower UUT exchange works automated 2021 ..
  8. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 13

    Public Cloud Migration Strategy Pain Point 1
  9. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 14

    Public Cloud Migration Strategy Decide for a strategy before starting the implementation Lift & Shift (Rehost) Whole application is taken and pushed into container not possible / would cause to much costs Refactoring Rebuild
  10. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 15

    Public Pain Point 2 Starting with a too complex implementation
  11. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 16

    Public Lift and shift to container using Azure Kubernetes Service Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/architecture/solution-ideas/articles/migrate-existing-applications-with-aks “Easily migrate existing application to container(s) and run within the Azure managed Kubernetes service (AKS)”
  12. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 17

    Public The goal of the first implementation Azure Container Registry Azure Kubernetes Service Azure Virtual Machine Azure File Share Container 1 2 3 4
  13. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 18

    Public The faults 1. ACR not properly attached with AKS 2. Missing statements in Workload 3. Wrong Firewall Settings
  14. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 19

    Public The faults 1. ACR not properly attached with AKS 2. Missing statements in Workload 3. Wrong Firewall Settings nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/os: windows tolerations: - key: "kubernetes.io/os" operator: "Equal" value: "windows" effect: "NoSchedule" restartPolicy: Never backoffLimit: 4
  15. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 20

    Public The faults 1. ACR not properly attached with AKS 2. Missing statements in Workload 3. Wrong Firewall Settings
  16. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 21

    Public Start lightweight: use e.g. a Serverless Service Azure Container Instance
  17. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 22

    Public Pain Point 3 Manual Provisioning
  18. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 23

    Public Manual Provisioning of the resources e.g.: Creating a Kubernetes Cluster in Azure Can you reproduce your environment after the destruction?
  19. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 24

    Public Use Infrastructure as Code Approach Terraform Configuration File Azure Kubernetes Service
  20. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 25

    Public Pain Point 4 Costs
  21. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 28

    Public Automation – Establish Pipelines Terraform Configurations Azure Azure DevOps Pipeline • Create pipelines for conducting the Terraform commands • Controlled way of provisioning/destroying the resources • Everyone can trigger the pipeline
  22. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 29

    Public Automation – Establish Pipelines • Create pipelines for conducting the Terraform commands • Controlled way of provisioning/destroying the resources • Everyone can trigger the pipeline Video source: Azure Portal
  23. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 30

    Public The result of the first implementation
  24. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 31

    Public Conclusion Decide for a cloud migration strategy first Start lightweight with your first implementation Use an Infrastructure as Code approach Increase your automation
  25. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 33

    Public Picture Sources https://www.genardmethod.com/blog/ your-speechs-introduction-how-to- make-it-powerful https://www.devtalks.ro https://www.avl.com Slide 1 Slide 2 https://www.avl.com Slide 5
  26. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 34

    Public https://pixabay.com/de/photos/geb%C 3%A4ude-kran-baustelle- ger%C3%BCstbau-1804030/ https://pixabay.com/photos/car- citroen-france-vintage-vehicle- 2184905/ Windows: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Windows_ Logo_(1992-2001).svg PCs: https://www.impulse.de/wp- content/uploads/2015/10/gebrauchte- hardware_fotolia620-620x340.jpg Python: https://www.python.org/ Linux: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d /dd/Linux_logo.jpg Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 10 Picture Sources www.avl.com Slide 8 Engine Test Bed: avl.com Battery Cell: https://www.avl.com/en/testing- solutions/e-mobility-testing/battery-testing/avl- battery-cell-ts Slide 11
  27. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 35

    Public Picture Sources https://learn.microsoft.com/de- de/azure/cloud-adoption- framework/migrate/ https://www.pexels.com/photo/man- jumping-on-intermodal-container- 379964/ https://pixabay.com/de/photos/kaktee n-garten-mallorca-2462159/ Slide 12 Slide 14 Slide 16
  28. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 36

    Public Picture Sources AKS Icon: https://learn.microsoft.com/en- us/azure/architecture/icons/ Azure Container Instance Icon: https://learn.microsoft.com/en- us/azure/architecture/icons/ Screenshot: Microsoft - Azure Portal https://portal.azure.com Azure VM Icon: https://learn.microsoft.com/en- us/azure/architecture/icons/ AKS Icon: https://learn.microsoft.com/en- us/azure/architecture/icons/ Azure Share Icon: https://learn.microsoft.com/en- us/azure/architecture/icons/ ACR Icon: https://learn.microsoft.com/en- us/azure/architecture/icons/ Container Icon: https://icons8.de/icons/set/container Screenshot: Microsoft - Azure Portal https://portal.azure.com Slide 17, 18, 19, 20 Slide 21 Slide 24 Screenhots: Microsoft - Azure Portal https://portal.azure.com Slide 23 and Slide 26 Screenhot: https://azure.microsoft.com/en- us/pricing/calculator/ Slide 27
  29. Patrick Koch | | 22 June 2023 | / 37

    Public Picture Sources Terraform Icon: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/tfe/latest Azure DevOps Icon: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/icons/ Azure Icon: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Microsoft_Azure_Logo.svg Slide 28