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Organizing Metrics: Hierarchical or Tagged?

Paul Dix
October 30, 2014

Organizing Metrics: Hierarchical or Tagged?

Talk given at the London DevOps Exchange about how to organize hundreds of thousands of metric time series.

Paul Dix

October 30, 2014


  1. Data [ { "name": "cpu", "columns": ["time", "value", "host"], "points":

    [ [1395168540, 56.7, "foo.influxdb.com"], [1395168540, 43.9, "bar.influxdb.com"] ] } ]
  2. What sensors do I have? CPU Idle, network in bytes,

    memory used, redis key count, etc.
  3. What values do I have on dimension X? hosts, data

    centers, services, applications
  4. {! "Name": "Erorrs",! "Host": "serverA.influxdb.com",! "Data Center": "US West",! "Application":

    "My super rad app"! }! Queryable! What names (sensors) do I have for My super rad app?
  5. Queryable! What names (sensors) do I have at 1h precision?

    {! "Name": "Erorrs",! "Host": "serverA.influxdb.com",! "Data Center": "US West",! "Application": "My super rad app",! "Precision": "1h"! }!
  6. Computation select percentile(90)! from ("Name": "CPU Wait", "Data Center": "US

    West")! group by time(10m)! where time > now() - 6h!
  7. "Data Center" = "US West" ! "Name": 2153 "Host": 256

    "Service": 20 "Precision": 10 "Application": 4
  8. Need to support a large number of tags Both for

    a single data point and over all
  9. This is part of what InfluxDB is working on Feedback

    welcome! http://influxdb.com/community.html @InfluxDB