Ability to learn, reason, solve problems, percieve and understand language • Area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans *AI is frequently used to describe things that haven‘t been done yet
where it claims that its DeepFace face recognition system identifes faces with accuracy of 97.35% • Libratus (by Carnegie Mellon) won against four top players at no-limit Texas hold 'em (2017) • OpenAI defeats top players in Dota 2 tournament (2017) • Alibaba language processing AI outscores top humans at a Stanford University reading and comprehension test, scoring 82.44 against 82.304 on a set of 100,000 questions (2018)
frst large computer algebra system (still in use). • ACL2 - theorem prover, e.g. used by AMD (last release in 2017) • DART - logistics planner. Used during the frst Gulf war by the US military. – This Lisp application alone is said to have paid back for all US investments in AI research at that time. • SPIKE - the planning and scheduling application for the Hubble Space Telescope. Also used by several other large telescopes. • Dendral, CADUCEUS, MYCIN and others...
Programming in Clojure • Logic Programming Paradigm – declaring logic variables – defning constraints on them – having a logic engine fgure out what values of the variables satisfy the constraints
functions and macros to iterate patterns over collections of data – defne methods which specialise on patterns – and various other features – https://github.com/cognesence/matcher • Breadth-frst search mechanism for applying simple STRIPS-style operators – https://github.com/cognesence/ops-search • Convert free text to the set of rules – cognesence importing a library called lkit, WIP
– Integrated with Hadoop and Spark • Wrapper – Declarative, manageable – Good alternative to java interop • https://github.com/hswick/jutsu.ai • https://deeplearning4j.org/clojure
Clojure • Tries to provide the least amount of cognitive overhead for devs • Components – cortex – compute, gpu-compute – cafe, keras • https://github.com/thinktopic/cortex