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Towards Safer Lightweight Concurrency in Scala

Philipp Haller
September 12, 2024

Towards Safer Lightweight Concurrency in Scala

Philipp Haller

September 12, 2024


  1. Towards Safer Lightweight Concurrency in Scala KTH Royal Institute of

    Technology Stockholm, Sweden Philipp Haller Scala Autumn Meetup @ Wolt Stockholm, Sweden, September 12, 2024
  2. Example • Convert a List[Future[Int]] to a Future[List[Int]] which is

    completed once all futures in the original list are completed val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = ???
  3. Example • Convert a List[Future[Int]] to a Future[List[Int]] which is

    completed once all futures in the original list are completed val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future { futures.map { fut => // await completion of `fut` } } fut.onComplete(...) fut.map(...) fut.onComplete(...) fut.map(...)
  4. Example • Convert a List[Future[Int]] to a Future[List[Int]] which is

    completed once all futures in the original list are completed val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future { futures.map { fut => // await completion of `fut` } } Await.result(fut, 100.millis) Blocks the calling thread! Best case: 
 Underlying ExecutionContext supports managed blocking 
 → size of thread pool increases dynamically → performance degradation!
  5. Example • Convert a List[Future[Int]] to a Future[List[Int]] which is

    completed once all futures in the original list are completed val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future { futures.map { fut => // await completion of `fut` } } Await.result(fut, 100.millis) Blocks the calling thread! Worst case: 
 Underlying ExecutionContext does not support managed blocking 
 → fewer threads available in thread pool → possible deadlock!
  6. Example • Can we use scala-async to improve the code?

    • await has the type we need: def await[T](future: Future[T]): T val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future { futures.map { fut => // await completion of `fut` } } await(fut) Invalid! Limitation of scala-async: 
 await cannot be nested under a lambda! (or a local method, object or class) await(fut)
  7. Example • Convert a List[Future[Int]] to a Future[List[Int]] which is

    completed once all futures in the original list are completed val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future { futures.map { fut => // await completion of `fut` } } Await.result(fut, 100.millis) Instead of calling List.map …
  8. Example • Convert a List[Future[Int]] to a Future[List[Int]] which is

    completed once all futures in the original list are completed val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future.sequence(futures) We should be calling Future.sequence! From the ScalaDoc: 
 “Simple version of Future.traverse. Asynchronously and non-blockingly transforms, in essence, a IterableOnce[Future[A]] into a Future[IterableOnce[A]]. Useful for reducing many Futures into a single Future.” Essentially, a specialized method to deal with collections of futures.
  9. Example • What if the list in the resulting Future[List[Int]]

    should only contain numbers less than 500? val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val temp: Future[List[List[Int]]] = Future.sequence(futures.map { fut => fut.map(v => if v < 500 then List(v) else List()) }) val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = temp.map(nested => nested.flatten) Is there a simpler way?? The code uses the methods sequence, map for futures, list methods cannot be reused!
  10. Issues • Breaking out of the Future monad is tricky:

    • Calling Await.result can lead to performance degradation or deadlock • scala-async does not permit calling await nested under a lambda • Result: 
 Instead of using familiar methods on collections, future-specific methods had to be used • Not being able to use collection methods with concurrent code is a problem • Collections provide hundreds of methods… • … duplicate all those methods for concurrent code?!
  11. A better way val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <-

    List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future { futures.flatMap { fut => val v = fut.await if v < 500 then List(v) else List() } } Suspend enclosing future without blocking any underlying OS thread!
  12. Direct comparison val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1,

    10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val temp: Future[List[List[Int]]] = Future.sequence(futures.map { fut => fut.map(v => if v < 500 then List(v) else List()) }) val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = temp.map(nested => nested.flatten)
  13. A better way, using optional braces in Scala 3 val

    futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future: futures.flatMap: fut => val v = fut.await if v < 500 then List(v) else List()
  14. Benefits val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10))

    yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future: futures.flatMap: fut => val v = fut.await if v < 500 then List(v) else List() Benefits: • Can simply use List.flatMap, no need for Future.sequence and Future.map • No need for intermediate nested list • Effect safety using capabilities (experimental)
  15. How is this possible? • Gears — an experimental concurrency

    library for Scala 3 • Key features: • Lightweight concurrency • This means: • Concurrent tasks are cheap (memory and context switching) • Concurrent tasks can always suspend without blocking any underlying OS thread • On the JVM: based on virtual threads in JDK 21 (see JEP 444) • On Scala Native: based on delimited continuations • Scala.js not supported • Effects as capabilities • Effect polymorphism enables reusing higher-order functions (like List.map) • In the future: ensuring effect safety using capture checking (experimental)
  16. Effects as capabilities • Concurrent programming is effectful! • Starting

    a concurrent task/computation is an effect, requiring resources such as a thread pool • In fact, this effect has been specified in Scala 2 using an implicit parameter: 
 (implicit executor: ExecutionContext) • Suspending a computation in order to wait for the result of a future is an effect • Message passing (send/receive) is an effect • Etc.
  17. Effects in Gears • Concurrency effects expressed as context parameters

    • “Implicit parameters” in Scala 2 parlance • Later: as true capabilities using capture checking trait Future[+T] extends ..., Cancellable: ... def awaitResult(using ac: Async): Try[T] object Future: ... def apply[T](body: Spawn ?=> T) (using async: Async, spawnable: Spawn & async.type): Future[T] ?=> introduces a context function where Spawn is a context parameter awaitResult can only be called in a context where a given of type Async is in scope
  18. Gears: Example • Code in blue: using Gears • Comments

    in green: 
 inferred by type checker @main def main() = Async.blocking { // (using Spawn) => val futures: List[Future[Int]] = for (i <- List.range(1, 10)) yield Future { i * 101 } val wanted: Future[List[Int]] = Future { // (using Spawn) => futures.map(fut => fut.await) } println(wanted.await) } Spawn is like Async (permitting suspension) but adds the capability to spawn concurrent computations Executes body on current thread which suspends upon await Remarks: • Async.blocking is the only way to obtain a Spawn capability • Therefore, every Gears app needs at least one call to Async.blocking!
  19. Effect polymorphism • Suppose a function fun: Int => Int

    has an effect E • The effect E could be to (potentially) perform I/O or throw an exception • What should be the effect of the following call to map? • The effect of lst.map(fun) is equal to the effect of fun! • This means List.map is polymorphic in the effect of its argument val lst = List.range(1, 10) lst.map(fun) Lukas Rytz, Martin Odersky, Philipp Haller: Lightweight Polymorphic Effects. ECOOP 2012: 258-282 
  20. Capabilities and effect polymorphism • The function type T ->

    S represents pure functions which are effect-free (experimental) • The function type T => S represents effectful functions • Higher-order functions are effect-polymorphic by default • Example: the existing type definition of List.map expresses effect polymorphism: • Therefore, it is possible to pass a closure with Async effect to List.map, and the resulting call to map will have Async effect: abstract class List[+A] extends ...: def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] futures.map(fut => fut.await)
  21. Capabilities and capture checking • Capture checking: an experimental language

    feature for checking and ensuring effect safety • In the context of Gears: • Enforce scoping rules for Async/Spawn contexts • Functions taking an Async capability should not capture the capability such that its lifetime exceeds that of the function’s body • Tutorial on capture checking: • See https://docs.scala-lang.org/scala3/reference/experimental/cc.html • Research paper with more details and theoretical foundations: Aleksander Boruch-Gruszecki, Martin Odersky, Edward Lee, Ondrej Lhoták, Jonathan Immanuel Brachthäuser: Capturing Types. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 45(4): 21:1-21:52 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1145/3618003
  22. What we are working on • Ensuring data-race freedom in

    Scala • Supporting different concurrency models (actors, X10 async/finish, …) • Ownership and ownership transfer in Scala • Other topics: • Concurrent programming, e.g., deterministic concurrency • Distributed programming • Provable failure transparency (Portals: https://www.portals-project.org/) Haller and Loiko. LaCasa: Lightweight af fi nity and object capabilities in Scala. OOPSLA 2016
 https://doi.org/10.1145/2983990.2984042 Willenbrink. A Type System for Ensuring Safe, Structured Concurrency in Scala. MSc thesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2024. To appear Haller. Enhancing closures in Scala 3 with Spores3. Scala Symposium 2022: 22-27 https://doi.org/10.1145/3550198.3550428
  23. Conclusion • Scala 3 and capture checking provide a new

    approach to effects and effect polymorphism • Gears is an experimental concurrency library which builds on • new runtime support for lightweight threads (virtual threads on JDK 21) • Scala 3 contextual abstractions (context parameters, context functions) • Capture checking (experimental) holds great promise to make effect-polymorphic lightweight concurrency safer • Ensure scoping rules for capabilities (Async, Spawn, etc.) • Ongoing research explores data-race freedom