• guarantees exactly-once processing, adds data parallelism, and • removes fully-dynamic communication topologies: workflows cannot create workflows. • Compared to previous models for stateful serverless (Durable Functions, …), Portals: • supports communication cycles, • adds dataflow composition, and • introduces serializable state updates (not shown) The Actor Model 39 Jonas Spenger, Paris Carbone, Philipp Haller: Portals: An Extension of Dataflow Streaming for Stateful Serverless. Onward! 2022: 153-171 https://doi.org/10.1145/3563835.3567664 • Actors1 are independent concurrent processes that communicate by asynchronous message passing • In response to a message, an actor can: • send messages to other actors; • change its behavior/state; • create new actors. Portals: (workflows) For details, see: 1 Gul Agha: Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming. Commun. ACM 33(9): 125-141 (1990)