testing (DUT) ◦ Log in mail accounts ◦ Messenger: Line, Whatsapp or Facebook messenger ◦ Many SMS/ MMS messages ◦ Many photos in ablum ◦ Enable lockscreen ◦ …...
2 ◦ iPad with Retina: iPad 3 or iPad 4 ◦ iPad with split function: iPad air 2, iPad pro ◦ iPhone ◦ Device with 3D touch function ▪ Android: ◦ Tablet /Phone ◦ Device with Pen and Keyboard ◦ Different devices test on Cloud: (250 mins free) ▪ AWS Test: https://aws.amazon.com/tw/device-farm/
call ▪ Alarm ▪ Voice assistant (e.g., Siri) ▪ Album ▪ Camera ◦ Device: ▪ Power off/ Resume device ▪ Support split screen function ▪ Support 3D touch function
Keep using over X hours • Keep relaunching X times • Criteria: MTBF (Reference: link) • Monkey test ◦ Monkey script for Android: https://developer.android.com/studio/test/monkey.html ◦ Monkey script for iOS: https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=ios+monkey