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Gemcutter: The next step in gem hosting

Gemcutter: The next step in gem hosting

Not satisfied by RubyGem hosts? Say hello to Gemcutter and prepare for awesome gem hosting. Learn about this open source effort to improve gem hosting and watch a live demo of the site.

Given at RubyConf 2010.

Nick Quaranto

January 12, 2012

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  1. Now, this is a story all about how My gem

    host got flipped-turned upside down
  2. 5th year SE & CS major at RIT bills fan

    rubyist at heroku @qrush litanyagainstfear.com
  3. require File.join('vendor', 'bundler_gems', 'environment') require File.join('config', 'environment') use Rack::Static, :urls

    => ["/index.html", "/favicon.ico", "/images", "/stylesheets"], :root => "public/maintenance" use Hostess use Rack::Maintenance, :file => File.join('public', 'maintenance', 'index.html') run Sinatra::Application
  4. Feature: Push Gems In order to share code with the

    world A rubygem developer Should be able to push gems up to Gemcutter Scenario: User pushes new gem Given I am signed up and confirmed as "email@person.com/password" And I have a gem "RGem" with version "1.2.3" And I have an api key for "email@person.com/password" When I push the gem "RGem-1.2.3.gem" with my api key And I visit the gem page for "RGem" Then I should see "RGem" And I should see "1.2.3"
  5. linking to outside resources Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "jekyll"

    s.links[:code] = "http://github.com/qrush/jekyll" s.links[:docs] = "http://rdoc.info/projects/qrush/jekyll" end