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Yosuke Kurami
May 27, 2016


Yosuke Kurami

May 27, 2016


  1. SPA

  2. 1. Thin endpoint Ƀ Ȑ { “id”: “123”, “title”: “graph

    API”, “author”: “/api/v1/users/u0001” } ɂ Ʌ Get /api/v1/articles/123 Get /api/v1/users/u0001 { “id”: “u0001”, “name”: “quramy” }
  3. 2. Fat endpoint Ƀ Ȑ { “id”: “123”, “title”: “graph

    API”, “author”: { “id”: “u0001”, “name”: “quramy” } } ɂ Ʌ Get /api/v1/articles/123
  4. Ideal endpoint Ƀ Ȑ { “id”: “123”, “title”: “graph api”,

    “author”: { “id”: “u0001”, “name”: “quramy” } } ɂ Ʌ { “where”: “/article?id=123”, “properties”: [ “id”, “title”, “author”: { “properties”: [“id”, “name”] }] }
  5. There are 2 major libraries GraphQL powered by Facebook http://graphql.org/

    Falcor powered by Netflix http://netflix.github.io/falcor/
  6. GraphQL: GraphQL is a query language import assert from "assert";

    import { parse } from "graphql/language"; import { execute } from "graphql/execution"; import { schema } from "./schema"; execute(schema, parse(` { article(id :"123") { id, title, author { id, name } } } `)).then(response => { assert.deepEqual(response.data, { article: { id: "123", title: "graph api", author: { id: "u0001", name: "quramy" } } }); });
  7. GraphQL: pros/cons • Pros: • JavaScriptҎ֎Ͱ΋৭ʑͳݴޠ(Java, golang, Ruby, etc…)Ͱར༻Մೳͳlibrary ͕͋Δɻ

    • GraphiQl౳΍Chrome Extension౳ɺ։ൃิॿπʔϧ͸๛෋ɻ • Cons: • शಘίετ͕ߴ͍. SchemaΛख૊ΈͰ૊ΉͱࢮͶͦ͏. • Relay(React.js + GraphQLͷϑϨʔϜϫʔΫ)͸ߴػೳͰ͋ΔҰํɺGraphQL ࣗମͷRIͰ͋ΔGraphQL.js͸ը໘͔Β࢖͏͜ͱΛߟ͑Δͱ૬౰γϣϘ͍ɻ൒ ڧ੍తʹReact.jsʹϩοΫΠϯ͞Εͦ͏ɻ
  8. Falcor: Access as the JSON way import { Model }

    from "falcor"; import { dataSource } from "./dataSource"; import assert from "assert"; new Model({ source: dataSource, }).get( "article['123']['id', 'title']", "article['123'].author['id', 'name']" ).subscribe(response => { assert.deepEqual(response.json, { article: { "123": { id: "123", title: "graph api", author: { id: "u0001", name: "quramy" } } } }); });
  9. Falcor: pros/cons • Pros: • ࢓૊Έ͕୯७Ͱ͋Γɺशಘ͕༰қɻ • ७ਮͳData Fetching Library

    Ͱ͋ΔͨΊɺClient-Side MVC͕ϩοΫΠϯ͞Ε ͳ͍ɻAngularͩΖ͏ͱVue.jsͩΖ͏ͱԿͰ΋૊Έ߹ΘͤΒΕΔɻ • falcor.jsʹCaching, Batching, onChange౳, ͋Δͱخ͍͠ػೳ͸Ұ௨Γἧͬͯ ͍Δ • Cons: • Server-Side࣮૷͸جຊతʹNode.jsҰ୒(ҰԠC#࣮૷΋͋ΔΒ͍͚͠Ͳ…) • ࣮ߦ͠ͳ͍ͱJSON Graphͷܕ৘ใΛऔಘग़དྷͳ͍
  10. GraphQL v.s. Falcor • GraphQLʹ͸ݫີͳSchemaఆ͕ٛଘࡏ͢ΔҰํ, Falcorʹ͓͚ ΔJSON Graphߏ଄͸҉໧஌(ͦͷ෼, ֶश΍࣮૷ίετ͸௿Ί) •

    Server-SideͱClient-Sideͷ࣮૷νʔϜ͕෼཭͞Ε͍ͯΔ৔߹͸ GraphQLબΜͩํ͕ྑ͍͸ͣɻ • ٯʹ, Front-End νʔϜ͕Endpointͷ࣮૷·Ͱग़དྷΔͷͰ͋Ε ͹, FalcorͰඞཁॆ෼ͳέʔε͕ଟͦ͏ɻ

  11. Graph API • طଘͷREST endpointΛϥοϓ͢Δ༻్ͷ৔߹ɺͦΕ΄ͲϝϦοτ͸ແ ͍ɻ
 ಛʹViewʹಛԽͨ͠EndpointઃܭΛ͍ͯ͠ΔέʔεͰ͸Ұ౓Graphͷܗࣜ ʹਖ਼نԽ͢Δख͕͔͔ؒΔ͚͔ͩ΋ɻ • MicroServicesͷจ຺ʹ͓͍ͯ,

    ෳ਺ͷDown Stream ServiceΛଋͶΔ໨త ʹ͸ڧ͍(API Gateway, Backend-For-Fronend ౳) • ʮMonolithic ͳServiceΛෳ਺෼ׂ͢Δ࣌ʹFront͕ઌߦͯ͠ಋೖ͢Δʯͷ Α͏ͳಋೖ͸ݱ࣮త͔