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Tuck and Lolo Sequence 1
March 16, 2022
Tuck and Lolo Sequence 1
March 16, 2022
More Decks by riley.holmquist
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Scene 1_B Duration 04:16 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_B Duration 04:16 Panel 4 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 4/321
Scene 1_B Duration 04:16 Panel 5 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_B Duration 04:16 Panel 6 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 6/321
Scene 1_B Duration 04:16 Panel 7 Duration 00:12 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 7/321
Scene 1_B_1_0 Duration 01:17 Panel 1 Duration 00:11 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 8/321
Scene 1_B_1_0 Duration 01:17 Panel 2 Duration 00:07 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 9/321
Scene 1_B_1_0 Duration 01:17 Panel 3 Duration 00:09 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 10/321
Scene 1_B_1_0 Duration 01:17 Panel 4 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 11/321
Scene 1_B_1 Duration 01:18 Panel 1 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 13/321
Scene 1_B_1 Duration 01:18 Panel 2 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 14/321
Scene 1_B_1 Duration 01:18 Panel 3 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 15/321
Scene 1_B_1 Duration 01:18 Panel 4 Duration 00:02 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 16/321
Scene 1_B_1 Duration 01:18 Panel 5 Duration 00:12 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 17/321
Scene 1_B_1 Duration 01:18 Panel 6 Duration 00:12 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 18/321
Scene 1_C Duration 01:13 Panel 1 Duration 00:09 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_C Duration 01:13 Panel 2 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_C Duration 01:13 Panel 3 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 21/321
Scene 1_C Duration 01:13 Panel 4 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_C Duration 01:13 Panel 5 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_C Duration 01:13 Panel 6 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_C Duration 01:13 Panel 7 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_C Duration 01:13 Panel 8 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_D Duration 01:15 Panel 1 Duration 00:03 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_D Duration 01:15 Panel 2 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_D Duration 01:15 Panel 3 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_D Duration 01:15 Panel 4 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_D Duration 01:15 Panel 5 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_D Duration 01:15 Panel 6 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_D Duration 01:15 Panel 7 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_E Duration 01:11 Panel 1 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_E Duration 01:11 Panel 2 Duration 00:05 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_E Duration 01:11 Panel 3 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_E Duration 01:11 Panel 4 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_E Duration 01:11 Panel 5 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 38/321
Scene 1_E Duration 01:11 Panel 6 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_E Duration 01:11 Panel 7 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
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Scene 1_E_1 Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
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Scene 2_A Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 42/321
Scene 2_A Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 43/321
Scene 2_A Duration 03:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 44/321
Scene 2_A_0 Duration 02:20 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 45/321
Scene 2_A_0 Duration 02:20 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 46/321
Scene 2_A_0 Duration 02:20 Panel 3 Duration 00:12 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 47/321
Scene 2_A_0 Duration 02:20 Panel 4 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 48/321
Scene 2_A_1 Duration 01:15 Panel 1 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 49/321
Scene 2_A_1 Duration 01:15 Panel 2 Duration 01:09 Dialog LOLO
What were you doing on my ship. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 50/321
Scene 2_A_2 Duration 01:05 Panel 1 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 51/321
Scene 2_A_2 Duration 01:05 Panel 2 Duration 00:15 Dialog TUCK
Ahhh! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 52/321
Scene 2_A_2 Duration 01:05 Panel 3 Duration 00:05 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 53/321
Scene 2_A_2 Duration 01:05 Panel 4 Duration 00:05 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 54/321
Scene 2_A_3 Duration 04:08 Panel 1 Duration 00:05 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 55/321
Scene 2_A_3 Duration 04:08 Panel 2 Duration 00:05 TL Pilot
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Scene 2_A_3 Duration 04:08 Panel 3 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 57/321
Scene 2_A_3 Duration 04:08 Panel 4 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 58/321
Scene 2_A_3 Duration 04:08 Panel 5 Duration 01:16 Dialog LOLO
You were trying to kill me weren't you! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 59/321
Scene 2_A_3 Duration 04:08 Panel 6 Duration 01:14 Dialog LOLO
Did they put you up to this! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 60/321
Scene 2_A_4 Duration 03:18 Panel 1 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 61/321
Scene 2_A_4 Duration 03:18 Panel 2 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 62/321
Scene 2_A_4 Duration 03:18 Panel 3 Duration 03:02 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 63/321
Scene 2_A_5 Duration 03:23 Panel 1 Duration 00:09 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 64/321
Scene 2_A_5 Duration 03:23 Panel 2 Duration 01:22 Dialog LOLO
Oh so hes not an assassin hes a moron TL Pilot Storyboards Page 65/321
Scene 2_A_5 Duration 03:23 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog LOLO
Oh so hes not an assassin hes a moron TL Pilot Storyboards Page 66/321
Scene 2_A_5 Duration 03:23 Panel 4 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 67/321
Scene 2_A_5 Duration 03:23 Panel 5 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 68/321
Scene 3_A_0 Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 69/321
Scene 3_A_0 Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 70/321
Scene 3_A_0 Duration 02:00 Panel 3 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 71/321
Scene 3_A_0 Duration 02:00 Panel 4 Duration 00:17 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 72/321
Scene 3_A_0 Duration 02:00 Panel 5 Duration 00:07 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 73/321
Scene 7_A Duration 04:13 Panel 1 Duration 00:05 Dialog TUCK
(STERNLY) (CONT'D) Where did you take me? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 74/321
Scene 7_A Duration 04:13 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 Dialog TUCK
(STERNLY) (CONT'D) Where did you take me? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 75/321
Scene 7_A Duration 04:13 Panel 3 Duration 00:16 Dialog TUCK
(STERNLY) (CONT'D) Where did you take me? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 76/321
Scene 7_A Duration 04:13 Panel 4 Duration 01:09 Dialog TUCK
(STERNLY) (CONT'D) Where did you take me? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 77/321
Scene 7_A Duration 04:13 Panel 5 Duration 00:19 Dialog TUCK
(STERNLY) (CONT'D) Wait. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 78/321
Scene 7_A Duration 04:13 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog TUCK
(STERNLY) (CONT'D) Are we on the mothership? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 79/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 1 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 80/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 2 Duration 01:09 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 81/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 82/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 4 Duration 01:15 Dialog LOLO
Hold on a second. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 83/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 5 Duration 01:05 Dialog LOLO
You think I TL Pilot Storyboards Page 84/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog LOLO
Abducted you? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 85/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 86/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 8 Duration 00:04 Dialog LOLO
Oh, that’s just too much. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 87/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 9 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 88/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 10 Duration 01:22 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 89/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 11 Duration 02:12 Dialog LOLO
Silly little human thinks I’m gonna eat his brain TL Pilot Storyboards Page 90/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 12 Duration 01:15 Dialog LOLO
and put eggs in his stomach! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 91/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 13 Duration 00:13 Dialog LOLO
No No No TL Pilot Storyboards Page 92/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 14 Duration 00:18 Dialog LOLO
No No No! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 93/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 Dialog LOLO
I didnt take you anywhere TL Pilot Storyboards Page 94/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 16 Duration 01:15 Dialog LOLO
Were both stuck in Ka'Langia TL Pilot Storyboards Page 95/321
Scene 9_A Duration 19:14 Panel 17 Duration 01:16 Dialog LOLO
Because you decided to mess with my ship TL Pilot Storyboards Page 96/321
Scene 10_A Duration 02:03 Panel 1 Duration 00:13 Dialog TUCK
(defensively) I didn't mess with anything! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 97/321
Scene 10_A Duration 02:03 Panel 2 Duration 01:14 Dialog TUCK
(defensively) I didn't mess with anything! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 98/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 1 Duration 00:07 Dialog LOLO
Kalangians man, TL Pilot Storyboards Page 99/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 2 Duration 01:13 Dialog LOLO
Kalangians man, TL Pilot Storyboards Page 100/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 3 Duration 01:14 Dialog LOLO
They cant be reasoned with TL Pilot Storyboards Page 101/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 4 Duration 00:08 Dialog LOLO
Plus they got these freaky little whiskers, they creep me out. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 102/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 5 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 103/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 6 Duration 00:08 Dialog LOLO
Plus they got these freaky little whiskers, they creep me out. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 104/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 7 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 105/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 8 Duration 00:08 Dialog LOLO
Plus they got these freaky little whiskers, they creep me out. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 106/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 9 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 107/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 10 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 108/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 11 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 109/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 12 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 110/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 13 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 111/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 14 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 112/321
Scene 10_A_0 Duration 07:18 Panel 15 Duration 01:04 Dialog LOLO
They creep me out TL Pilot Storyboards Page 113/321
Scene 10_A_1 Duration 03:20 Panel 1 Duration 00:14 Dialog TUCK
(defensively) I didn't mess with anything! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 114/321
Scene 10_A_1 Duration 03:20 Panel 2 Duration 01:18 Dialog TUCK
(defensively) Look im not trying to cause any trouble. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 115/321
Scene 10_A_1 Duration 03:20 Panel 3 Duration 01:12 Dialog TUCK
(defensively) Can you just take me home. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 116/321
Scene 10_A_1_A Duration 01:13 Panel 1 Duration 00:09 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 117/321
Scene 10_A_1_A Duration 01:13 Panel 2 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 118/321
Scene 10_A_1_A Duration 01:13 Panel 3 Duration 00:10 Dialog LOLO
Listen buddy TL Pilot Storyboards Page 119/321
Scene 10_A_1_A Duration 01:13 Panel 4 Duration 00:10 Dialog LOLO
Listen buddy TL Pilot Storyboards Page 120/321
Scene 11_A Duration 06:13 Panel 1 Duration 00:10 Dialog LOLO
First of all TL Pilot Storyboards Page 121/321
Scene 11_A Duration 06:13 Panel 2 Duration 00:07 Dialog LOLO
Listen buddy first of all I’m not helping a human. Second if you haven’t noticed were in a Prison so you’re stuck here. Where did you say your from again TL Pilot Storyboards Page 122/321
Scene 11_A Duration 06:13 Panel 3 Duration 00:09 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 123/321
Scene 11_A Duration 06:13 Panel 4 Duration 01:19 Dialog LOLO
I dont work with humans TL Pilot Storyboards Page 124/321
Scene 11_A Duration 06:13 Panel 5 Duration 00:12 Dialog LOLO
I dont work with humans TL Pilot Storyboards Page 125/321
Scene 11_A Duration 06:13 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog LOLO
Second of all TL Pilot Storyboards Page 126/321
Scene 11_A Duration 06:13 Panel 7 Duration 01:09 Dialog LOLO
If you havent noticed TL Pilot Storyboards Page 127/321
Scene 11_A Duration 06:13 Panel 8 Duration 00:19 Dialog LOLO
were in a prison TL Pilot Storyboards Page 128/321
Scene 11_A_1_0 Duration 03:01 Panel 1 Duration 00:12 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 129/321
Scene 11_A_1_0 Duration 03:01 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 130/321
Scene 11_A_1_0 Duration 03:01 Panel 3 Duration 01:13 Dialog LOLO
So youre stuck here. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 131/321
Scene 11_A_1 Duration 02:07 Panel 1 Duration 00:19 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 132/321
Scene 11_A_1 Duration 02:07 Panel 2 Duration 00:16 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 133/321
Scene 11_A_1 Duration 02:07 Panel 3 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 134/321
Scene 11_A_1 Duration 02:07 Panel 4 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 135/321
Scene 11_A_1_A Duration 05:12 Panel 1 Duration 01:21 Dialog LOLO
But good luck finding a way home! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 136/321
Scene 11_A_1_A Duration 05:12 Panel 2 Duration 02:08 Dialog LOLO
I know some real garbage people from Earth. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 137/321
Scene 11_A_1_A Duration 05:12 Panel 3 Duration 01:07 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 138/321
Scene 14_A Duration 01:13 Panel 1 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 139/321
Scene 14_A Duration 01:13 Panel 2 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 140/321
Scene 14_A Duration 01:13 Panel 3 Duration 00:17 Dialog TUCK
* Earth? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 141/321
Scene 14_B Duration 03:08 Panel 1 Duration 00:12 Dialog TUCK
Im not from Earth. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 142/321
Scene 14_B Duration 03:08 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 143/321
Scene 14_B Duration 03:08 Panel 3 Duration 00:11 Dialog TUCK
Im from Mars. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 144/321
Scene 14_B Duration 03:08 Panel 4 Duration 00:05 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 145/321
Scene 14_B Duration 03:08 Panel 5 Duration 00:16 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 146/321
Scene 14_B Duration 03:08 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 147/321
Scene 13_A Duration 04:17 Panel 1 Duration 00:09 Dialog LOLO
Mars is not your home! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 148/321
Scene 13_A Duration 04:17 Panel 2 Duration 00:10 Dialog LOLO
Mars is not your home! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 149/321
Scene 13_A Duration 04:17 Panel 3 Duration 00:10 Dialog LOLO
Mars is not your home! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 150/321
Scene 13_A Duration 04:17 Panel 4 Duration 01:12 Dialog LOLO
Mars is not your home! TL Pilot Storyboards Page 151/321
Scene 13_A Duration 04:17 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 152/321
Scene 13_A Duration 04:17 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog TUCK
* (confused) Ummmm? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 153/321
Scene 14_A_0 Duration 03:04 Panel 1 Duration 00:12 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 154/321
Scene 14_A_0 Duration 03:04 Panel 2 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 155/321
Scene 14_A_0 Duration 03:04 Panel 3 Duration 00:12 Dialog TUCK
* Yes it is that's where I was born. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 156/321
Scene 14_A_0 Duration 03:04 Panel 4 Duration 00:12 Dialog TUCK
* Wait, where is the ship? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 157/321
Scene 14_A_0 Duration 03:04 Panel 5 Duration 01:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 158/321
Scene 15_A Duration 04:02 Panel 1 Duration 00:20 Dialog LOLO
Just leave me alone so I can get out of here and find my egg.bb TL Pilot Storyboards Page 159/321
Scene 15_A Duration 04:02 Panel 2 Duration 01:12 Dialog LOLO
Just leave me alone so I can get out of here and find my egg.bb TL Pilot Storyboards Page 160/321
Scene 15_A Duration 04:02 Panel 3 Duration 01:18 Dialog LOLO
Just leave me alone so I can get out of here and find my egg. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 161/321
Scene 18_A Duration 00:20 Panel 1 Duration 00:20 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 162/321
Scene 16_A Duration 03:22 Panel 1 Duration 00:14 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 163/321
Scene 16_A Duration 03:22 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog TUCK
Wait I've seen you before? TL Pilot Storyboards Page 164/321
Scene 16_A Duration 03:22 Panel 3 Duration 00:14 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 165/321
Scene 16_A Duration 03:22 Panel 4 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 166/321
Scene 16_A Duration 03:22 Panel 5 Duration 00:22 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 167/321
Scene 16_A Duration 03:22 Panel 6 Duration 00:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 168/321
Scene 16_A Duration 03:22 Panel 7 Duration 00:04 TL Pilot
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Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 1 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 170/321
Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 2 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 171/321
Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 3 Duration 00:14 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 172/321
Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 4 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 173/321
Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 5 Duration 00:14 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 174/321
Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 6 Duration 00:08 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 175/321
Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 7 Duration 00:14 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 176/321
Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 8 Duration 00:16 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 177/321
Scene 17_A Duration 05:21 Panel 9 Duration 02:01 TL Pilot
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Scene 19_A Duration 02:12 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog TUCK
You need to calm down little guy. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 179/321
Scene 19_A Duration 02:12 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 Dialog TUCK
You need to calm down little guy. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 180/321
Scene 19_A Duration 02:12 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Dialog TUCK
You need to calm down little guy. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 181/321
Scene 18_A_1 Duration 01:19 Panel 1 Duration 00:18 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 182/321
Scene 18_A_1 Duration 01:19 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 183/321
Scene 18_A_1 Duration 01:19 Panel 3 Duration 00:13 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 184/321
Scene 19_A_0 Duration 04:05 Panel 1 Duration 00:15 Dialog TUCK
You need to calm down little guy. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 185/321
Scene 19_A_0 Duration 04:05 Panel 2 Duration 00:12 Dialog TUCK
You need to calm down little guy. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 186/321
Scene 19_A_0 Duration 04:05 Panel 3 Duration 01:10 Dialog TUCK
You need to calm down little guy. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 187/321
Scene 19_A_0 Duration 04:05 Panel 4 Duration 01:16 Dialog TUCK
You need to calm down little guy. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 188/321
Scene 19_A_1 Duration 04:09 Panel 1 Duration 00:14 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 189/321
Scene 19_A_1 Duration 04:09 Panel 2 Duration 02:06 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 190/321
Scene 19_A_1 Duration 04:09 Panel 3 Duration 00:13 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 191/321
Scene 19_A_1 Duration 04:09 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 192/321
Scene 16_A_1 Duration 06:17 Panel 1 Duration 01:03 Dialog TUCK
Come on we can help each-other. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 193/321
Scene 16_A_1 Duration 06:17 Panel 2 Duration 00:05 Dialog TUCK
Come on we can help each-other. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 194/321
Scene 16_A_1 Duration 06:17 Panel 3 Duration 00:08 Dialog TUCK
Come on we can help each-other. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 195/321
Scene 16_A_1 Duration 06:17 Panel 4 Duration 01:23 Dialog TUCK
Wait this is perfect. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 196/321
Scene 16_A_1 Duration 06:17 Panel 5 Duration 01:13 Dialog TUCK
You can help me get back to Mars. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 197/321
Scene 16_A_1 Duration 06:17 Panel 6 Duration 01:13 Dialog TUCK
And I can help you find your egg. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 198/321
Scene 20_A Duration 07:00 Panel 1 Duration 00:13 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 199/321
Scene 20_A Duration 07:00 Panel 2 Duration 02:09 Dialog LOLO
There's nothing for me on Mars. TL Pilot Storyboards Page 200/321
Scene 20_A Duration 07:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 201/321
Scene 20_A Duration 07:00 Panel 4 Duration 00:16 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 202/321
Scene 20_A Duration 07:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 203/321
Scene 20_A Duration 07:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 204/321
Scene 20_A Duration 07:00 Panel 7 Duration 00:10 TL Pilot
Storyboards Page 205/321
Scene 21_A Duration 03:22 Panel 1 Duration 00:20 Dialog LOLO
You think you're these great amazing beings who came to our planet TL Pilot Storyboards Page 206/321
Scene 21_A Duration 03:22 Panel 2 Duration 03:02 Dialog LOLO
You think you're these great amazing beings who came to our planet TL Pilot Storyboards Page 207/321
Scene 22_A Duration 01:21 Panel 1 Duration 01:21 Dialog LOLO
to bring us running water and Piteza, TL Pilot Storyboards Page 208/321