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Building the New Internet

Ryan Shea
September 10, 2016

Building the New Internet

Computer scientist Muneeb Ali cofounded the open-source software startup Blockstack Labs with a vision for a different kind of Internet. “The first big problem with the Internet,” he says, “is that we blindly trust companies we don’t know. The second big problem—we don’t own our data.” Ali discusses how a new web, based on technology called the blockchain, takes away power from these companies and instead puts it where it belongs, with the people. “The new Internet has a concept of ownership. You can have your own username, your own storage space. And once that happens, communication can be between two individuals and there is no company in the middle,” he says. While the old Internet made us blindly trust these middlemen, the new Internet fixes that.

Ryan Shea

September 10, 2016
