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State of Salesforce Apps Market in 2024

June 24, 2024

State of Salesforce Apps Market in 2024

State of Salesforce Apps Market in 2024 Key Stats and Numbers
Link to the full report: https://www.sfapps.info/salesforce-apps-stats-2024/


June 24, 2024


  1. State of Salesforce Apps Market in 2024 Key Stats and

    Numbers 5141 Salesforce Apps 3122 App Developers 75161 App Reviews
  2. Number of Salesforce Apps by Main Categories (Business Needs) App

    Categories # of Apps % of Apps Sales 1205 23.44% Productivity 833 16.20% IT & Administration 582 11.32% Analytics 490 9.53% Marketing 415 8.07% Customer Service 367 7.14% Finance 328 6.38% Industry 327 6.36% Commerce 307 5.97% Collaboration 160 3.11% ERP 127 2.47%
  3. Top 15 App Developers by the Number of Salesforce Apps

    Released Top Developers Salesforce Labs 492 9.57% Commer. LLC 39 0.76% IBM 25 0.49% Salesforce 20 0.39% SalAstrea 49 0.95% IT Services Pvt Ltd Sesforce Labs OSF Digital (Connect Technology and Strategy to Accelerate Business Value) 18 0.35% BoonPlus 16 0.31% Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd. 15 0.29% Satrang Tech. 14 0.27% CRM. Team 13 0.25% Adv. Communi ties 12 0.23% 0.23% Cloud Maven, Inc 12 0.23% Conga 11 0.21% Zenkraft, a Bringg Solution 10 0.19% Certinia 10 0.19%
  4. Breakdowns by AppExchange App Ratings and Reviews User Feedback 0

    10 1 50 r e v i e w s 100 500 1000+ 0 reviews: 2,457 apps 1-9 reviews: 1 710 apps 10-49 reviews: 701 apps 50-99 reviews: 136 apps 100-499 reviews: 118 apps 500-999 reviews: 14 apps 1000+ reviews: 5 apps
  5. Top 5 Salesforce Apps with over 1k Reviews Star Ratings

    Distribution Docusign eSignature for Salesforce: The trusted eSignature solution 4.55 4 639 Adobe Acrobat Sign eSignatures for Salesforce 4.86 3 198 Cirrus Insight for Gmail 4.7 2 092 360 SMS App for Salesforce - Send SMS | WhatsApp from Salesforce 4.89 1 145 SMS-Magic & Conversive | Conversational Messaging 4.82 1 021
  6. Breakdown of Salesforce Apps by Ratings Salesforce Apps with and

    without Reviews 5 1966 73.25% 4 398 14.83% 3 204 7.6% 2 59 2.2% 1 57 2.12% 52.21% with review 47.79% without review
  7. All stats are based on the number of AppExchange apps

    available in Business Need and Industry categories in May 2024. Discover more interesting facts on AppExchange apps and Salesforce ecosystem on our website!