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AngularJS training in Luster

AngularJS training in Luster

2014 達暉資訊教育訓練課程 - AngularJS

想要開發複雜的互動網頁,卻被拉哩拉咂的 JS 和 HTML 搞得暈頭轉向?


想猶如造物主般的自己創造自己的 HTML 標籤?

來試試 AngularJS 吧 ~
*MVVM 讓你的 Code 清爽又乾淨。
*2-way Data Binding 保證你藥到病除。
*Directive 讓你擴展 HTML,享受自在的樂趣。

AngularJS 是一個極其優美的前端架構,使用它,讓你的開發路更有趣,更有成就感~


March 08, 2014

More Decks by shiningjason1989

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Observer About MVC View UI, Represents current model state Controller

    Make decision for the View Model Domain-specific data User Input Modify Display Output Notify Handle event
  2. About MVVM View User Interface View Model State and Operations

    Data bindings and Commands Send notifications Update Model Domain-specific data Send notifications
  3. What’s the problem in JS & jQuery?(多選) 1. 當需求增加,程式碼可能重複 2.

    難以得知某個 HTML element 的所有⾏行為 3. 輸入了 “Hello, ...”,無法同時顯⽰示在不同的 <DIV> 上 4. 改變了某個 HTML element 的 id 或 class,可能照成無法 預期的錯誤 5. 使⽤用 jQuery 的 selector 很難 debug
  4. Can not <div id=“output”> $(“#input”).keyup(function () { $(“#output”).html(…); }); <input

    id=“input”> <div id=“output1”> $(“#input1”).keyup(function () { $(“#output1”).html(…); }); <input id=“input1”> <div id=“output2”> $(“#input2”).keyup(function () { $(“#output2”).html(…); }); <input id=“input2”>
  5. $(“#input1”).keyup(function () { var val = $(this).val(); ! $(“#output1”).html(val); !

    }); <div id=“output1”> <input id=“input1”> 如果需求改變...
  6. <div id=“output1”> $(“#input1”).keyup(function () { var val = $(this).val(); !

    $(“#output1”).html(val); ! }); <input id=“input1”> <input id=“input2”> $(“#input2”).keyup(function () { var val = $(this).val(); ! $(“#input1”).val(val) $(“#output1”).html(val); }); $(“#input2”).val(val); 如果需求改變...
  7. What’s the problem in jQuery 維護 id/class 在幹嘛? 加班! 1.

    到底為了什麼維護 id/class? 2. 操作 DOM,因為要處理很多的 UI 互動 有時候無法從 HTML 中,看出元素的行為 3.
  8. VS Two way data binding DOM manipulation 我們必須處理很多 event 我們專注

    data 編程式的開發思維 宣告式的開發思維 很多很棒的 function 適合處理資料與 UI 的互動 IE 支援 6 以上 IE 支援 8 以上
  9. <body ng-app> <div ng-controller=“UncleCtrl”> <div ng-controller=“FatherCtrl”> {{ money }} =>

    1億 $scope.money = ‘2億’; {{ money }} => 2億 {{ money }} => 1億 $rootScope.money = ‘1億’;
  10. <body ng-app> <div ng-controller=“UncleCtrl”> <div ng-controller=“FatherCtrl”> {{ money }} =>

    1億 $scope.money = ‘2億’; {{ money }} => 2億 {{ money }} => 1億 $rootScope.money = ‘1億’; $scope.wife = ‘林依晨’; {{ wife }} => 林依晨 $scope.wife = ‘桂綸鎂’; {{ wife }} => 桂綸鎂
  11. 3. Scope 之間的關係就像 爺爺 ⼤大伯 ⼆二伯 ⽗父親 堂哥 我 ⼩小弟

    親屬關係 可繼承父親屬性 兄弟之間的屬性不會影響
  12. Mrs. Controller app.controller(‘fatHottyCtrl’, function ($scope, $http) { $scope.findAllHotties = function

    () { $http.get(…).then(…); }; $scope.findOneHotty = …; $scope.createHotty = …; $scope.updateHotty = …; $scope.deleteHotty = …; } );
  13. Mrs. Controller app.controller(‘fatHottyCtrl’, function ($scope, $http) { $scope.findAllHotties = function

    () { $http.get(…).then(…); }; $scope.findOneHotty = …; $scope.createHotty = …; $scope.updateHotty = …; $scope.deleteHotty = …; } ); Mrs. Controller 2 app.controller(‘fatHottyCtrl2’, function ($scope, $http) { $scope.findAllHotties = function () { $http.get(…).then(…); }; $scope.findOneHotty = …; $scope.createHotty = …; $scope.updateHotty = …; $scope.deleteHotty = …; } );
  14. app.controller(‘fatHottyCtrl’, function ($scope, $http) { $scope.findAllHotties = function () {

    $http.get(…).then(…); }; $scope.findOneHotty = …; $scope.createHotty = …; $scope.updateHotty = …; $scope.deleteHotty = …; } ); app.controller(‘fatHottyCtrl2’, function ($scope, $http) { $scope.findAllHotties = function () { $http.get(…).then(…); }; $scope.findOneHotty = …; $scope.createHotty = …; $scope.updateHotty = …; $scope.deleteHotty = …; app.service(‘hottyService’, function ($http) { this.findAllHotties = function () { $http… }; this.findOneHotty = …; this.createHotty = …; this.updateHotty = …; this.deleteHotty = …; } );
  15. app.controller(‘thinHottyCtrl2’, function ($scope, hottyService) { $scope.hottyService = hottyService; } );

    app.controller(‘thinHottyCtrl’, function ($scope, hottyService) { $scope.hottyService = hottyService; } ); app.service(‘hottyService’, function ($http) { this.findAllHotties = function () { $http… }; this.findOneHotty = …; this.createHotty = …; this.updateHotty = …; this.deleteHotty = …; } );
  16. ·• Angular built-in service 像 $http、$location 等 ·• Angular 提供我們很多方法創建自己的

    Service Services 備註 module.service() module.provider() module.factory() = 不同方法,但都是為了創建 Service
  17. app.controller(‘thinHottyCtrl’, function ($scope, hottyService) { $scope.hottyService = hottyService; } );

    Angular 會幫你管理物件的生命週期 你只需要很明確的跟它要 名稱必須正確
  18. angular.module(‘a’, [‘b’]) .service(‘aService’, function (bService) {} ); 找人,總是要那個人曾經活過 確保它是存在的 angular.module(‘b’,

    []) .service(‘bService’, function () {} ); 所以,如果你要的東西定義在其他模組, 請記得要 import 那個模組
  19. DI 的好處 app.controller(‘thinHottyCtrl1’, function ($scope, hottyService) {…}); app.controller(‘thinHottyCtrl2’, function ($scope,

    hottyService) {…} function HottyServiceA() {…}; app.service(‘hottyService’, HottyServiceA);
  20. 鬆耦合 app.controller(‘thinHottyCtrl1’, function ($scope, hottyService) {…}); app.service(‘hottyService’, HottyServiceB); function HottyServiceA()

    {…}; app.controller(‘thinHottyCtrl2’, function ($scope, hottyService) {…} function HottyServiceB() {…};
  21. Now, you know How to use it Scopes Controllers Services

    Directives Dependency Injection …