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The debug APIs that probably you don’t know

The debug APIs that probably you don’t know

Lighting talk for MilanoJS 02-05-2017


May 02, 2017

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 2 COMMON PATTERN var names = [ { firstName: "John”,

    lastName: "Smith" }, { firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe" } ]; console.log(names); >[Object, Object]
  2. 3

  3. 4 var names = [ { firstName: "John”, lastName: "Smith"

    }, { firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe" } ]; table(names); BETTER SOLUTION
  4. 5 function Person(firstName, lastName, age) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName

    = lastName; this.age = age; } var family = {}; family.mother = new Person("Susan", "Doyle", 32); family.father = new Person("John", "Doyle", 33); family.daughter = new Person("Lily", "Doyle", 5); family.son = new Person("Mike", "Doyle", 8); console.table(family, ["firstName", "lastName", "age"]); AVANCED EXAMPLE
  5. console.table() • Disponibile sia in console che come API •

    Standard (chrome, FF, safari, Edge) • Fino a 1000 righe (FF) • Utile con array e mappe, meno con oggetti complessi • Da qualche anno ormai i devTools spacchettano Object 6
  6. 7 const name = "Bob" for (let i=0; i<5; i++)

    { console.log("Hello, " + name +". You've called me " + i+1 + " times."); } [13:14:13.481] Hello, Bob. You've called me 1 times. [13:14:13.483] Hello, Bob. You've called me 2 times. [13:14:13.485] Hello, Bob. You've called me 3 times. [13:14:13.487] Hello, Bob. You've called me 4 times. [13:14:13.488] Hello, Bob. You've called me 5 times. COMMON PATTERN
  7. 8 const name = "Bob" for (let i=0; i<5; i++)

    { console.log("Hello, %s. You've called me %d times.", name, i+1); } [13:14:13.481] Hello, Bob. You've called me 1 times. [13:14:13.483] Hello, Bob. You've called me 2 times. [13:14:13.485] Hello, Bob. You've called me 3 times. [13:14:13.487] Hello, Bob. You've called me 4 times. [13:14:13.488] Hello, Bob. You've called me 5 times. BETTER SOLUTION
  8. Printf like syntax • Ie 8+ • Comoda anche se

    ora ci sono le template strings 9
  9. 10 const name = "Bob" for (let i=0; i<5; i++)

    { console.count("Hello ${name} . You've called "); } [13:14:13.481] Hello, Bob. You've called: 1 [13:14:13.483] Hello, Bob. You've called: 2 [13:14:13.485] Hello, Bob. You've called: 3 [13:14:13.487] Hello, Bob. You've called: 4 [13:14:13.488] Hello, Bob. You've called: 5 DIFFERENT SOLUTION
  10. console.count() • Ie 9+ • Conta le volte che è

    stata chiamata con una particolare label 11
  11. 12 const arrayInitTime = new Date().getTime(); let array= new Array(1000000);

    for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { array[i] = new Object(); }; const arrayEndTime = new Date().getTime() - arrayInitTime ; console.log(` Array initialize: ${arrayEndTime } `) COMMON PATTERN
  12. 13 console.time("Array initialize"); let array= new Array(1000000); for (let i

    = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { array[i] = new Object(); }; console.timeEnd("Array initialize"); BETTER SOLUTION
  13. 16 console.timeStamp("Array initialize"); let array= new Array(1000000); for (let =

    array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { array[i] = new Object(); }; console.timeStamp("Array initialize end"); MARK IN DEVTOOLS
  14. 18 console.profile("Array initialize"); let array= new Array(1000000); for (let =

    array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { array[i] = new Object(); }; console.profile("Array initialize end"); CAN ALSO PROFILE
  15. Solo via CLI • monitorEvents() • unmonitorEvents() • getEventListeners() •

    $() = document.querySelector() • $$() = document.querySelectorAll() • $x() • $_ / $0 - 4 • Inspect() 20
  16. EDSGER DIJKSTRA If debugging is the process of removing software

    bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in. “ “ 21