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Chris Clark
September 27, 2022


Intro talk given to the ISM*@ST group meeting, introducing me and my science to the new (and old) members, updated for 2022.

Chris Clark

September 27, 2022


  1. ISM✻@ST Intro Talk IV In which Chris needs to average

    1 slide every 11.8 seconds – good luck everyone! Chris Clark
  2. Chris Clark Dust in Type-Ia SNe? Gomez & Clark+ (2012a);

    Clark (PhD T., 2015) Kepler’s Supernova (SN1604) Tycho’s Supernova (SN1572) (optical & X-ray images)
  3. Chris Clark Herschel Maps of Type-Ia SNe Remnants Gomez &

    Clark+ (2012a); Clark (PhD T., 2015) Tycho’s SNR in Herschel-SPIRE (250, 350, 500 μm) Kepler’s SNR in Herschel-SPIRE (250, 350, 500 μm) Negligible dust manufactured by Type-Ia supernovæ Which means all the iron depleted into dust got there some other way
  4. Chris Clark Dust in a Type-II SN: The Crab (SN1054)

    Gomez+ inc. Clark (2012b); Clark (PhD T., 2015) Herschel-PACS (70, 100, 160 μm) Herschel-SPIRE (250, 350, 500 μm)
  5. Chris Clark The Crab: Component Separation Gomez+ inc. Clark (2012b);

    Clark (PhD T., 2015) Synchrotron @ 160 μm Hot dust @ 160 μm Cold dust @ 160 μm We found 0.11 M☉ of supernova dust in the Crab Nebula Subsequent studies report values across 0.04–0.22 M☉ range
  6. Chris Clark BADGRS: Lots of Dust, Little Attenuation Eales+ (2010);

    Clark+ (2015) More Attenuation Less Attenuation Dust Rich Dust Poor
  7. Chris Clark BADGRS: Super Low MH2 /Mdust ? Dunne+ (2018)

    IRAM 30m CO(1–0) ICO = 0.2–2 K km s-1 FWHM = 30–100 km s-1 MH2 /Mdust = 2–27 (Z-based XCO – MW XCO ) Z = 0.5–1 Z☉
  8. Chris Clark BADGR Follow-Up: BEAST Hubble AR? More Attenuation Less

    Attenuation 1e-4 0.001 0.01 Dust Mass / Stellar Mass 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 5 0 100 200 500 1000 IRX All LTGs BADGRs NGC4449 NGC7793 M31 M33 3 4 5 FUV-Ks (mag) NGC4449 NGC7793
  9. Chris Clark DustPedia Database Davies+ (2017); Clark+ (2018) • The

    DustPedia sample (Davies+, 2017) covers all 875 nearby (D<40 Mpc) extended (1’ < D25 < 1°) galaxies observed by Herschel. • Standardised imagery & photometry spanning 42 UV–microwave bands (Clark+, 2018). • Homogenised atomic & molecular gas values for 764 & 255 DustPedia galaxies respectively (; De Vis+, 2019; Casasola+, 2020). • 10000 consistently-determined gas- phase metallicity datapoints (from IFU, slit, and fibre spectra) for 492 DustPedia galaxies (De Vis+, 2019). UV-NIR-FIR montage of some of the galaxies in the DustPedia database
  10. Chris Clark Maps of κd in Nearby Galaxies! Clark+ (2018);

    Clark+ (2019) M74 κd map M83 κd map UV-NIR-FIR image for reference UV-NIR-FIR image for reference
  11. Chris Clark κd vs ISM Surface Density Clark+ (2018); Clark+

    (2019) Appears that κd is anticorrelated with ISM density. Opposite of what is predicted by models…
  12. Chris Clark Metallicity Mapping in Nearby Galaxies Clark+ (2019); De

    Vis+ (2019) Lots of individual metallicity points from individual metallicity spectra. But need to turn into metallicty map… M74 M83
  13. Chris Clark Gaussian Process Regression in M74 Clark+ (2019); De

    Vis+ (2019) M74 Metallicity Map M74 Metallicity Uncertainty
  14. Chris Clark M74 & M83 κd Compared to Literature Alton+

    (2004); Demyk+ (2013); Köhler+ (2015); Clark+ (2016); Jones+ (2017); Clark+ (2019)
  15. Chris Clark Clark+ (2021) Emission on large angular scales removed

    from Herschel maps during the data reduction Herschel data therefore missing lowest density ISM, whilst IRAS (& Planck) data missing highest density ISM Extended Emission Missing from Herschel IRAS 100 μm 300” resolution Herschel 100 μm 10” resolution
  16. Chris Clark Restoring Extended Emission by Feathering Meixner+ (2014); Roman-Duval+

    (2017); Williams+ (2018); Clark+ (in prep.) Herschel only; little diffuse emission Herschel et al; Fourier-combined
  17. Chris Clark SED Fitting with our New Herschel Data Clark+

    (in prep.); Gordon+ (2014) Dust Density Dust Temperature β2 β1 Break Wavelength 500um Excess Every pixel’s Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fit using a broken- emissivity modified blackbody model. (Note, these figures are rotated 90° clockwise from North.) LMC SMC M31 M33
  18. Chris Clark Strong Evolution in G/D versus Density Clark+ (in

    prep.) Over 1 dex increases in G/D with density suggest very significant grain growth H surface density values on x-axis have been corrected for inclination. We can probe to 10x higher densities in LMC and SMC, because they are ~10x closer than M31 and M33, hence have ~10x better density resolution.
  19. Chris Clark Variation in the Dust-to-Gas Ratio (D/G) Roman-Duval+ (subm.);

    Clark+ (in prep.); De Vis+ (2019); Galliano+ (2018); Remy-Ruyer+ (2014) ◆D/G from UV ⬟D/G from previous FIR ⬢D/G from our new FIR
  20. Chris Clark Stacking AGB Stars Scicluna+ (subm.); Clark+ (in prep.)

    Radial profile of Planck 350 μ m stack Very-work-in-progress stacked SED Planck 350 μm stack
  21. Chris Clark The Crab: Synchrotron Power Law Gomez+ inc. Clark

    (2012b); Clark (PhD T., 2015) Spectral index map
  22. Chris Clark BADGRS: Blue & Dusty Gas Rich Sources Clark+

    (2015) Near-IR VIKING Ks Optical SDSS gri H-ATLAS 250 µm GALEX Far-UV Very blue (flux ratio FUV/Ks > 25), flocculent, HI-dominated galaxies make up the majority of a blind low-z blind 250 µm selected survey.
  23. Chris Clark BADGRS: The Peak of Dust-Richness Clark+ (2015); De

    Vis (2017) Older Younger Dust Rich Dust Poor
  24. Chris Clark BADGRS: Many Chemical Evolution Paths? De Vis+ (2017);

    Schofield (PhD T., 2017) Older Younger Dust Rich Dust Poor
  25. Chris Clark Data for Mapping κd Within Galaxies Clark+ (2018);

    Clark+ (2019) M83 M74 But also need metallicity maps to calculate κd . These don’t normally exist for nearby galaxies…
  26. Chris Clark Alternate Models Clark+ (2019) M74 DTM ∝ radius

    DTM ∝ ISM density “Toy” model M83 CHAOS Z
  27. Chris Clark Dust-to-Metals in THEMIS Jones+ (2017); Jones+ (2018) Dust-to-metals

    expected to vary by factor of ~3.6 in THEMIS dust model (Jones+ 2017;2018). Table 3 from Jones+ (2018)
  28. Chris Clark Some Bands Observed at All Scales Clark+ (in

    prep.) COBE 100 µm IRAS 100 µm COBE feathered with IRAS COBE feathered with IRAS
  29. Chris Clark Dust MAC Falls at Higher Density? Clark+ (in

    prep.); Clark+ (2019) Fainter points: Dust mass absorption coefficient is constant Bold points: Dust mass absorption coefficient falls according to power law of -0.4 above a transition density (M31 & M33 transition density = 4 M⊙ pc-2 LMC transition density = 40 M⊙ pc-2)
  30. Chris Clark 50 Control Stacks on ‘Shuffled’ Positions Actual NESS

    positions Random shuffle 1 Random shuffle 2 Random shuffle 3 Coords are shuffled to random positions offset in Galactic longitude, between -10 and +10 deg (but not within 1.5 deg of actual source coord).
  31. Chris Clark Real Stack vs Control Stacks Real Planck 350um

    stack 11 Planck 350um control stacks (examples from the 50 total control stacks)