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Artist Talk at ITP

Taeyoon Choi
October 29, 2016

Artist Talk at ITP

Taeyoon Choi

October 29, 2016


  1. “As this society does not have a clear place for

    visual languages, I often sense a great need to legitimize our language by politicizing sound and the voice box, which are two tools I use to explore my position. This contributes to my practice of unlearning society’s views and etiquettes around sound.” Christine Sun Kim
  2. “We come into the world unknowing and dependent, and, to

    a certain degree, we remain that way” Judith Butler, Undoing Gender
  3. 선행과 상관없는 동행 그런 것을 언제까지고 반복해보고 싶다.  (심보선, <외국인들>

    중) The literal translation of the poem is “Accompaniment that has nothing to do with the precedence. I want to repeat it indefinitely.”
  4. 이 시의 아름다움은 '선행(先⾏, 앞서 일어난 일)’과 ‘선행(善⾏, 좋은 행위)’

    두 가지 의미를 연상시키는 동음이의어 '선행'에 있다. 그래서 이 시는 '지금까지 어떤 길을 걸어왔을지라도' 또는 '걸어가는 것이 곧 선행(善⾏)을 의미 하더라 도' 그것과 상관없이 (그런 것을 언제까지고 반복해보고 싶다)라는 두 가지 의 미로 해석될 수 있다 However, the English translation of ز೯ჯḝas “accompaniment” does not capture the poetic sense of “Walking along,” which signals partaking in a collective journey. The beauty of the poem lies in the homonym of ࢶ೯, which can mean ࢶ೯ᔬḝ “precedence” or ࢶ೯ᔭḝ “doing good.” Thus, the poem can be interpreted as “I want to keep walking along, regardless of whether we have already taken the path or whether the walking is meant to do any good.”
  5. “Community is not the work of singular beings, nor can

    it claim them as its work, just as communication is not a work or even an operation of singular beings, for community is simply their being—their being suspended upon its limit.” Jean-Luc Nancy, The Inoperative Community
  6. “S.Taylor: And I think that’s something that definitely affects the

    image of disabled people. That somehow disabled people are perceived as more dependent, or that they are the ones that are dependent, when in actuality we are all interdependent, that is, dependent on different structures and on each other.” Astra Taylor, Examined Life: Excursions with Contemporary Thinkers,187
  7. Minhee Lee (Artist): I feel artists need to focus on

    their art and their being as an artist. Nowadays, the word disability no longer appears in the art world. I think that this has been made possible because we are conscious of not using the word to describe art. Even if you are conscious of disability, it doesn’t help because it’s only you who suffers. I think that painting is just a painting, and artwork is just the work of art. I used to work with some people. When they wrote about disability to describe the artwork, I got very angry. I don’t want people to look at my disability, but just my work and me as a person. There’s no such thing as disability. Disability is a result of all the obstacles we make. When we draw a line, everyone draws a squiggle. ੉޹൞(੘о): ઁо וՙח Ѥؘ, ੘оח ੘о۽ࢲ ઓ੤ೞח ؀۽ ୽प൤ ੘সೞݶ ػ׮Ҋ ࠊਃ. द؀੸ਵ۽ ޷ࣿ҅ উীࢲب ੢গۄח ݈਷ হযਃ. Ӓր ਋ܻ झझ۽ ੄ध೧ࢲ ࢤӟ ޙചੋ Ѫ эইਃ. ӒѦ ੄ध೧ࠌ੗ ੗ӝо ൨ٚ Ѣਗ਼ইਃ. ੹ Ӓր Ӓܿ Ӓ ੗୓, ੘ಿ Ӓ ੗୓, ӒѢ эইਃ. ঢ়զী ࢎۈٜ, ୡӝ ݯߡٜҗ ফӝ೮ਸ ٸب ੢গ Ӓ۠ Ѣ ݈Ҋ ࢎۈҗ ࢎۈ੄ Ӓ ੘সਸ ࠌਵݶ જѷযਃ. Ӓٜ੉ ੢গۄח ݈ਸ ोਸ ٸ ઁо غѱ बೞ ѱ ݈೮Ѣٚਃ. Ӓ۠ Ѣ হ׮, ׮ ਋ܻо ݅ٚ ੢গޛ੉׮. ࢶਸ Ӓਸ ٸب ־ҳա ࢆڥࡐ ڥ Ӓܻਗ਼ইਃ.
  8. Yerim Kim (Social worker / Seobu Welfare Center for persons

    with Disability): I don’t think that there is a negative element about the word disability. It’s just about being different. However, there are a lot of people with extremely negative perspectives about disability. Such images exist within people with disabilities as well, so it’s hard to talk about it. I think it’s better for the people with disability to talk about it with other people. By having a conversation about disability, people can reconsider their perspectives on disability. I’m not sure what it means for such words like disability to disappear. I think we need to have more conversations about how to see the genuine reality of what exists. ӣ৘ܿ(ࢲࠗ੢গੋઙ೤ࠂ૑ҙ ࢎഥࠂ૑ࢎ): ੷ח ੉ઁ ੢গۄח ѱ ੷ח ࠗ੿੸ੋ ਃࣗо হ ׮Ҋ ࢤп೧ਃ. Ӓր ׮ܲ Ѣਗ਼ইਃ. Ӓؘ۠ ҭ੢൤ Ӓ۠ ࠗ੿੸ੋ ੉޷૑ܳ о૓ ࢎۈٜ੉ ݆ইਃ. ӒܻҊ Ӓ۠ ࠗ੿੸ੋ ੉޷૑ח ੢গܳ о૓ ࢎۈٜীѱب ੓ח Ѫ эইਃ. Ӓېࢲ झझ۽ب Ӓ۠ Ѫٜ ফӝೞӝо ցޖ য۵ભ. ੷ э਷ ҃਋ח Ӓ۠ Ѫٜਸ э੉ ফӝೞҊ, ੉ ࢎۈ੉ য়൤۰ ࢎഥী աоࢲ Ӓ۠ ফӝܳ ೞݶࢲ ੢গী ؀ೠ ࢤпਸ ࢎۈٜ੉ ׮द ೧ࠊঠ ػ׮Ҋ ࢤп೧ਃ. Ӓ۠ Ѫٜ, ݈ ੗୓о হয૓׮ח Ѫࠁ׮ח ੿݈ पઁ۽ ੓ח Ѫٜਸ ਋ܻ о যڌѱ ࠅ Ѫੋоী ؀೧ࢲ ؊݆੉ ফӝೞҊ աׇঠ ػ׮Ҋ ࢤп೧ਃ.