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Tetsuharu Ohzeki
August 02, 2016


Tetsuharu Ohzeki

August 02, 2016


  1. CAUTION • This is still a note of my thought.

    • Some points are unclear and opaque. • I believe that we should practice a way which might not get a glory but never lose for building an application.
  2. Keypoints of Flux “pattern” • Unidirectional data flow + observer

    pattern + command pattern • It’s just a Model-View-Intent. • http://staltz.com/mvi-freaklies/ • WPF’s “Command” is similar terminology. • One of design patterns than an architecture.
  3. Separate a “Responsibility” • We should separate a “Responsibility” rather

    than “Concern”. • The most important point is “cross over the boundary of responsibility”. • In other word, this “responsibility” is a “context”.
  4. Separate an internal “layer” • An internal design is layered

    naturally if you separate the boundary of a responsibility. • Typical cases: OS’ layering architecture, OSI reference model. • Hardware abstraction, low level API, providing a process lifecycle and a higher level API, running an actual application domain based on APIs, present a computation result, and etc.
  5. Example: Windows 7 Architecture Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon,

    Alex Ionescu(2012)『インサイドWINDOWS 第6版 上』株式会社クイープ訳, Microsoft Press, p53.
  6. User input (mouse event) command (e.g. Flux Action) domain model

    view state model View presentation Update UI by some user action
  7. User input (mouse event) command (e.g. Flux Action) Update view

    state model Update view presentation Update only UI by some user action
  8. User input (mouse event) command (e.g. Flux Action) domain model

    REST API abstraction HTTP abstraction (and TCP abstraction… ?) Dispatch a HTTP request by user action
  9. HTTP abstraction (and TCP abstraction… ?) REST API abstraction Update

    domain model Update view model Update view presentation Receive a HTTP response & Display it
  10. Each “layer” is a data transform layer • A data

    flow in application is a stacked data transformations which is a result of each layers. • As a simplified concept, their basis is a result of many map/flatmap computations.
  11. The benefit of Reactive Extensions • Unify an asynchronous interface.

    • Make each layer boundaries to Observable<T>. • We can compute Observable<T> with using their operators. • Code a data flow graph which are produced from asynchronous events.
  12. Layering example Driver Adapter Domain Domain Model Gateway HTTP Socket

    Repository DB Driver View Model View Command (Intent)
  13. Is this a Domain Driven Development? • My interpretation is

    that domain driven development is one of practical system. • I feel there are mixed into some system-specific practices and generic practices. • This session focuses into a generic thought about an architecture • e.g. layering.
  14. This vision is too rich! • This is a high

    level abstract concept. • Rightfully, some hardware/environment/performance limitations limits a materialization of this concept. • Software engineering is just filling this gap, and the flower of it.
  15. Where is the framework? • This does not suppose any

    framework libraries. • It’s inevitable that All software codebase/repository make some style/framework in them. • The difference is whether cutting out internal materials from it.
  16. dependency relation (1) • In Clean Architecture context, domain model

    layer should not depend on presentation (driver) layer. • I agree it as the basic principle. • But it’s hard to apply it strictly…
  17. dependency relation (2) • There need a “connection layer” which

    connects HAL and specific domain layer. • Some runtime supports like dependency injection would cover and help this connective operation. • So it would be difficult that all relationships among layers are a unidirectional dependency perfectly. • We cannot defined a simple rules :(
  18. dependency relation (3) • In a general usecase, its rule

    should be confirmed that “domain layer don’t touch a driver layer directly”. • However, of course, we would need to accept some dirty pit holes to resolve performance sensitiveness.