Our last roommate, Davros, was from Europe like you. ADOLF I am from Ohio. JIMBO Oh.. sorry haha. The accent threw me off. Is it nice there? ADOLF No. An awkward moment of silence between the two. JIMBO Well I'll let you settle in and if you need anything, give me a holler. ADOLF AH yes. I do need something from you, Yimbo. Adolf pulls out an "INFORMED CONSENT" form. ADOLF (CONT'D) Mein program requires housing documentation for continued research. Du and da other roommmate vill need to sign. JIMBO Oh.. okay well once Barry gets back, we can take a look at it. ADOLF Unfortunately, if you kannot sign, I muss look for anozher place an- Not wanting to miss rent, Jimbo zealously cuts him off. JIMBO Oh NO nooo, no need for that. Jimbo grabs a pen and rifles through the forms without reading them. JIMBO (CONT'D) Here we are. (writes as he speaks) (MORE)