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Narbonic | Episode 3 Excerpt (Boards)

Narbonic | Episode 3 Excerpt (Boards)

Richard Roberts

December 17, 2021

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  1. Action Notes Goon slams the door back into place. Dialog

    DR. NARBON: Here's the deal, Pretorious. Dialog DR. NARBON: The Daves want this Davenport guy dead-- Dialog DR: NARBON: --but they don't want to get their hands dirty by killing their own kind. Action Notes Alpha mockingly wiggles her fingers. Dialog DR. NARBON: The hypocrites. Dialog DR. NARBON: He worked for my kid. Dialog DR. NARBON: He worked for my kid. Dialog DR. NARBON: So I had an in to do it myself. Any questions? Dialog MALEN: Isn't that against-- Dialog MALEN: --Uh, our Dave Code of Honor? Narbonic Ep3-2 Page 1/5
  2. Action Notes Alpha scoffs. Dialog DR. NARBON: Oh, I've found

    people-- Action Notes Narbon plucks a wine glass mixed between the acid vials. Dialog DR. NARBON: --betray-- Dialog DR. NARBON: --their codes all the time! Dialog DR. NARBON: You ever betray anyone? Dialog DR. NARBON: Hell, look at you, of course you have. Action Notes Dr. Narbon elbows Malen, knocking his sunglasses off. Dialog DR. NARBON: Want a drink? Action Notes Dr. Narbon offers an acid vial instead of the wine bottle (intentionally) Action Notes The vial bubbles Dialog MALEN: May-- Dialog MALEN: --be-- Dialog MALEN: --later. Narbonic Ep3-2 Page 2/5
  3. Action Notes Alpha shrugs. Dialog MALEN: So... Dialog MALEN: What

    do you need me for? Dialog DR. NARBON: They found a guy, well a girl, claiming to be him. Dialog DR. NARBON: If he's-- Dialog DR. NARBON:--still alive-- Dialog DR. NARBON: --I don't get paid-- Dialog DR. NARBON: --and my revenge-- Dialog DR. NARBON: --isn't finished yet. Dialog DR. NARBON: I'm sure-- Dialog DR. NARBON: --you understand. Dialog DR. NARBON: You got some secret, evil agenda kid. Notes Narbon's glasses are all glare here. Eyes not visible. Narbonic Ep3-2 Page 3/5
  4. Dialog DR. NARBON: I can smell it. I like your

    style. Action Notes Alpha's arms continure to shuffle with the chemicals. Dialog MALEN: (panicked) If you have any doubts about my integrity as a scientist or someone named Dave, I'd like to hear them! Action Notes Shuffling stops. Dialog DR. NARBON: Heh heh heh... About time you got here-- Dialog DR. NARBON: --Beta. Action Notes Malen backs up. Dialog MALEN: You knew all along! Dialog MALEN: You-- Dialog MALEN: -- knew it was me and-- Dialog MALEN: --You didn't... know for sure until-- Dialog MALEN: --right now when I proved it-- Narbonic Ep3-2 Page 4/5
  5. Dialog MALEN: --by knowing who Beta is. Dialog DR. NARBON:

    I'm-- Dialog DR. NARBON: --such a good mother. Dialog DR. NARBON: Oh, Beta. Dialog DR. NARBON: You're good, but I'll always be better. Dialog MALEN: I am not going to let you kill Dave again, Mom. Action Notes Alpha pulls out a Holo-tablet. Action Notes She drops Malen. Action Notes She taps a security button. Narbonic Ep3-2 Page 5/5