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Abby Fuller
June 14, 2018


Abby Fuller

June 14, 2018


  1. More layers mean a larger image. The larger the image,

    the longer that it takes to both build, and push and pull from a registry. Smaller images mean faster builds and deploys. This also means a smaller attack surface. Why do I care how many layers I have?
  2. Sharing is caring • Use shared base images wherever possible

    • Limit the data written to the container layer • Chain RUN statements • Prevent cache misses at build for as long as possible OK, so how can I reduce my layers?
  3. The size of the base image matters FROM ubuntu:latest LABEL

    maintainer [email protected] RUN apt-get update --y && apt-get install -- y python-pip python-dev build-essential COPY . /app WORKDIR /app RUN pip install -r requirements.txt EXPOSE 5000 ENTRYPOINT [“python”] CMD [“application.py”]
  4. First step: choose the right base Ubuntu latest: ubuntu latest

    113a43faa138 42 hours ago 81.2MB Alpine latest: alpine latest 3fd9065eaf02 4 months ago 4.15MB
  5. Slightly better: choose a different distro python latest a5b7afcfdcc8 21

    hours ago 912MB ubuntu latest 113a43faa138 43 hours ago 81.2MB debian latest 8626492fecd3 5 weeks ago 101MB alpine latest 3fd9065eaf02 4 months ago 4.15MB golang latest 3f30f1fc3c43 38 hours ago 794MB ruby latest 857bc7ff918f 17 hours ago 869MB
  6. When do I want a full base OS? Security! Compliance!

    Ease of development! More features (package managers!)
  7. I have a Dockerfile, now what? Once you have your

    Dockerfile, you can build it! That’s how we’ll a) run our containerized application, and b) see how big it is once we make our changes. $ docker build -t hi-dockercon . Build command --tag flag Name assigned with tag PATH to build
  8. F is for flags There are a few flags that

    affect your final image size when you’re building your image. --cache-from (another image to cache from) --compress (compress build context* with gzip) --no-cache (ignore the cache, more on that in a sec) --squash (squash new layers into a single layer)** * don’t know what build context is? I didn’t either. We’ll talk about it. **this is still experimental
  9. What’s build context? Once you call docker build, your current

    directory is the build context, and gets sent to the Docker daemon. You can see how much context your sending by looking for a message like this: Sending build context to Docker daemon 187.8MB The more context you send, the bigger your build context will be, and the larger your image. Avoid including unnecessary files and directories.
  10. But first, some FAQs Q: Is that really the official

    Wu-Tang font? A: Yes. Of course. Insist on the highest standards. Q: What’s your favorite Wu-Tang song? A: “Protect Ya Neck” Q: Have you been sued for copyright infringement yet for your last slide? A: No, but don’t tell on me.
  11. Back to cache! Starting from the parent instruction, Docker will

    look at each following instruction to see if it matches the cached version. Only ADD and COPY will look at checksums for a match Other than ADD and COPY, only the string of the command is used, not the contents of the files. Once cache is broken, every subsequent layer is built again.
  12. Here’s our original Ubuntu image again FROM ubuntu:latest LABEL maintainer

    [email protected] RUN apt-get update --y && apt-get install -- y python-pip python-dev build-essential COPY . /app WORKDIR /app RUN pip install -r requirements.txt EXPOSE 5000 ENTRYPOINT [“python”] CMD [“application.py”]
  13. A few small changes FROM python:2.7-alpine LABEL maintainer [email protected] COPY

    . /app WORKDIR /app RUN pip install –r requirements.txt EXPOSE 5000 ENTRYPOINT ["python"] CMD ["application.py"]
  14. Fewer cache invalidations=smaller images FROM python:2.7-alpine LABEL maintainer [email protected] COPY

    requirements.txt /app RUN pip install –r /app/requirements.txt COPY . /app WORKDIR /app EXPOSE 5000 ENTRYPOINT ["python"] CMD ["application.py"]
  15. Use RUN statements effectively RUN apt-get update && apt-get install

    -y \ aufs-tools \ automake \ build-essential \ ruby1.9.1 \ ruby1.9.1-dev \ s3cmd=1.1.* \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
  16. Switching USER adds layers RUN groupadd –r dockercon && useradd

    –r –g dockercon dockercon USER dockercon RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ aufs-tools \ automake \ build-essential USER root COPY . /app
  17. Keeping image sizes down is challenging (or I wouldn’t be

    here!). Two common patterns: Multi-stage builds (new-ish!): separate stages in one (1) Dockerfile. Copy artifacts from one stage to the other. This results in a smaller final image. Separate Dockerfiles: build, then copy artifacts over. This results in a smaller image, but it’s a little more complicated. End result is often something like Dockerfile.build and Dockerfile.final Multi-stage builds vs multiple Dockerfiles
  18. FROM ubuntu AS build-env RUN apt-get install make ADD .

    /src RUN cd /src && make And for the second Dockerfile, copy from #1: FROM busybox COPY --from=build-env /src/build/app /usr/local/bin/app EXPOSE 80 ENTRYPOINT /usr/local/bin/app Multi-stage builds
  19. Still not sure on multi-stage build? I really enjoy this

    blog post from Alex Ellis, which also provides the examples for multi-stage builds in the (excellent) Docker documentation. I’m still skeptical!
  20. Convert an existing Windows image: ConvertTo-Dockerfile -ImagePath c:\docker\myimage.wim Convert from

    VHD: ConvertTo-Dockerfile -ImagePath c:\vms\test.vhd -Artifact IIS -ArtifactParam windows-container -OutputPath c:\windows-container cd c:\windows-container docker build -t windows-container . docker run -d -p 80:80 windows-container Port over existing VM workloads
  21. Watch what you build: c: c:\ / /windows c:/windows Building

    any of those PATHs will make your image very large! Careful what you build “Hey! Listen!”
  22. MSI installations are not space efficient. This is not the

    same as Linux distros, where you can add, use, and remove the installation files! $ Windows/Installer/<package>.msi Windows saves these files for uninstalls :( Avoid installing with MSI
  23. Build and run everything the same, regardless of container OS,

    host OS, or tools. Just docker build and docker run. Here's what's really cool though…
  24. A few things to think about Use the right tool:

    not every language needs to be built the same way. Where possible, use two images: one to build an artifact, and one from base Official language images can be big: more space effective to use a more minimal image, but there are tradeoffs
  25. Golang Compile, then COPY binary: $ go build -o dockercon

    . $ docker build -t dockercon . Dockerfile: FROM scratch COPY ./dockercon /dockercon ENTRYPOINT ["/dockercon"]
  26. Hang on, what’s SCRATCH? Special, empty Dockerfile. Use this to

    build your own base images. Or, use to build minimal images that run a binary and nothing else: FROM scratch COPY hello / CMD [ “/hello” ] Want more on scratch? Start here.
  27. Ruby Ruby images can be extra huge. A new base

    + a little extra work pays off. FROM alpine:3.2 LABEL maintainer [email protected] RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add \ curl \ bashruby \ ruby-dev \ ruby-bundler RUN rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
  28. Node.js If you love yourself, .dockerignore npm-debug.log. Seriously. But most

    importantly, cache node_modules: COPY package.json . RUN npm install --production COPY . . This way, only run npm install if package.json changes.
  29. Java Multi-stage builds are your friend: FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as BUILD

    COPY --from=BUILD Like Golang, this let’s you build an artifact in one stage, and simply run the binary in the second stage, resulting in more minimal final images. More on multistage builds up next.
  30. Let’s look at the original $ docker build –t client

    . $ docker images | grep client client latest 772483ec773e time 568MB
  31. Swap out the base image for a quick win Change

    from ubuntu:14.04 to debian:stretch-slim $ docker build –f Dockerfile-slim –t client-slim . $ docker images | grep client client latest 772483ec773e time 568MB client-slim latest a72f5121de6e time 388MB
  32. Or, change to a slimmer base image Swap to python:2-alpine

    $ docker build –f Dockerfile-alpine –t client-alpine . $ docker images | grep client client latest 772483ec773e time 568MB client-slim latest a72f5121de6e time 388MB client-alpine latest 02bbb5c5a079 time 300MB
  33. Remove pip cache and extra layers $ docker build –f

    Dockerfile-alpine-2 –t client-alpine-2 . $ docker images | grep client client latest 772483ec773e time 568MB client-slim latest a72f5121de6e time 388MB client-alpine latest 02bbb5c5a079 time 300MB client-alpine-2 latest cd3e206844b6 time 275MB
  34. Combine RUN statements $ docker build –f Dockerfile-alpine-3 –t client-alpine-3

    . $ docker images | grep client client latest 772483ec773e time 568MB client-slim latest a72f5121de6e time 388MB client-alpine latest 02bbb5c5a079 time 300MB client-alpine-2 latest cd3e206844b6 time 275MB client-alpine-3 latest 83fffeb85684 time 162MB
  35. Combine RUN statements $ docker build –f Dockerfile-alpine-3 –t client-alpine-3

    . $ docker images | grep client client latest 772483ec773e time 568MB client-slim latest a72f5121de6e time 388MB client-alpine latest 02bbb5c5a079 time 300MB client-alpine-2 latest cd3e206844b6 time 275MB client-alpine-3 latest 83fffeb85684 time 162MB
  36. Minimal images only matter so much Docker image prune: $

    docker image prune –a Or go even further with Docker system prune: $ docker system prune -a
  37. Safety first! Lean on tools to check your images for

    vulnerabilities. A couple of options, both paid and open source: • Aqua MicroScanner (community edition) • Aqua continuous image assurance • Docker Security Scan with Trusted Registry • Clair from CoreOS
  38. The importance of garbage collection Clean up after your containers!

    Beyond image and system prune: • Make sure your orchestration platform (like ECS or K8s) is garbage collecting: • ECS • Kubernetes • 3rd party tools like spotify-gc
  39. So what did we learn? One takeaway: less layers is

    more. Share layers where possible Choose or build your base wisely Not all languages should build the same Keep it simple, avoid extras Tools are here to help