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CMNS 801 - Intro to Tableau II

Alberto Lusoli
January 13, 2021

CMNS 801 - Intro to Tableau II

Intro to Tableau

Alberto Lusoli

January 13, 2021


  1. Data Visualization Introduction to Tableau – Part II Alberto Lusoli,

    Simon Fraser University. School of Communication EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS
  2. Artists dataset Public art dataset CONDITIONS Fields must have the

    same format (INT<>INT ; STRING <> STRING ; etc.) Fields must contain the same values
  3. Inferring from data combination Installation year is not a dimension

    of Artist Through the combination of Artist’s country of Origin and “Public Art” “Year of installation”, we can infer the level of Vancouver’s art scene “internationalization”
  4. One step further We can weight the influence that each

    country had in Vancouver’s public art scene over time by counting the number of installations per country over time.