文章目錄 From Novice to Expert: A Comprehensive Guide to Counting Cards in 21-Point Rule馬來西亞破獲“史上最大”網絡詐騙集團 逃亡不成680名中国公民被捕 Mastering Equity in Texas Hold'em Poker: A Game-Changing Approach "From Novice to Expert: A Comprehensive Guide to Counting Cards in 21-Point Rule"From Novice to Expert: A Comprehensive Guide to Counting Cards in 21-Point RuleCounting cards in the 21-Point Rule is a skill that can greatly enhance your chances of winning in the game of blackjack. By keeping track of the cards that have been dealt, you can make more informed decisions on when to hit, stand, or double down. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you from a novice to an expert in the art of counting cards.1. Understanding the BasicsBefore diving into the intricacies of card counting, it's important to have a solid understanding of the basic rules of blackjack. The goal of the game is to get as close to 21 points without going over, while also beating the dealer's hand. Each card in the deck has a specific value: numbered cards are worth their face value, face cards (King, Queen, and Jack) are worth 10 points, and Aces can be worth either 1 or 11 points.2. Assigning Card ValuesIn order to count cards effectively, you need to assign a value to each card that is dealt. The most common card counting system is the Hi-Lo system, which assigns the following values:2, 3, 4, 5, 6: +17, 8, 9: 010, J, Q, K, A: -1By keeping a running count of these values as the cards are dealt, you can determine whether the remaining deck is favorable or unfavorable to the player.3. Keeping the Running CountTo keep track of the running count, you need to start with a base count of zero at the beginning of each shoe. As each card is dealt, you add or subtract the corresponding value from the running count. For example, if the first three cards dealt are a 5, a 10, and a 2, your running count would be +1 (0 + 1 - 1 + 1 = 1).4. Calculating the True CountThe true count takes into account the number of decks remaining in the shoe. To calculate the true count, divide the running count by the number of decks remaining. For example, if the running count is +6 and there are 2 decks remaining, the true count would be +3 (6 ÷ 2 = 3).5. Making Decisions Based on the CountOnce you have the true count, you can adjust your strategy accordingly. A high positive count indicates that the remaining deck is rich in high-value cards, which is favorable to the player. In this case, you may want to increase your bets and take more aggressive actions, such as doubling down or splitting pairs. On the other hand, a negative count suggests that the remaining deck is rich in low-value cards, which is unfavorable to the player. In this case, you may want to lower your bets and play more conservatively.By consistently practicing and honing your card counting skills, you can become an expert in the 21-Point Rule. Remember to always stay focused and disciplined, as counting cards is not a guaranteed way to win, but rather a strategy to improve your odds in the game of blackjack.馬來西亞破獲“史上最大”網絡詐騙集團 逃亡不成680名中国公民被捕【博闻社】馬來西亞移民局周四(21日)公布,執法人員在吉隆坡賽城搜捕非法外勞時,意外搗破一個網絡外匯诈骗基地,共逮捕了680名中國公民,規模為馬來西亞史上最大。除落網者,目前尚有150名中國男女在執法行動中逃脫,部分人甚至高處跳下逃亡,警方正協助追捕。據馬來西亞移民局執法組公布的消息顯示,該部門依據情報在當地時間周三前往賽城一座大廈埋伏,準備逮捕非


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