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Institutional Self-Archiving of Scholarly Publi...

Institutional Self-Archiving of Scholarly Publications

Presentation on Green Open Access for the Management Team of the TU Delft Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science

Arie van Deursen

January 11, 2017

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  1. Institutional Self-Archiving of Scholarly Publications Arie van Deursen Department of

    Software Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science Delft University of Technology January, 2017 1
  2. The Need for Open Access • Make research easier available:

    • Fellow researchers everywhere • Industry • Practitioners • Interested laymen • Society • Better availability => more feedback => better research • Give tax payer what they paid for • Top universities make this mandatory; So do funding agencies. 3
  3. Golden Open Access? • Can’t the journal take care of

    open access? • Yes, e.g.: PLOS ONE, PeerJ, IEEE Access, AAAI, Usenix, ... • But many publishers are not fully open access • ACM, IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, ... • “Hybrid” open access at best (individual papers can be made open access) • “Article Processing Charges” of $750-1500 per paper. 4
  4. Green Open Access • The publisher can be behind a

    paywall • But the author can make a version available, e.g. on their institutional repository! • Most publishers permit such “self-archiving”. • (Under certain conditions) 5
  5. Paper Versions / Copyright • Pre-print: • Author-prepared, • Non-reviewed

    • Post-print: • Author-prepared • Review comments processed by authors • (Camera-ready) final version as prepared by authors • Publisher version: • Final version as created by publisher • Based on camera-ready version Original copyright: Authors Original copyright: Authors Authors transfer copyright to publisher Eventual copyright: Publisher Eventual copyright: Publisher 6
  6. Common Publisher-Imposed Conditions on Self-Archiving • Statement of copyright (with

    publisher) • Link to publisher version (e.g. DOI) • For commercial journals (Elsevier, Wiley, Springer): • Post-print only after embargo period (12-24 months) • Or post-print on personal home page only • Repository used for self-archiving should be non-commercial. Every publisher has different rules! 7
  7. (c) 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.

    Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. 8
  8. 9 Elsevier Pure = The New Metis Meta-data for all

    TU Delft publications Option to upload author-prepared versions
  9. Upload Workflow • Author enters paper at pure.tudelft.nl • Required

    meta-data (bibtex, scopus) • Proper pdf for post-print (author-prepared camera-ready version) • TU Delft library verifies entry • Completeness / correctness of meta-data • Presence of author-prepared version • Conditions of publisher on self-archiving met • Once approved by library, paper moves to repository.tudelft.nl 10
  10. Entering Publications for 2016 • EWI Contact: Jasper van Dijck

    • Staff can enter their own publications • Publications from 2016 must be entered before January 16, 2017. • Library offers alternative process for 2016: • Sections collect meta-data (bibtex) + postprint for each publication • Section secretary sends it to library before January 16, 2017 • Library enters publication and pdf • Library conducts verification 11
  11. Questions • How do we inform staff about self-archiving? •

    How do we encourage staff to upload their pdfs? • How can we help staff to self-archive? • Will staff make pdfs available for all 2016 papers? • Will staff hand in pdfs that adhere to publisher conditions? • Will all the publications of your department be available? 13