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How to validate your site speed optimization ef...

How to validate your site speed optimization efforts

Optimizing site speed isn't merely about implementing various techniques; it's about validating the effectiveness of these optimizations and ensuring they yield tangible results for your users and your business.
In this talk, Aymen will delve into the crucial aspect of validating your web performance optimization efforts.
He will equip you with practical strategies, tools and actionable insights to assess and validate the contribution of what you deployed as optimization to your user’s experience.
The main takeways from Aymen's talk are:
- Don't use Google Lighthouse to validate site speed optimizations : It's an emulation and doesn't represent real users
- Equip your project with a Real User Monitoring tool and learn how to use it
- Monitor the good metrics and always segment RUM data to extract value
- Be sure to make atomic, detailed, and specific web performance user stories

Aymen, is an international SEO and Web Performance Consultant and founder of Speetals.

Aymen Loukil

October 04, 2024

More Decks by Aymen Loukil

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  1. How to validate your site speed optimization efforts Loukil Aymen

    SPEETALS Speakerdeck.com/aymenloukil @aymenloukil @LoukilAymen
  2. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Site speed matters for

    Users SEO Conversions Brand reputation Inclusiveness Accessibility Costs
  3. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Site speed matters for

    Users SEO Conversions Brand reputation Inclusiveness Accessibility Costs Business
  4. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Set up right tools, Measure, know you

    current performance and get a history Set a baseline The Lazy Artist Gallery
  5. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Weather station Real-time weather conditions Rain, wind,

    sun… Monitor, alert, and predict Image: RitaE Pixabay tailulai
  6. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals RUM Real-time users data and interactions Fast,

    slow, laggish experiences Prioritize, monitor, alert, validate
  7. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Optimize and see the impact Main benefits

    Clear view of your users experience Masood Aslami
  8. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Split and break down

  9. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Segment the data Device,

    Connection type, Location, Navigation type, CPU, Device memory…
  10. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Segment the data Device,

    Connection type, Location, Navigation type, CPU, Device memory, Page type…
  11. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Add “Fetchpriority” high to hero image Metric:

    LCP Page type: PDP Device: Mobile, Desktop Location: Belgium
  12. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals Description : The main product image should

    have the fetchpriority="high" attribute set in its HTML tag. The browser should prioritize downloading the main product image over other less critical resources. Add “Fetchpriority” high to hero image Metric: LCP Page type: PDP Device: Mobile, Desktop Location: Belgium
  13. @LoukilAymen #BrightonSEO Speetals [..Description..] How can we measure the impact

    ? RUM data, PDP segment. LCP percentiles and distribution. Exclude Firefox (doesn’t support) Add “Fetchpriority” high to hero image Metric: LCP Page type: PDP Device: Mobile, Desktop Location: Belgium