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Have A Dog in CircleCI

September 10, 2024

Have A Dog in CircleCI


September 10, 2024

More Decks by bigbackboom


  1. About Me Kodai Kikuchi(菊池 広大) Joined MF 2023/06. Born in

    Saitama Japan (backyard of Tokyo), raised in Hong Kong. I came here as I-turn. Android Engineer. Github: https://github.com/BigBackBoom
  2. Overview Showing the problem I faced when I migrate Bitrise

    Workflow To CirclecI Bitrise WorkflowをCirclecIに 移行する際に直面した問題を示します。
  3. Overview Since Sonargate was required to be implemented, I took

    this opportunity to migrate CI from Bitrise/ Github Action to CircleCI to improve build speed. Sonargateを実装するにあたり、データ送信がGithub ActionではAndroidビルド に非常に時間がかかるので これを機に全てビルド系統はCircleCIに移行した
  4. はじめに A tool to post review comments to hosting Service

  5. What is reviewdog It is quite handy because: 1. Everything

    is based on command line 2. Extension is available on Github Action Marketplace 以下の理由でとても便利なツールとなっています: 1. コマンドラインで完結している 2. Extension がGithub Action Marketplaceに用意されている
  6. The Problem None of projects in MF are using reviewdog

    in CircleCI MFのプロジェクトでは 一つもCircleCIからの利用がない
  7. The Problem I created a jobs to post comments by

    reviewdog, but it did not work well reviewdogでコメントポストするジョブを作ってみたが、動作せず 😢
  8. The Problem build: environment: # taken from CircleCI Context REVIEWDOG_GITHUB_API_TOKEN:

    ${GITHUB_DEVELOPER_REPO_FULL_WRITE_PACKAGES} steps: - checkout - run: command: | for file in `find . -type f -name 'lint-results-debug.sarif'`; do cat $file | reviewdog \ -f=sarif \ -name="android-lint" -reporter="github-pr-review" done Here are Pesudocode 疑似コードとなります
  9. The Problem I could not work it out. I used

    Danger instead 結局対応できなかったので、Dangerを使いました https://github.com/danger/danger
  10. Conclusion Using reviewdog in CircleCI was problematic. If you do

    not want to tackled the problem just use Danger reviewdogをCircleCIで使うのは 色々問題に直面します。問題と戦いたくなかったら 素直にDangerを使ってください