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People, Not Users

October 27, 2013

People, Not Users

Web Directions South '13


October 27, 2013


  1. "The days of you having a different image for your

    work friends or co-workers and for the other people you know are probably coming to an end pretty quickly." — Mark Zuckerberg in “The Facebook Effect” Sunday, October 27, 13
  2. “[Facebook] is like the small town you never left, the

    grammar school class you couldn’t pass out of, the first dead-end job. It’s a network mired in past and present, and by its nature it enforces a limited sense of identity and expression. By contrast, something like Tumblr encourages unbounded use. ... It’s the big city, and each new tumblelog you create is like a new bar or neighborhood where you can try on a new self and see how it fits.” — An Xiao, “The Social Ties That Unbind” Sunday, October 27, 13
  3. "There's this weird thing that happens when you contribute something

    to a static profile," he says. "You have to worry about how this new content fits in with your online persona that’s supposed to be you.” — Evan Spiegel, Snapchat Sunday, October 27, 13
  4. “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to

    know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.” — Eric Schmidt, Google Sunday, October 27, 13
  5. “I use my private Gmail account to email my boyfriend

    and my mother. There's a BIG drop- off between them and my other "most frequent" contacts. You know who my third most frequent contact is. My abusive ex-husband.” — Harriet Jay, Fugitivus Sunday, October 27, 13
  6. Sherry Turkle — Alone Together Nicholas Carr — The Shallows

    Evgeny Morozov — The Net Delusion Mark Bauerlein — The Dumbest Generation Andrew Keen — The Cult of the Amateur Lee Siegel — Against the Machine Jaron Lanier — You Are Not a Gadget Sunday, October 27, 13
  7. The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans

    and Jeopardizes Our Future This shocking, surprisingly entertaining romp into the intellectual nether regions of today's underthirty set reveals the disturbing and, ultimately, incontrovertible truth: cyberculture is turning us into a society of know-nothings. Sunday, October 27, 13
  8. “All of these argue that the problem with social media

    is that people are trading the rich, physical and real nature of face-to face contact for the digital, virtual and trivial quality of Facebook.” — Nathan Jurgenson Sunday, October 27, 13
  9. “It wasn’t really about vanity at all. It’s not really

    about how you look. It’s about you doing something else, or you in other places. It’s a more personal way to share an experience.” — Dom Hofmann, co-founder of Vine Sunday, October 27, 13
  10. “I don't think it is the function of art to

    be pleasing. Art is not democratic. It is not for the people.” — Richard Serra, Tilted Arc Sunday, October 27, 13