CANADA Canadian Electronic Visa Application Center Online | Tourist Business Medical Visits to Canada - Kanada ETA-visum en toegangspermit deur immigrasie van Kanada


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Kanada se elektroniese reismagtiging is 'n verpligte vereiste vir al daardie besoekers wat nie 'n tradisionele stempelvisum op hul paspoort benodig nie. Met ander woorde, hulle word Visa Free Nationalities genoem, wat op die oomblik ongeveer 60 is. Hierdie Visa-vrye nasionaliteite is gelukkig, in die sin dat hulle elektroniese of aanlynreismagtiging, ook bekend as ETA vir Kanada, kan gebruik. Dit is geldig vir 5 jaar en jy kan vir so lank as 180 dae in Kanada bly. As jy langer moet bly, pas dan tradisionele besoekers- of koshuisvisum van die Kanadese ambassade toe. Hierdie eenvoudige, betroubare en maklike proses verseker dat u binne 'n paar dae na Kanada kan vlieg nadat u aanlyn aansoek gedoen het. Aanlyn aansoek neem nie meer as 5 minute om te vul nie. Canadaian Electronic Travel Authorization is a mandatory requirement for all those visitors who are not required traditional stamp visa on their passport. In other words, they are called Visa Free Nationalities, which are approximately 60 at the moment. These Visa Free Nationalities are lucky, in the sense that they can avail electronic or Online Travel Authorisation also known as ETA for Canada. This is valid for 5 year and you can stay for as long as 180 days in Canada. If you need to stay longer, then apply traditional Visitor or Residence Visa from Canadian Embassy. This simple, reliable, and Easy Process ensures that you can fly to Canada in a couple of days of applying online. Online application takes no more than 5 minutes to fill.


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