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Introduction to the LRS2 CURE Based Reduction P...

Briana Indahl
February 24, 2017

Introduction to the LRS2 CURE Based Reduction Pipeline

Briana Indahl

February 24, 2017


  1. Outline 1.  Intro to LRS2 2.  Se6ng up TACC account

    3.  Running LRS2 reduc>on 4.  Demo 5.  Understanding the data products 6.  Upda>ng reduc>on script
  2. LRS2 •  Based on the VIRUS unit design –  2

    units - 4 independent channels •  Uses VPH grisms to achieve higher spectral resolu>on (R~1800) •  Each unit covers different wavelength range (370-1050nm) •  Full fill factor with microlens array
  3. LRS2 Specs •  12ʹʹ×6ʹʹ FOV per unit Table 2 along

    with additional tabulated parameters that describe the designs of the grisms. The grisms can be seen schematically in Fig. 8 along with an example ray-trace of the spectrograph. The grisms have a square physical footprint with 150 mm sides. The grating layer clear aperture is circu- lar with an over-sized 138 mm diameter as compared to the 125 mm diameter collimated beam to relax the translational position tolerance of the grism within the instrument. We have performed a detailed Monte Carlo analysis of the grism tolerance for each channel including the expected fabrication error, assembly error, and Table 2. LRS2 VPH Grism Properties UV Arm Orange Arm Red Arm Far Red Arm Units (Comments) min , max 370, 470 460, 700 650, 847 823, 1050 nm Dispersion 0.48 1.16 0.95 1.10 ˚ A px 1 (1 ⇥ 1 binning) Spectral Resolution 2.20 5.09 4.24 4.87 ˚ A (FWHM) Resolving Power R 1910 1140 1760 1920 (R = / ) Fringe Density 1770 776 923 797 lines mm 1 Bragg Wavelength 400 590 750 940 nm Angle of Incidence 12.04 6.57 11.17 12.28 (on VPH Layer) Fringe Tilt 1.31 2.00 2.06 2.09 (see Fig. 8) Assembly Physical Tilt ✓ grism 15.3 14.3 15.3 15.3 (see Fig. 8) Prism Wedge Angle 35.5 3.5 30.8 37.4 (see Fig. 8) DCG Optical Thickness 3.5 6.0 4.9 7.5 µm DCG Index Modulation 0.060 0.048 0.074 0.061 (assumed sinusoidal) LRS2-B-UV (“UV” channel) 370 ≤ λ (nm) ≤ 470 LRS2-B-OR (“Orange” channel) 460 ≤ λ (nm) ≤ 700 LRS2-R-NR (“Near Red” channel) 650 ≤ λ (nm) ≤ 842 LRS2-R-FR (“Far Red” channel) 818 ≤ λ (nm) ≤ 1050
  4. For more detailed descrip>on of LRS2: (Chonis et. al., 2014,

    Proc. SPIE, 9147) hdps://arxiv.org/abs/1407.6016
  5. Everything you need to know can be found in: LRS2_reduc>on_README.md

    You can find it here: hdps://github.com/BrianaLane/LRS2_reduc>on
  6. Se6ng up your TACC account for LRS2 reduc>on •  Send

    Karl your username so he can add you to the HETDEX group •  ssh –XY [email protected] Here
  7. Se6ng up your account •  Add paths to your ~/.bashrc

    file >> cd >> vi ~/.bashrc Op>onal
  8. Finding Your Data on Maverick •  Info from night logs

    1.  Date of observa>on (20170127) 2.  observa>on folder (lrs20000015) 3.  object name (GN2_4200) •  Path on Maverick to data: /work/03946/hetdex/maverick •  Directory Structure: /date_folder/lrs2/observa>on_folder/exp##/lrs2/*.fits (ex. /20170127/lrs2/lrs20000015/exp01/lrs2/*.fits)
  9. CURE •  Provides tools for reducing and analyzing VIRUS data

    >> ls $CURELRS2 >> $CURELRS2/deformer –h
  10. LRS2 Reduc>on Sowware •  Can find script at either loca>on:

    –  hdps://github.com/BrianaLane/LRS2_reduc>on OR –  /home/04195/bindahl/LRS2_reduc>on
  11. LRS2 Reduc>on Sowware •  Contains the following elements: •  LRS2_reduc)on_README.md

    •  reduc)on_wrapper_lrs2.py •  cosmics.py •  lrs2_config.py •  lrs2_config –  Lines_files –  Mapping_files –  Pixel_flats –  LongExpCals Instruc>ons here! Main Script Edit this one!
  12. Running LRS2 Reduc>on 1.  Read the LRS2_reduc)on_README.md 2.  Set up

    ~./bashrc file following instruc>ons in README file 3.  Create a copy of LRS2_reduc>on in your work directory 4.  Edit config file (lrs2_config.py) $ python reduc)on_wrapper_lrs2.py OR $ python reduc)on_wrapper_lrs2.py –config path/lrs2_config.py
  13. Reduc>on Steps •  basic - run basic reduc>on (overscan +

    bias subtract, ccd combine, build mastertrace + masterarc) •  run_deformer - run deformer to map spectral traces and build wavelength solu>on for fiber extrac>on •  subsky - run sky subtrac>on on sci images - Need to have run deformer, only runs on non-extracted spectra •  fiberextract - extract spectra and save into fits file - Need to have run deformer •  makecube - builds data cube out of fiber extracted image - Need to have run fiberextract •  collapseCube - collapse data cube to make an image of a wavelength range of the users choice
  14. Ø Make TACC account! Ø All data and reduc>on sowware is on

    Maverick Ø Basic reduc>on to data cubes Ø /home/04195/bindahl/LRS2_reduc)on •  LRS2_reduc)on_README.md •  reduc)on_wrapper_lrs2.py •  cosmics.py •  lrs2_config.py •  lrs2_config $ python reduc)on_wrapper_lrs2.py LRS2 CURE Based Reduc)on Pipeline Instruc>ons here! Main Script Edit this one!