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What every teacher should know about operating ...

Brian Linuxing
July 28, 2020

What every teacher should know about operating systems (from the Abacus to the modern server) with Brian Byrne,

What every teacher should know about operating systems (from the Abacus to the modern server) with Brian Byrne, Virtual MASCOT Conference 2020, 28th July 2020

Brian Linuxing

July 28, 2020

More Decks by Brian Linuxing


  1. What every teacher should know about operating systems (from the

    Abacus to the modern server) with Brian Byrne Virtual MASCOT Conference 2020, 28th July 2020 © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 1
  2. The thank yous A big thanks to everyone at University

    of Wolverhampton for inviting me, in particular Dr. Liam Naughton and Dr. Herbert Daly Credit to Tuxedo Computers for supporting our free Linux community ! https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/ These slides are on Speaker Deck https://speakerdeck.com/brianlinuxing © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 2
  3. Very short bio: Brian Byrne He discovered computing around the

    time Intel released the 4004 chip, in 1971. After 1979 he professionally worked across most sectors, education, commercial and finance, in some seriously technical, managerial and hands-on roles. NB: Brian speaks in paragraphs. Brian founded Linuxing In London (Britain's largest free educational and inclusive Linux group) in 2016, co-organises Covent Garden Pi Jam and the All London Raspberry Pi Jam (mini-science festivals for kids), plus a lot more. He is a freelance IT manager, a thinker and do-er for hire. Want your IT systems organised properly? Pay him, he’ll do it for you! © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 4
  4. Brian’s Operating Systems I’ve used, installed, fixed and played with

    over 24 operating systems in 40 years, including but not limited to: TOPS-10, RT-11, RSX, VAX/VMS, CP/M, MS-DOS, AmigaOS, RSTE/E, Classic Mac OS (Lisa), Sinclair_QDOS, Ultrix, OSF/1, SCO Unix, OpenVMS, OS/2, VM/CMS, NetWare 2->3, Windows 1-> Windows 3.1, Windows 95->98 SE, Windows NT 1.0 ->4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7->8.1, Windows 10 and a lot more. Linux was my 15th or 16th operating system! © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 5
  5. Brief agenda 1. The modern dilemma of no choice 2.

    Basic operating system concepts 3. A very subjective and partial history of IT and operating systems 4. The future © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 6
  6. Your modern options: © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected]

    12 Desktop Operating System Market Share Worldwide - June 2020 Windows 77.68%OS X 17.76% Linux 1.69% Chrome OS 0.8% Source: Statcounter - https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide
  7. Before we travel back in time via the Tardis ©

    Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 13
  8. What’s a computer? Something that computes (makes calculations). Can be

    analogue or digital. A person or a device. Apparently, takes it meaning from the word, computist and computus (the calculation calendar and in particular Easter, mentioned by medieval monk Bede - 7th C) © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 15
  9. What’s an operating systems and why are they so important?

    © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 16 No operating systems, no apps to speak of!
  10. What does an operating system do, daily? © Brian Byrne,

    2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 17 It manages and controls resources. Think of an operating system as a software juggler and sergeant major.
  11. A very subjective and partial history of IT and operating

    systems © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 18
  12. Not a Brain, it is not the 1960s! © Brian

    Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 19
  13. The Abacus © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 20

    Suanpan, a Chinese Abacus. Various ones have been dated back to ~190 CE
  14. The Antikythera Mechanism © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected]

    21 Found in 1901, probably dates back to 200 BCE. A complex astronomical device.
  15. Modern computing © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 27

    • Digital, not analogue. • Digital, everything is represented as numbers, in binary, 1 or 0. Not decimal. Based on Von Neumann architecture • Binary • Program management • In sequence • Control and arithmetic unit • I/O seperate
  16. 1952 - IBM 701 - their first scientific computer ©

    Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 34
  17. 1954 - IBM 704 - FORTRAN and beyond © Brian

    Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 35
  18. 1954 - The transistor at Bell Labs, later at TI

    © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 37
  19. 1959 - IBM 7090 - transistors and 36 bit ©

    Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 39
  20. 1967 - IBM 360 model 91 - 16 MIPs ©

    Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 42
  21. 1967 - IBM 360 model 91 - 16 MIPs ©

    Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 43
  22. 1970s - Mainframes take off - plenty of human too

    © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 44
  23. 1970s - TSO and MVS - Banks’ favourite © Brian

    Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 47
  24. 1970s - PDP 11 - if you can’t afford an

    IBM © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 49
  25. Late 1970s - VAX 11/780 - cheap computing © Brian

    Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 50
  26. 1970s - Asynchronous terminals © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email:

    [email protected] 51 VAX 11/780: VAX/VMS Compilers for FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL Simple editing, very popular.
  27. 1983 - The IBM PC XT - all change ©

    Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 52
  28. 1984 - IBM AT - 80286 is never enough ©

    Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 53
  29. 1981 and 1985 - Operating systems and protected mode ©

    Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 54
  30. Intel processors - up to 2001 © Brian Byrne, 2020

    Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 59 1982-80286 1985-80386 1989-80486 1993-Pentium 1995-Pentium Pro 1997-Pentium II 1998-Celeron 1999-Pentium 2000-Pentium 4 2001-Xeon
  31. Please put your hand up if you use any of

    these. © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected]
  32. Hands up? Congratulations! You are a Linux user! I am

    just like you :) © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email:[email protected]
  33. Linux runs everything (free apps): Word-processors, managing PDFs, graphic and

    image editing, non-linear video, audio editing, databases (SQL, NoSQL), web servers, blogging and lots of coding tools too: git, C, C++, Dart, Swift, Javascript/Node, Python, Go, Ruby, Java, Fortran, PASCAL, COBOL, the lot! All free! © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected]
  34. The Raspberry Pi - the most popular small board computer

    © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email:[email protected]
  35. What’s a supercomputer and why are they important? Typically, these

    are the most expensive and fastest systems that can be purchased or created. US: Summit (created by IBM for Oak Ridge National Laboratory) uses IBM POWER9 CPUs and Nvidia Tesla GPUs, cost ~ $200 million, High Performance Linpack (HPL) benchmark ~148.6 petaflops. China: Sunway TaihuLight (created by China’s own NRCPC) uses SW26010 manycore 64-bit RISC processors, cost ~$273 million, LINPACK benchmark ~93 petaflops. © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email:[email protected]
  36. Top 500 supercomputers If someone is going to spend $200

    million on a really, really fast supercomputer then it follows they will probably have spent a lot of time considering which operating system is best for it? In the case of the top 500 supercomputers in the world, they all run Linux. https://www.top500.org/statistics/details/osfam/1 That should tell you something. © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email:[email protected] 77
  37. Reasons to use Linux It does everything that Windows does,

    but better. It is used extensively in business, and is secure. Most backend computing involves the use of Linux. It is all over the Cloud, even at Microsoft, particularly in Azure. Plenty of choice (250+ varieties). It’s comparatively lightweight on computing resources, thus faster. It is the future, from a ~£36 computer to one costing $200+ millions. © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email:[email protected]
  38. Linux facts All major Cloud providers offer Linux. 2/3s of

    web servers run Linux. ~2.7% on desktop, >26% among devs. Android (based on the Linux kernel) has an approximate 69% market share. Linux’s specialness: It’s largely written in C, simple and small, works on low-end CPUs, and is supported across 10+ computer architectures. © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email:[email protected] 79
  39. Microsoft and Linux WSL2 - Windows Subsystem for Linux 2

    - a Linux kernel and shell directly from Windows 10. “Sasha Levin, Microsoft Linux kernel developer, in a request that Microsoft be allowed to join a Linux security list, revealed that: "the Linux usage on our cloud has surpassed Windows". “ See https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-asks-to-join-private-linux-secu rity-developer-list/ © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email:[email protected] 80
  40. The End Thank you for participating. Enjoyed the event, slides,

    etc? Then please leave a nice comment on Twitter. [NB: All images are copyright of their respective owners.] © Brian Byrne, 2020 Twitter:@BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] 81