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Work Log 03/08

Liang Bo Wang
March 08, 2013

Work Log 03/08

Liang Bo Wang

March 08, 2013


  1. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine N

    G S Wo r k f l o w, Q u a l i t y C h e c k  Work Log – 03/08 From to
  2. Current NGS workflow progress Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center

    of Genomic Medicine 2 *.bcl Demultiplexing Illumina CASAVA 1.8 FASTQ *.fastq FASTQ *.fastq FASTQ *.fastq Quality Check FastQC v0.10.1 HTML *.html Figs *.png Report *.txt QC & Trimming cutadapt FASTQ *.fastq
  3. Why the sequencer knows the beginning of a DNA (cDNA)

    insert? •  Only insert part of a read emits fluorescence •  But it does not know the end of an insert •  If insert is too short, the 3’ adapter may be read Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine 4
  4. FastQC Report •  Basic Statistics •  Per base sequence quality

    •  Per sequence quality scores •  Per base sequence content •  Per base GC content •  Per sequence GC content •  Per base N content •  Sequence Length Distribution •  Sequence Duplication Levels •  Overrepresented sequences •  Kmer Content Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine 6
  5. Per base sequence quality (good) •  X axis is not

    linear Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine 8
  6. Per base sequence quality (not good) •  need to trim

    quality Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine 9
  7. Per sequence quality scores (good) •  one peak at good

    score Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine 10