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Work Log 03/07

Liang Bo Wang
March 07, 2014

Work Log 03/07

Liang Bo Wang

March 07, 2014


  1. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang Work Log 03/07 •  Liang Bo Wang http://www.rafael-araujo.com/
  2. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University Trello - Intro 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang
  3. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang
  4. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang
  5. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang
  6. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang
  7. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang
  8. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 實驗室 Project 網站試作 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang
  9. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 目的 •  讓更多人了解網站運作過程 •  也許未來寫計畫可以簡單一點 我 •  試作上傳檔案的機制 •  試作Project(即 NGS 樣本)的管理介面  2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang
  10. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic Medicine, National

    Taiwan University 目標 •  完成一個網站雛形 •  使用者能建立新的專案,加入 tag •  專案頁內能加入多檔案 –  並且能上傳新的檔案更新 –  檔案亦有 tag 可以做 filter •  利用 tag、檔名搜尋 2013.12  Slides by Liang Bo Wang