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The intersection between open-source and blockc...

August 02, 2020

The intersection between open-source and blockchain : Trust and Consensus


August 02, 2020

More Decks by charles

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  1. About Me - Hey I’m Charles Jhong - A golang

    developer - Working at AMIS - Wallet service backend - Bitcoin/Omni integration - Motorcycle enthusiast 2
  2. Agenda - What is blockchain? - What does blockchain to

    do with open-source? - Philosophy in common - AMIS’s open-sourced project 3
  3. Bitcoin - A decentralized ledger maintained by a distributed system

    - What does “decentralized” mean ? - Who are those “miners” ? - With an innovative economy model, a currency system without bank and government was born - It’s designed as a ledger, but just a ledger 5
  4. Ethereum - A distributed computing platform featuring smart contract -

    With a turing complete programming language called Solidity - Smart contracts (aka Dapps) will be executed in an isolated environment called EVM 6
  5. Ethereum - Each dapp has its own storage and logic

    - Not only a ledger system anymore - Blockchain becomes a stack of protocols - There’s no need to build a new chain for most developer - Layer 1 focus on security, scaling while layer 2 focus on applications and business 7
  6. No source, no trust - Without government, people trust blockchain

    system is because they trust cryptography algorithms, game theory and the consistency of Dapps execution result - In order to make sure these characteristics preserved, revealing it’s source code is inevitable 12
  7. Fundamental ones - Cryptography library - Client node - To

    convince those early adaptors - More developers and users, more secure 13
  8. Dapp needs transparency - There’s no trust in a decentralized

    black box - What if somebody deploy another Dapp instance using my open-sourced code? - Copyright? - Business model - Maintenance 14
  9. Consensus - Consensus algorithm - If parties in community are

    not in agreement of certain change, alternative (forked) chains may emerge 15
  10. Collaboration - Open source is an efficient way of people

    collaborate with each other - Miners are incented to do good things together so the system can be trust 17
  11. Open and Transparency - Open finance - Voting - On-chain

    governance - DAO : Decentralized Autonomous Organization 19
  12. Alice - A HTSS library written in golang - Hierarchical

    Threshold Signature - Shorter signature and better privacy than multisig - Improve accountability of TSS 21
  13. Alice - Reviewed and Audited by Kudelski Security - Github

    : https://github.com/getamis/alice - AMIS Medium : https://medium.com/getamis 24
  14. Vishwakarma - Terraform modules for deploying self-hosting kubernetes cluster -

    Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) - Versioning infrastructure - Reusable module - With default and customized ASG - Github : https://github.com/getamis/vishwakarma 25