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COTC - Who is The Red Poncho - Final Storyboard...

COTC - Who is The Red Poncho - Final Storyboard - CharmaineĀ Verhagen

Storyboards for Craig of the Creek episode "Who is The Red Poncho" by Charmaine Verhagen

Written and Boarded by: Charmaine Verhagen & Lamar Abrams
Supervising Director: Najja Porter
Storyboard Supervisor: David Alegre
Revisions by: Hannah Lee Stockdale, Benji Lee, J. N. Wiedle

Charmaine Verhagen

August 01, 2023

More Decks by Charmaine Verhagen

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  1. Scene 30 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes WHIP PAN Scene

    30 Panel 2 Dialog SFX (chill bar jazz piano) (tap, tap, tap) Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of outside of Candy Bar, CAMERA PANS DOWN This sequence is full color, not black and white. BG: ??? one I used had the horse trough and the cardboard window, but I edited them out (_Sign_B140S001_010) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 50/387
  2. Scene 32 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) His motive? Action

    Notes CUT TO WIDE of OMAR sitting at table mysteriously, with a MUG OF GUMMY WORMS BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Side Table OL_B127S104_1625 (EDITED, FAR STOOL REMOVED) Scene 32 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (V.O., cont.) His motive? SFX (O.S., distant) (Tippy-tappy) Action Notes OMAR looks over at approaching sound. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 51/387
  3. Scene 32 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (V.O., cont.) His motive?

    SFX (O.S., distant) (Tippy-tappy) Action Notes OMAR turns to look Scene 33 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO C/U of ground as WOLFGANG's feet approach, tap-dancing BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Front Upshot_B127S058_1713 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 52/387
  4. Scene 33 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Action cont. Scene

    33 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes WOLFGANG furiously dances/taps in place (CYCLE A& B) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 53/387
  5. Scene 33 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes WOLFGANG furiously dances/taps

    in place (CYCLE A& B) Scene 33 Panel 5 Dialog SFX (toe tap!) Action Notes WOLFGANG stops and stylishly finishes with a toe-tap COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 54/387
  6. Scene 33 Panel 6 Dialog SFX (heel tap) Action Notes

    WOLFGANG's foot settles. Scene 33 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) He swore revenge on Omar Action Notes CAMERA PANS UP to reveal WOLFGANG's smug face standing in CANDYBAR DOORWAY COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 55/387
  7. Scene 33 Panel 8 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) He swore revenge

    on Omar Action Notes Scene 33 Panel 9 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) for messing up his hair. SFX (tap tap tap) Action Notes WOLFGANG walks forward into bar COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 56/387
  8. Scene 33 Panel 10 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) for messing up

    his hair. Action Notes WOLFGANG OUT Scene 33 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 57/387
  9. Scene 34 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) Plus, he was

    at the Candy Bar when were were discussing the Heart of the Forest. SFX (tap, tap, tap) Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CANDY BAR INTERIOR. WOLFGANG approaches bar, as SHAUN watches RAJ play his keyboard on stage. OMAR sits off to the side with GUMMY WORM MUG, watching WOLFGANG BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Candy Bar Wide - Branch Up_B127S017_1492 Scene 34 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (V.O., cont.) Plus, he was at the Candy Bar when were were discussing the Heart of the Forest. SFX (tap, tap, tap) Action Notes WOLFGANG walks forward and puts his hand on the bar. RAJ continues moving his hands, playing KEYBOARD. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 58/387
  10. Scene 34 Panel 3 Dialog WOLFGANG A pint of gummy

    worms, my good man. Action Notes WOLFGANG antics to sit. SHAUN looks back at him. Scene 34 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes WOLFGANG sits. SHAUN reaches down behing bar top. RAJ playing music continues. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 59/387
  11. Scene 35 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) He could- Action

    Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of WOLFGANG sitting and leaning on bar top BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Close Up of Bar_B127S009_1474 Scene 35 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) -ve overhear... SFX (TUNK!) Action Notes SHAUN's ARM comes IN and places a MUG OF GUMMY BEARS by WOLFGANG COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 60/387
  12. Scene 35 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) d... Action Notes

    SHAUN's hand OUT, as WOLFGANG looks over at MUG Scene 35 Panel 4 Dialog WOLFGANG HM!? Action Notes WOLFGANG REACTS, OVERSHOOT, HAT comically hops off top of head COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 61/387
  13. Scene 35 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes WOLFGANG and HAT

    settle. Scene 36 Panel 1 Dialog WOLFGANG (O.S.) Gummy Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of SHAUN leaning on bar top, again back to admiring RAJ playing his KEYBOARD BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Candy Bar Wide - Branch Up_B127S017_1492 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 62/387
  14. Scene 36 Panel 2 Dialog WOLFGANG (O.S., SHRIEKING) WORMS!! SFX

    (RAJ'S MUSIC STOPS) Action Notes SHAUN and RAJ react to WOLFGANG shouting O.S., RAJ stops playing KEYBOARD (MUSIC stops) Scene 36 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes SHAUN and RAJ look over. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 63/387
  15. Scene 37 Panel 1 Dialog WOLFGANG (O.S.) Not Action Notes

    CUT TO C/U DOWNSHOT of GUMMY BEAR MUG on BAR COUNTER TOP Scene 37 Panel 2 Dialog WOLFGANG (O.S.) (CONT'D) Not Action Notes WOLFGANG's hand comes in COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 64/387
  16. Scene 37 Panel 3 Dialog WOLFGANG (O.S.) Gummy Action Notes

    WOLFGANG's hand grasps a GUMMY BEAR Scene 37 Panel 4 Dialog WOLFGANG (O.S.) BEARS Action Notes WOLFGANG's hand pulls out with GUMMY BEAR COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 65/387
  17. Scene 38 Panel 1 Dialog WOLFGANG Does the Action Notes

    CUT TO MID SHOT of WOLFGANG angrily inspectingGUMMY BEAR BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Close Up of Bar_B127S009_1474 Scene 38 Panel 2 Dialog WOLFGANG disrespect Action Notes WOLFGANG turns, indignant COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 66/387
  18. Scene 38 Panel 3 Dialog WOLFGANG never Action Notes WOLFGANG

    antics to throw Scene 38 Panel 4 Dialog WOLFGANG end?! Action Notes WOLFGANG tosses GUMMY BEAR COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 67/387
  19. Scene 39 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID

    SHOT of SHAUN BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Candy Bar Wide - Branch Up_B127S017_1492 Scene 39 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes GUMMY BEAR flies IN, SHAUN's EYES track GUMMY BEAR COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 68/387
  20. Scene 39 Panel 3 Dialog SHAUN (Ah) Action Notes QUICKLY,

    COMICALLY, SHAUN opens his mouth to catch the GUMMY BEAR Scene 39 Panel 4 Dialog SHAUN (gulp) Action Notes SHAUN catches the GUMMY BEAR in his mouth, looking slightly smug about it. A/B CHEWING CYCLE COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 69/387
  21. Scene 39 Panel 5 Dialog SHAUN (CONT'D) (gulp) Action Notes

    ACTION CONT'D Scene 40 Panel 1 Dialog WOLFGANG I will have Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of WOLFGANG leaning over BAR TOP BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Close Up of Bar_B127S009_1474 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 70/387
  22. Scene 40 Panel 2 Dialog WOLFGANG REVENGE!!! Action Notes WOLFGANG

    dramatically throws himself back. Scene 41 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CANDY BAR, WOLFGANG sits at bar, SHAUN, RAJ, and OMAR look at WOLFGANG BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Candy Bar Wide - Branch Up_B127S017_1492 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 71/387
  23. Scene 41 Panel 2 Dialog WOLFGANG YOU HEAR ME, SHAUN?!

    Action Notes WOLFGANG SHOUTS and GESTURES at SHAUN, who REACTS Scene 41 Panel 3 Dialog WOLFGANG ON THIS Action Notes WOLFGANG QUICKLY TURNS in his seat, SHAUN SETTLES. RAJ reacts, annoyed. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 72/387
  24. Scene 41 Panel 4 Dialog WOLFGANG CUP! Action Notes SHAUN

    watches WOLFGANG and he hops off his stool. Scene 41 Panel 5 Dialog WOLFGANG ON THIS Action Notes WOLFGANG QUICKLY REACTS. SHAUN reacts, starting to crack a smile. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 73/387
  25. Scene 41 Panel 6 Dialog WOLFGANG STOOL! Action Notes WOLFGANG

    GESTURES menacingly at SHAUN who fully cracks a smile. Scene 42 Panel 1 Dialog WOLFGANG (O.S.) ON ALL OF Action Notes CUT TO MID shot of OMAR sitting at table, taking in WOLFGANG's tantrum O.S. BG: Int. Candy Lounge - Side Table OL_B127S104_1625 (EDITED, FAR STOOL REMOVED) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 74/387
  26. Scene 42 Panel 2 Dialog WOLFGANG (O.S.) YOUR FAMILIESSSSS! SFX

    (angry tap-dancing) Action Notes OMAR reacts Scene 42 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes 2 step cross dissolve from previous scene. 1st Omar. 2nd interior stump bg. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 75/387
  27. Scene 49 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) Her Action Notes

    CUT TO UPSHOT, with VULTURE's NEST BARN in foreground Scene 49 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) motive? Action Notes KELSEY and MORTIMOR CRAWL IN COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 87/387
  28. Scene 49 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY and MORTIMOR

    stop Scene 49 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) I beat her in the Sucker Pucker challenge Action Notes KELSEY looks down as CAMERA PANS DOWN to DART BOARD hanging on side of VULTURE's NEST BARN, with SUCKER DARTS stuck to BOARD and BARN COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 88/387
  29. Scene 49 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG (V.O., CONT'D) I beat

    her in the Sucker Pucker challenge Action Notes BLUE DART comes IN Scene 49 Panel 7 Dialog SFX Thoop! Action Notes BLUE DART sticks to BOARD, and WIGGLES with force COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 89/387
  30. Scene 49 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes DART WIGGLE cont.

    Scene 49 Panel 9 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) To this day, Action Notes DART SETTLES. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 90/387
  31. Scene 50 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) She's still sour

    about it. Action Notes CUT TO C/U of BIG RED reacting to throw. Scene 50 Panel 2 Dialog TOMAN ooOO! Action Notes CAMERA PANS/TRUCK OUT as BIG RED turns to grimace at TOMAN who WALKS IN COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 91/387
  32. Scene 50 Panel 3 Dialog TOMAN Last dart, Big Red.

    Action Notes TOMAN turns and smugly looks down at BIG RED Scene 51 Panel 1 Dialog TOMAN You gotta Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of TOMAN and BIG RED standing by VULTURE'S NEST BARN, with DART BOARD and SUCKER DARTS. BIG RED holds the last RED DART. KELSEY and MORTIMOR watch them from the roof of the barn. BG: B018S018A_822 copy COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 92/387
  33. Scene 51 Panel 2 Dialog TOMAN hit the center Action

    Notes TOMAN and BIG RED look at DART BOARD Scene 52 Panel 1 Dialog TOMAN or you Action Notes CUT TO C/U of BIG RED COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 93/387
  34. Scene 52 Panel 2 Dialog TOMAN lose! Action Notes BIG

    RED reacts Scene 52 Panel 3 Dialog BIG RED Well... Action Notes BIG RED settles, annoyed.f COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 94/387
  35. Scene 53 Panel 1 Dialog BIG RED Get ready Action

    Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of BIG RED Scene 53 Panel 2 Dialog BIG RED for a Action Notes BIG RED lifts SUCKER DART up to aim. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 95/387
  36. Scene 53 Panel 3 Dialog BIG RED Big Red Action

    Notes BIG RED antics for throw Scene 53 Panel 4 Dialog BIG RED BULLS- Action Notes BIG RED lunges forward, BG turns to dynamic speed lines card (not animated?) CAMERA PANS with action. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 96/387
  37. Scene 53 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT., BIG

    RED turns as she lands Scene 53 Panel 6 Dialog BIG RED ---EYE!! Action Notes BIG RED leaps again as she continues forward, COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 97/387
  38. Scene 53 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes BIG RED THROWS

    SUCKER DART. CAMERA PAN STOPS Scene 53 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes DART EXITS, BIG RED continues with slight overshoot. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 98/387
  39. Scene 54 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO C/U

    of DART BOARD on side of VULTURE'S NEST BARN WALL and SUCKER DARTS stuck to side. Scene 54 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes LAST RED DART comes flying IN COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 99/387
  40. Scene 54 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CAMERA trucks/pans with

    ACTION. LAST DART flies wide past wall and dart board. Scene 54 Panel 4 Dialog SFX Thook! Action Notes LAST DART lands on ground and top OVERSHOOTS COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 100/387
  41. Scene 54 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes LAST DART top

    settles. Scene 55 Panel 1 Dialog Big Red: D'oh Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of BIG RED reacting to her shitty throw COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 101/387
  42. Scene 55 Panel 2 Dialog TOMAN (O.S.) Ahhhhhh! Action Notes

    BIG RED looks O.S. Scene 55 Panel 3 Dialog TOMAN Ahhhhhh! Action Notes CAMERA PANS OVER as weird TOMAN slides in. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 102/387
  43. Scene 55 Panel 4 Dialog TOMAN You BIg Red: Whimper

    Action Notes CAMERA STOPS as TOMAN points at BIG RED as she dramatically reacts. Scene 55 Panel 5 Dialog TOMAN lou- Action Notes TOMAN raises his arms COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 103/387
  44. Scene 55 Panel 6 Dialog TOMAN (cont.) lou- Big Red:

    Groan Action Notes TOMAN gestures to each syllable of a drawn out "lose" Scene 55 Panel 7 Dialog TOMAN (cont.) lou- Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 104/387
  45. Scene 55 Panel 8 Dialog TOMAN (cont.) huse! Action Notes

    ACTION CONT. Scene 55 Panel 9 Dialog TOMAN (cont.) huse! Action Notes TOMAN settles COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 105/387
  46. Scene 55 Panel 10 Dialog TOMAN A Action Notes TOMAN

    gestures Scene 55 Panel 11 Dialog TOMAN K Action Notes TOMAN's head moves from side to side with every letter. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 106/387
  47. Scene 55 Panel 12 Dialog TOMAN A Action Notes TOMAN's

    head moves from side to side with every letter. Scene 56 Panel 1 Dialog TOMAN You can't hit the Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of TOMAN and BIG red standing by VULTURES NEST BARN, with DART BOARD and SUCKER DARTS around. TOMAN points at BIG RED. KELSEY, MORTIMOR, and VULTURE look down on Big Red and Toman from the roof of the barn BG: B018S018A_822 copy COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 107/387
  48. Scene 56 Panel 2 Dialog TOMAN: broad side of a

    ba-harn! Action Notes TOMAN leans back gestures/dances as he teases BIG RED (CYCLE A & B) Scene 56 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes TOMAN leans back gestures/dances as he teases BIG RED (CYCLE A & B) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 108/387
  49. Scene 56 Panel 4 Dialog BIG RED AUGHHHHHH! Action Notes

    BIG RED REACTS, TOMAN continues gesturing/dancing (CYCLE A & B) KELSEY and MORTIMOR look down at LAST DART Scene 56 Panel 5 Dialog BIG RED AUGHHHHHH! Action Notes BIG RED REACTS, TOMAN continues gesturing/dancing (CYCLE A & B) KELSEY and MORTIMOR look down at LAST DART COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 109/387
  50. Scene 57 Panel 1 Dialog BIG RED (cont., O.S.) HUSH

    UP, Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT of VULTURE, MORTIMOR and KELSEY on BARN ROOF. KELSEY and MORTIMOR are looking down at where LAST DART landed. Scene 57 Panel 2 Dialog BIG RED (cont., O.S.) TOMAN!! Action Notes VULTURE and KELSEY with MORTIMOR look at each other. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 110/387
  51. Scene 57 Panel 3 Dialog VULTURE SKRAW!! KELSEY: WHY!? Action

    Notes VULTURE lunges/screams at KELSEY and MORTIMOR who react. Scene 57 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Two step cross dissollve from previous scene. 1st Kelsey, 2nd Int stump BG. CHaracters and bg are in the black and white pallet for this sequence inside stump. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 111/387
  52. Scene 59 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes WHIP PAN Scene

    62 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) Motive? Action Notes CUT TO C/U shot of RIDDLE BRIDGE SIGN. To p of JP' head is visible behind sign. This sequence ins in full color pallet. BG: B035S095_324 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 118/387
  53. Scene 63 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) Unclear... Action Notes

    CUT TO WIDE of RIDDLE BRIDGE, with JP "hiding" behind RIDDLE BRIDGE SIGN POLE BG: B035S180_364 copy Scene 63 Panel 2 Dialog ROGER (O.S.) (spittle-y dry "whistling") Action Notes JP sneaks a look back COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 119/387
  54. Scene 63 Panel 3 Dialog ROGER (CONT'D) (spittle-y dry "whistling")

    Action Notes JP turns back as ROGER enters with a BOWL on his head, holding a PLASTIC SHOPPING BAG Scene 63 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) But, ROGER (CONT'D) (spittle-y dry "whistling") Action Notes ROGER CONT.'s forward COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 120/387
  55. Scene 64 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) he's a straaaange

    dude ROGER (CONT'D) (spittle-y dry "whistling") Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of ROGER walking FORWARD as he attempts to whistle, SPITTLE flying out of his mouth. BG: B035S183_365 copy Scene 64 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.)(CONT'D) he's a straaaange dude ROGER (CONT'D) (spittle-y dry "whistling") Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 121/387
  56. Scene 64 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.)(CONT'D) he's a straaaange

    dude ROGER (CONT'D) (spittle-y dry "whistling") Action Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 65 Panel 1 Dialog ROGER (finishes dry whistling) Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT of RIDDLE BRIDGE as ROGER CONTINUES FORWARD, WHISTLING terribly, SPITTLE flying out of his mouth, with BOWL on his head and PLASTIC BAG slung over his shoulder. JP looks back at ROGER as he "hides" behing SIGN POLE COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 122/387
  57. Scene 65 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes ROGER stops, turns,

    and looks at PLASTIC BAG Scene 65 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes ROGER puts PLASTIC BAG down on bridge COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 123/387
  58. Scene 65 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes ROGER starts to

    sit down Scene 65 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 124/387
  59. Scene 65 Panel 6 Dialog ROGER (dry mouth smack) Action

    Notes ROGER settles and starts smacking his dry lips (cycle A & B) Scene 65 Panel 7 Dialog ROGER Action Notes ROGER settles and starts smacking his dry lips (cycle A & B) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 125/387
  60. Scene 65 Panel 8 Dialog ROGER Lips are kinda dry!

    Well, what're you gonna do? Action Notes ROGER looks down at his dry lips Scene 65 Panel 9 Dialog ROGER Alley- Action Notes ROGER reaches up and grasps BOWL COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 126/387
  61. Scene 65 Panel 10 Dialog ROGER oop! Action Notes ROGER

    flips bowl down into his lap. Scene 65 Panel 11 Dialog ROGER Time for some soup Action Notes ROGER leans over and reaches into PLASTIC BAG COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 127/387
  62. Scene 66 Panel 1 Dialog SFX (rustle) Action Notes CUT

    TO C/U UPSHOT of ROGER, with BOWL between his knees in foreground. ROGER is reaching into PLASTIC BAG Scene 66 Panel 2 Dialog ROGER Leaves Action Notes ROGER pulls out PILE OF LEAVES AND STICKS, COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 128/387
  63. Scene 66 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes ROGER drops PILE

    into BOWL Scene 66 Panel 4 Dialog SFX (rustle) Action Notes ROGER turns and reaches into PLASTIC BAG again COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 129/387
  64. Scene 66 Panel 5 Dialog ROGER Moss. Action Notes ROGER

    pulls out CLUMP OF MOSS Scene 67 Panel 1 Dialog ROGER (O.S.) and... Mayo! Action Notes CUT TO WIDE/MIDSHOT of JP "hiding" behind SIGN POLE BG: B035S180_364 copy COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 130/387
  65. Scene 67 Panel 2 Dialog SFX (O.S.) SQUELCH! Action Notes

    JP reacts to nasty sounds O.S., peeking back Scene 67 Panel 3 Dialog SFX (O.S., cont.) SQUELCHhhhhh! Action Notes JP looks back, perturbed COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 131/387
  66. Scene 68 Panel 1 Dialog ROGER (O.S.) Oh wait, its

    a salad! Action Notes CUT TO C/U DOWNSHOT of "SALAD" in BOWL in ROGER'S lap WATER FX Scene 69 Panel 1 Dialog ROGER Hmm! Action Notes CUT TO WIDE UPSHOT of RIDDLE BRIDGE, with ROGER sitting on BRIDGE, looking down at BOWL. PLASTIC BAG sits beside him. From behind SIGN POLE, JP looks back at ROGER, slightly horrified. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 132/387
  67. Scene 69 Panel 2 Dialog ROGER Oh! Action Notes JP

    closes his mouth, ROGER antics for finger snap Scene 69 Panel 3 Dialog SFX (finger-snap!) Action Notes ROGER snaps his fingers. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 133/387
  68. Scene 69 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes ROGER leans forward

    and digs in his pocker with his hand. Scene 70 Panel 1 Dialog ROGER Can't forget Action Notes CUT TO C/U UPSHOT OF ROGER, with BOWL in between his knees, reaching into his pocket. PLASTIC BAG sits beside him COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 134/387
  69. Scene 70 Panel 2 Dialog ROGER the Action Notes ROGER

    pulls out his hand from his pocket. Scene 70 Panel 3 Dialog ROGER Croutons! Action Notes ROGET smile as he opens his hand, revealing NUTS/ACORNS COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 135/387
  70. Scene 70 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes ROGER tosses NUTS/ACORNS

    into BOWL Scene 71 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO C/U DOWNSHOT of "SALAD" in BOWL on ROGER's LAP, as his hand drops the last of the NUTS/ACORNS into the BOWL COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 136/387
  71. Scene 71 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes NUTS/ACORNS and ROGER's

    HAND settles Scene 71 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes ROGER grasps side of BOWL COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 137/387
  72. Scene 72 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    UPSHOT of RIDDLE BRIDGE, with ROGER sitting on BRIDGE, looking down at BOWL. PLASTIC BAG sits beside him. From behind SIGN POLE, JP is FULLY engrossed in ROGER's antics, no longer bothering to hide. Scene 72 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes ROGER reaches into BOWL with his hand COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 138/387
  73. Scene 72 Panel 3 Dialog ROGER Ah- Action Notes ROGER

    lifts his hand full of "SALAD" to his mouth Scene 72 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes ROGER stops and looks over at JP COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 139/387
  74. Scene 73 Panel 1 Dialog ROGER Oh, hello. Action Notes

    CUT TO WIDE of RIDDLE BRIDGE, JP staring at ROGER who stares back, holding a handful of "SALAD" at to his mouth. BG: B035S096_323 Scene 73 Panel 2 Dialog ROGER A riddle for some salad...? Action Notes JP turns away quickly, realizing he may have been spotted. ROGER propositions JP. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 140/387
  75. Scene 75 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes WHIP PAN Scene

    78 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) Her motive? Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of TEA TIMER's WILLOW TREE, CAMERA slowly TRUCKS IN This sequence is in full color pallet BG: B017S043_039 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 148/387
  76. Scene 79 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO INSIDE

    WALL of WILLOW TREE BG: B017S044_047 Scene 79 Panel 2 Dialog SFX (willow leaves gently moving) Action Notes CRAIG's HEAD pushes IN through WILLOW TREE "WALL" BG: B017S044_047 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 149/387
  77. Scene 80 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) We discovered she

    was the thief Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of WILLOW TREE INTERIOR, CRAIG's head poking through WILLOW TREE WALL, with ELIZA'S CHAIR in foreground, with ELIZA's skirt and feet hanging over chair arm one leg kicks (CYCLE A & B) Scene 80 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of WILLOW TREE INTERIOR, CRAIG's head poking through WILLOW TREE WALL, with ELIZA'S CHAIR in foreground, with ELIZA's skirt and feet hanging over chair arm one leg kicks (CYCLE A & B) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 150/387
  78. Scene 81 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) master Action Notes

    CUT TO WIDE of ELIZA reclining in her CHAIR, as GEORGE brushes her hair, and JANE pushes a DESSERT CART IN, with a TEA CUP and TEAPOT on the cart ELIZA keeps lazily wiggling/kicking her foot Scene 81 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) (CONT'D) mind, Lady ALT (cont.): and takes pleasure in everyone's misfortunes. Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 151/387
  79. Scene 81 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) (CONT'D) T, ALT

    (cont.): and takes pleasure in everyone's misfortunes. Action Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 82 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) and Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of GEORGE BRUSHING ELIZA'S HAIR. (CYCLE BRUSHING THRU SCENE) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 152/387
  80. Scene 82 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) ruined her Action

    Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 82 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) evil Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 153/387
  81. Scene 82 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG (V.O.) (CONT'D) plans Action

    Notes ELIZA'S HAND come IN holding a CUP OF TEA Scene 82 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes CAMERA PANS OVER to REVEAL JANE presenting ELIZA with TEA CUP. ELIZA opens her eyes and looks at ELIZA COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 154/387
  82. Scene 82 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA looks down

    at TEA CUP. ELIZA looks at ELIZA. Scene 82 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA looks back up at JANE COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 155/387
  83. Scene 82 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA looks down

    at TEA CUP again Scene 82 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA looks up at JANE again COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 156/387
  84. Scene 82 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA looks down

    at TEA CUP AGAIN, JANE realizes ELIZA keeps looking down Scene 82 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes JANE looks down at TEA CUP as well COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 157/387
  85. Scene 82 Panel 12 Dialog Action Notes JANE and ELIZA

    look at each other Scene 82 Panel 13 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA makes a small "O" with her mouth COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 158/387
  86. Scene 82 Panel 14 Dialog Action Notes JANE realizes Scene

    82 Panel 15 Dialog SFX (tinkle) Action Notes JANE quickjly turns away, back to DESSERT CART O.S. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 159/387
  87. Scene 82 Panel 16 Dialog Action Notes JANE turns back

    with TEACUP now with a STRAW sticking out of it. ELIZA reacts Scene 82 Panel 17 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA struggles to reach for the STRAW with her mouth COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 160/387
  88. Scene 82 Panel 18 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA closes her

    mouth just out of reach of the STRAW Scene 82 Panel 19 Dialog Action Notes ELIZA weakly tries, and struggles a little more to reach the STRAW with her mouth COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 161/387
  89. Scene 82 Panel 20 Dialog SFX (SLURPING TEA THRU STRAW)

    Action Notes ELIZA grasps the STRAW with her lips and settles back to being sipping. Scene 83 Panel 1 Dialog SFX (O.S.) (CONT'D) (SLURPING TEA THRU STRAW) Action Notes CUT TO C/U of CRAIG's HEAD poking through WILLOW TREE WALL, watching the pathetic ELIZA antics O.S. BG: B017S044_047 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 162/387
  90. Scene 83 Panel 2 Dialog SFX (O.S.) (CONT'D) (SLURPING TEA

    THRU STRAW) Action Notes CRAIG begins to roll his eyes BG: B017S044_047 Scene 83 Panel 3 Dialog SFX (O.S.) (CONT'D) (SLURPING TEA THRU STRAW) Action Notes CRAIG lifts his head slightly as he rolls his eyes BG: B017S044_047 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 163/387
  91. Scene 83 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG's head settles

    as he finishes his eye roll. BG: B017S044_047 Scene 83 Panel 5 Dialog Craig: Sigh Action Notes Pan over to black and white Craig in stump during 2 step cross dissolve. 1st Craig, board and hanging light, 2nd interior stump bg. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 164/387
  92. Scene 128 Panel 3 Dialog JP Okay, bud. Action Notes

    Scene 129 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes B001S218.jpg COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 263/387
  93. Scene 130 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of OMAR sitting on rock, CAMERA slowly PANS IN BG: _Trees _B098S128_424 Scene 131 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO closer WIDE of OMAR sitting on rock, waiting BG: Ext. Creek Forest - Rock Foreground_B098S133_426 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 264/387
  94. Scene 131 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes OMAR looks up,

    at noise O.S. Scene 131 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes OMAR smiles COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 265/387
  95. Scene 132 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE,

    with OMAR in FG as MAYA walks IN Scene 132 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 266/387
  96. Scene 133 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID

    SHOT of MAYA walking forward, looking down at something in her hand Scene 133 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes MAYA CONT. forward, and reveals a small CUBE PIECE COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 267/387
  97. Scene 134 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Close up of

    cube piece in Maya's hand. Scene 135 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of OMAR sitting on ROCK Ext. Creek Forest - Rock Foreground_B098S133_426 (EXTENDED) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 268/387
  98. Scene 135 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR (shocked noise) Action Notes

    OMAR leans forward, incredulous at what he's seeing Scene 135 Panel 3 Dialog OMAR Is that... Action Notes OMAR stands up, still shocked. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 269/387
  99. Scene 136 Panel 1 Dialog OMAR (O/S) A puzzle cube?!

    Action Notes CUT TO C/U of MAYA's hand holding CUB PIECE, as she continues walking forward. BG pans Scene 136 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes MAYA grasps CUBE PIECE in her hand, still walking forward. BG pans COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 270/387
  100. Scene 137 Panel 1 Dialog MAYA Omar, Action Notes CUT

    TO MID SHOT of MAYA walking forward, still holding CUBE PIECE in her hand Scene 137 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA You'll never-- Action Notes MAYA continues forward as OMAR suddenly jumps DOWN and IN COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 271/387
  101. Scene 137 Panel 3 Dialog OMAR How could you do

    this to me, again?! Action Notes CUT TO OMAR LANDS and MAYA reels back. Scene 138 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO C/U of MAYA holding CUBE in her fist COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 272/387
  102. Scene 138 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA Bro--what? Action Notes MAYA

    steps back, confused Scene 139 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of OMAR and MAYA standing. facing off against each other. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 273/387
  103. Scene 139 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR I KNOW Action Notes

    OMAR suddenly point his finger in MAYA's face, who reacts, shocked, looking at his hand Scene 139 Panel 3 Dialog OMAR you're the Red Poncho! Action Notes OMAR settles, MAYA looks at him COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 274/387
  104. Scene 139 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes OMAR puts his

    hand down, MAYA looks at her clothes. Scene 140 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of OMAR in FG, looking at MAYA who is looking down at herself. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 275/387
  105. Scene 140 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA I don't know what

    you're talking about! Action Notes MAYA looks up at OMAR, still confused, and now slightly annoyed Scene 141 Panel 1 Dialog OMAR Ohoho Action Notes CUT TO C/U UPSHOT of OMAR Ext. Creek Forest - Rock Foreground_B098S133_426 (EXTENDED) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 276/387
  106. Scene 141 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR(CONT) Ohoho Action Notes OMAR

    tilts his head and leans FWD Scene 141 Panel 3 Dialog OMAR REALLY? Action Notes OMAR leans FWD more and tilts head further COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 277/387
  107. Scene 141 Panel 4 Dialog OMAR So you didn't kick

    our butt in the astronomy cave, Action Notes OMAR tilts his head the other direction Scene 141 Panel 5 Dialog OMAR and steal that cube from us? Action Notes OMAR GESTURES at MAYA O.S. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 278/387
  108. Scene 142 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MAYA

    looking down at CUBE PIECE in her hand Scene 142 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA What?! Action Notes MAYA eyes on OMAR O/S COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 279/387
  109. Scene 142 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA You think I took

    this stupid-- Action Notes MAYA grasps CUBE PIECE, steps forward with angry acting. Scene 142 Panel 4 Dialog MAYA Ow! Action Notes MAYA REACTS as something hits her O.S. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 280/387
  110. Scene 143 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of OMAR and MAYA, with BLACK WIDOW SPIDER RC TOY at MAYA'S FEET, having just run into her. Scene 143 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA What the-- Action Notes MAYA looks back at SPIDER RC TOY, which begins to roll backwards. OMAR also leans over to look at SPIDER RC TOY. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 281/387
  111. Scene 144 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO DOWNSHOT

    of SPIDER RC TOY rolling backwards on ground. Scene 144 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes SPIDER RC TOY begins to slow down. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 282/387
  112. Scene 144 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes SPIDER RC TOY

    STOPS Scene 145 Panel 1 Dialog OMAR Uh... Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of OMAR and MAYA. OMAR sarcastically remarks about toy. Ext. Creek Forest - Rock Foreground_B098S133_426 (EXTENDED) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 283/387
  113. Scene 145 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR This one of your

    lil gadgets? Action Notes OMAR looks at MAYA who is processing the toy O.S. Scene 145 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA Hol'up-- Action Notes MAYA reacts, starting to realize something about the toy. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 284/387
  114. Scene 146 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO DOWNSHOT

    of SPIDER RC TOY on ground Scene 146 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes HATCH on SPIDER RC TOY SUDDENLY OPENS COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 285/387
  115. Scene 146 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CAMERA QUICKLY ZOOMS

    OUT at a NET is shot out from SPIDER RC TOY Scene 146 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes NET CONTINUES TO EJECT OUT AND UP COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 286/387
  116. Scene 147 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID

    SHOT of OMAR and MAYA WATCHING SPIDER RC TOY shoot the NET O.S. Ext. Creek Forest - Rock Foreground_B098S133_426 (EXTENDED) Scene 147 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR & MAYA AHH! Action Notes OMAR and MAYA REACT as NET flies up COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 287/387
  117. Scene 147 Panel 3 Dialog OMAR & MAYA HEY!! Action

    Notes NET CONTINUES UP AND IN Scene 147 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes NET COVERS the SCREEN, enveloping OMAR and MAYA COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 288/387
  118. Scene 147 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes NET comes down

    Scene 147 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes NET continues down and takes OMAR and MAYA with it. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 289/387
  119. Scene 147 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes NET OUT. Scene

    148 Panel 1 Dialog MAYA Omar, what the heck?! OMAR (struggling) Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of OMAR and MAYA stuck to rock, covered by NET as they struggle underneath of it. SPIDER RC TOY sits before them. MAYA's FIST, holding cube piece, is seen sticking out. BG: _Trees _B098S128_424 COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 290/387
  120. Scene 148 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA (CONT) Omar, what the

    heck?! OMAR (CONT) (struggling) Action Notes MAYA and OMAR struggle action CONT. Scene 148 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA (CONT) Omar, what the heck?! OMAR (CONT) (struggling) Action Notes RED PONCHO BEGINS TO RISE in FOREGROUND MAYA and OMAR struggle action CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 291/387
  121. Scene 148 Panel 4 Dialog MAYA (CONT) Omar, what the

    heck?! OMAR (CONT) (struggling) Action Notes ACTION CONT., RED PONCHO obscures OMAR and MAYA Scene 149 Panel 1 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (struggling) Action Notes CUT TO WIDE UPSHOT of RED PONCHO, standing on two DRONES, rising up in the air. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 292/387
  122. Scene 149 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA Omar, what's going on?!

    OMAR (CONT) (struggling) Action Notes RED PONCHO stops rising, but hovers in air, (cycle A & B) Scene 149 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA (CONT) Omar, what's going on?! OMAR (CONT) (struggling) Action Notes RED PONCHO stops rising, but hovers in air, (cycle A & B) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 293/387
  123. Scene 149 Panel 4 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (struggling walla)

    Action Notes RED PONCHO flies up and forward towards CAMERA. Scene 149 Panel 5 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (CONT) (struggling walla) Action Notes RED PONCHO OUT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 294/387
  124. Scene 150 Panel 1 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (CONT) (struggling

    walla) Action Notes CUT TO C/U MIDSHOT of OMAR and MAYA against rock, struggling under NET. MAYA's HAND holding the CUBE PIECE up. Scene 150 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (CONT) (struggling walla) Action Notes STRUGGLING ACTION CONT., as RED PONCHO's hand comes in COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 295/387
  125. Scene 150 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA HEY! OMAR (CONT) (struggling)

    Action Notes RED PONCHO's HAND grabs CUBE PIECE from MAYA's HAND STRUGGLING ACTION CONT. Scene 150 Panel 4 Dialog MAYA (CONT) HEY! OMAR (CONT) (struggling) Action Notes MAYA's hand reaches out as RED PONCHO'S HAND leaves with CUBE PIECE. STRUGGLING ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 296/387
  126. Scene 151 Panel 1 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (struggling walla)

    Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of RED PONCHO flying on DRONES, clutching CUBE PIECE in hand, ad OMAR and MAYA are still stuck and struggling under NET on ROCK. MAYA'S HAND sticks out from NET Scene 151 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (CONT) (struggling walla) Action Notes RED PONCHO looks FORWARD as they fly towards camera, STRUGGLING ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 297/387
  127. Scene 151 Panel 3 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (CONT) (struggling

    walla) Action Notes RED PONCHO stands up as he flys up and out, towards camera. STRUGGLING ACTION CONT. Scene 151 Panel 4 Dialog OMAR & MAYA (CONT) (struggling walla) Action Notes RED PONCHO OUT STRUGGLING ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 298/387
  128. Scene 152 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT

    of TREES/SKY Scene 152 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO flys up and IN COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 299/387
  129. Scene 152 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO TURNS,

    KELSEY SUDDENLY shoots up and in, with SWORD drawn. Scene 152 Panel 4 Dialog RED PONCHO Hehehe... Action Notes RED PONCHO lifts his hand, clasping the CUBE PIECE, up., KELSEY EXITS. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 300/387
  130. Scene 152 Panel 5 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) Hehehe... Action

    Notes RED PONCHO stops rising and holds up CUBE PIECE to look at. Scene 152 Panel 6 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) Hehehe... Action Notes IMMEDIATELY, SUDDENLY, KELSEY'S SWORD comes swinging IN and down, to hit RED PONCHO COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 301/387
  131. Scene 152 Panel 7 Dialog RED PONCHO (O/S) EUGH! KELSEY

    (O/S) RAHHH! Action Notes SCREEN FLASHES WHITE with IMPACT Scene 153 Panel 1 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) EUGH! KELSEY (CONT) RAHHH! Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of POST-IMPACT, SLOW-MOTION, KELSEY floating upwards, having PROPELLED herself upwards by hitting RED PONCHO down, so hard. The two DRONES drift up, andaway. RED PONCHO slowly crumples from impact. CUBE PIECE FLIES, quicker than most things, up and OUT SCREEN quickly fades in from WHITE COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 302/387
  132. Scene 153 Panel 2 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) EUGH! KELSEY

    (CONT) RAHHH! Action Notes SLOW MOTION ACTION CONT. Scene 153 Panel 3 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) EUGH! KELSEY (CONT) RAHHH! Action Notes SLOW MOTION ACTION CONT. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 303/387
  133. Scene 153 Panel 4 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) EUGH! KELSEY

    (CONT) RAHHH! Action Notes SLOW MOTION ACTION CONT. CAMERA quickly pans to RIGHT Scene 153 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes SPEED RETURNS TO NORMAL, and KELSEY ENTERS, jumping down. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 304/387
  134. Scene 153 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY LANDS Scene

    153 Panel 7 Dialog KELSEY ah! Action Notes CUBE PIECE falls IN and hits KELSEY on the top of her head., KELSEY's CAPE settles. KELSEY reacts to getting hit. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 305/387
  135. Scene 153 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY settles as

    CUBE PIECE bounces and lands on ground. Scene 153 Panel 9 Dialog KELSEY Huh? Action Notes KELSEY looks down at CUBE PIECE. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 306/387
  136. Scene 154 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO C/U

    DOWNSHOT of CUBE PIECE on ground. Scene 154 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY's hand comes IN COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 307/387
  137. Scene 154 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY's hand grabs

    CUBE PIECE. Scene 154 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY's hand pulls up and out. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 308/387
  138. Scene 154 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Scene 155 Panel

    1 Dialog KELSEY I got it! Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of clearing, KELSEY stands, holding CUBE PIECE up in air. RED PONCHO lies on the ground behind her. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 309/387
  139. Scene 155 Panel 2 Dialog JP & CRAIG YES! NICE!

    Action Notes KELSEY smiles, as JP and CRAIG, with MORTIMOR on his head, shoot up from behind bush, cheering for KELSEY Scene 155 Panel 3 Dialog JP & CRAIG (CONT'D) YES! NICE! Action Notes CONT ACTION COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 310/387
  140. Scene 155 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO looks

    up at KELSEY and CUB PIECE. Scene 156 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO DOWNSHOT of RED PONCHO lying on the ground, looking up at KELSEY O.S. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 311/387
  141. Scene 156 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO turns

    and places a finger on the SMART PHONE attached to his wrist. Scene 156 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO draws his finger across the SMART PHONE SCREEN. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 312/387
  142. Scene 157 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT to WIDE

    Scene 157 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CAR COMES THROUGH TREES COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 313/387
  143. Scene 157 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Scene 157 Panel

    4 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 314/387
  144. Scene 158 Panel 1 Dialog SFX (fast approaching) Verrmmmmmm Action

    Notes CUT to WIDE of KELSEY, RED PONCHO, CRAIG, and JP Scene 158 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG & JP: KELSEY!!! Action Notes Craig point off screen COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 315/387
  145. Scene 158 Panel 3 Dialog SFX (fast approaching): Verrmmmmmm Action

    Notes Kelsey turns to look Scene 158 Panel 4 Dialog SFX (fast approaching): HONK HONK! Action Notes CAR ENTERS COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 316/387
  146. Scene 158 Panel 5 Dialog SFX (CAR CRASH NOISE) Action

    Notes Scene 158A Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 317/387
  147. Scene 158A Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes color card Scene

    158A Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes Kelsey flies up into frame waving her arms up and down. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 318/387
  148. Scene 158A Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes continue action Scene

    158A Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Kesley settles at the top of her arc, arms waving fast. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 319/387
  149. Scene 158A Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes continue action. Scene

    158A Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes continue action. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 320/387
  150. Scene 158A Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes Kelsey falls off

    screen, arms still waving. her cape overlaps. Scene 158A Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes continue action. COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 321/387
  151. Scene 158A Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes Scene 159 Panel

    1 Dialog RED PONCHO HAAAAAHAHAHAH Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 322/387
  152. Scene 159 Panel 2 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) HAAAAAHAHAHAH Action

    Notes RED PONCHO ENTERS Scene 159 Panel 3 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) HAAAAAHAHAHAH Action Notes RED PONCHO stands COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 323/387
  153. Scene 159 Panel 4 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) HAAAAAHAHAHAH Action

    Notes RED PONCHO MOVES FINGER OVER WRIST PHONE Scene 159 Panel 5 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) HAAAAAHAHAHAH Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 324/387
  154. Scene 160 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY Ahhh! Oooh! Action Notes

    CUT to WIDE of KELSEY on ground. car runs over kelsey Scene 160 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY OW! Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 325/387
  155. Scene 160 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Oh wait, right there!

    Action Notes Scene 160 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY Oh yeah. Action Notes CYCLE CAR running over KELSEY back/forth throughout massage gag COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 326/387
  156. Scene 160 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY Oooo, nice. Action Notes

    CONT ACTION Scene 160 Panel 6 Dialog KELSEY Oh uh a-a little bit to the left. Action Notes CONT ACTION COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 327/387
  157. Scene 160 Panel 7 Dialog KELSEY Mmm that's good- Action

    Notes KELSEY drops her left arm CYCLE A/B for CAR TIRES SPINNING Scene 160 Panel 8 Dialog KELSEY (CONT) Mmm that's good- Action Notes CONT ACTION COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 328/387
  158. Scene 160 Panel 9 Dialog KELSEY -aAGH OWOW! Action Notes

    KELSEY reacts to pain Scene 160 Panel 10 Dialog KELSEY (CONT) -aAGH OWOW! Action Notes CONT ACTION COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 329/387
  159. Scene 161 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes Cut to insert

    of Kelsey's hand Scene 161 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes Kelsey opens fist COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 330/387
  160. Scene 162 Panel 1 Dialog RED PONCHO Ahahaha! Action Notes

    CUT TO UPSHOT OF RED PONCHO Scene 162 Panel 2 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) Ahahaha! Action Notes RED PONCHO moves finger COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 331/387
  161. Scene 162 Panel 3 Dialog RED PONCHO Oh the Cube!

    Action Notes Scene 163 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO DOWNSHOT OF KELSEY COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 332/387
  162. Scene 163 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG AND JP

    ENTER Scene 163 Panel 3 Dialog JP You can hit, but you can't run! Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 333/387
  163. Scene 164 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT to MED

    of red poncho CRAIG in FG Scene 164 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 334/387
  164. Scene 164 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO ANTIC

    Scene 164 Panel 4 Dialog RED PONCHO Heyah! Action Notes RED PONCHO LEAPS INTO THE AIR CAM TRACKS RED PONCHO THROUGHOUT COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 335/387
  165. Scene 164 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO DOES

    A BACKFLIP Scene 164 Panel 6 Dialog RED PONCHO Whatever! Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 336/387
  166. Scene 164 Panel 7 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) Whatever! Action

    Notes Scene 164 Panel 8 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) Whatever! Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 337/387
  167. Scene 164 Panel 9 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) Whatever! Action

    Notes Scene 164 Panel 10 Dialog RED PONCHO (CONT) Whatever! Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 338/387
  168. Scene 164 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO LANDS

    IN CAR Scene 164 Panel 12 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 339/387
  169. Scene 164 Panel 13 Dialog Action Notes CAR SWERVES SLIGHTLY

    Scene 164 Panel 14 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 340/387
  170. Scene 164 Panel 15 Dialog Action Notes Scene 164 Panel

    16 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 341/387
  171. Scene 165 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT to REVERSE

    of RED PONCHO driving away Scene 165 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 342/387
  172. Scene 165 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes RED PONCHO out

    Scene 165 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 343/387
  173. Scene 165 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Scene 166 Panel

    1 Dialog JP (grunting) Action Notes CUT to WIDE of CRAIG, KELSEY and JP. withJP in FG COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 344/387
  174. Scene 166 Panel 2 Dialog JP (CONT) (grunting) Action Notes

    CRAIG helps KELSEY UP Scene 166 Panel 3 Dialog JP (CONT) (grunting) Action Notes JP lifts NET in FG COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 345/387
  175. Scene 167 Panel 1 Dialog OMAR Ah! Thanks, JP. Action

    Notes Scene 167 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR (CONT) Ah! Thanks, JP. Action Notes OMAR rubs his head MAYA eyes on OMAR COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 346/387
  176. Scene 168 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG You okay, Kels? Action

    Notes CUT to MED of KELSEY and CRAIG Scene 168 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG (CONT) You okay, Kels? Action Notes KELSEY STANDS COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 347/387
  177. Scene 168 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Duh, Action Notes KELSEY

    GESTURES Scene 168 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY and I've got the cube! Action Notes KELSEY holds out CUBE COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 348/387
  178. Scene 169 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O/S) Great! Action Notes

    CUT TO INSERT of KELSEY's HAND with CUBE Scene 169 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA This is Action Notes CRAIG and MAYA's HANDS enter COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 349/387
  179. Scene 169 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA MINE! Action Notes MAYA's

    HAND grabs CUBE Scene 169 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes HANDS EXIT COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 350/387
  180. Scene 169 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes Scene 170 Panel

    1 Dialog CRAIG What?! Action Notes BG: Modified BG of Maya and Omar rock from Into the Ovepast (I'm sorry i can't find the BG ID) COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 351/387
  181. Scene 170 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA I didn't Action Notes

    Scene 170 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA GIVE this to you. Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 352/387
  182. Scene 170 Panel 4 Dialog MAYA What the heck man!?

    Action Notes MAYA looks over to OMAR CAM ADJUSTS Scene 170 Panel 5 Dialog MAYA I can't believe you! Action Notes JP/OMAR look at MAYA COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 353/387
  183. Scene 171 Panel 1 Dialog MAYA (O/S) You said Action

    Notes CUT to MED of OMAR and JP Scene 171 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA (O/S) (CONT) you wanted to Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 354/387
  184. Scene 171 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA (O/S) (CONT) friends again,

    Omar! Action Notes OMAR REACTS Scene 171 Panel 4 Dialog MAYA (O/S) (CONT) Omar! Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 355/387
  185. Scene 171 Panel 5 Dialog MAYA (O/S) I though we

    were Action Notes JP starts to walk towards screen left Scene 171 Panel 6 Dialog MAYA (O/S) (CONT) doing okay. Action Notes JP out COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 356/387
  186. Scene 171 Panel 7 Dialog MAYA (O/S) (CONT) Action Notes

    OMAR looks at MAYA O/S Scene 172 Panel 1 Dialog MAYA That we were finally cool like we used to be? Action Notes CUT to CLOSE UP OF MAYA COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 357/387
  187. Scene 172 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA But instead Action Notes

    Scene 172 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA you think I'm some kind of supervillain Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 358/387
  188. Scene 172 Panel 4 Dialog MAYA running around in a

    Action Notes MAYA gestures Scene 172 Panel 5 Dialog MAYA STUPID RED PONCHO! Action Notes CONT ACTION COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 359/387
  189. Scene 173 Panel 1 Dialog OMAR Maya Action Notes CUT

    TO MED ON OMAR Scene 173 Panel 2 Dialog OMAR I-- Action Notes OMAR gestures and turns towards MAYA O/S COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 360/387
  190. Scene 174 Panel 1 Dialog MAYA I really wanted to

    make things right, but... Action Notes CUT to CLOSE UP OF MAYA Scene 174 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA If you're never gonna trust me, Action Notes MAYA lowers head and looks O/S COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 361/387
  191. Scene 174 Panel 3 Dialog MAYA then what's the point?

    Action Notes MAYA shifts forward aggressively Scene 175 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 362/387
  192. Scene 175 Panel 2 Dialog MAYA (running effort) Action Notes

    MAYA RUNS AWAY Scene 175 Panel 3 Dialog OMAR Maya!! MAYA (CONT) (running efforts) Action Notes MAYA EXIT KELSEY/CRAIG/JP track MAYA OMAR reaches out toward MAYA COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 363/387
  193. Scene 176 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY Uhh ya.... Action Notes

    CUT TO MED Scene 176 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY if Maya's not the Red Poncho, Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 364/387
  194. Scene 176 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY who is? Action Notes

    CRAIG thinks Scene 177 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO CU on CRAIG thinking COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 365/387
  195. Scene 177 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Those drones...! Action Notes

    Scene 177 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 366/387
  196. Scene 177 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes Scene 178 Panel

    1 Dialog Action Notes REUSE FOOTAGE - DO NOT ANIMATE COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 367/387
  197. Scene 182 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes WHITE FLASH Scene

    183 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT back to CRAIG COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 377/387
  198. Scene 183 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG eyes widen

    Scene 183 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG The Red Poncho is-- Action Notes CRAIG turns CAM PUNCHES OUT COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 378/387
  199. Scene 183 Panel 4 Dialog JP MAYBE the Red Poncho

    IS a drone, Action Notes JP in Scene 183 Panel 5 Dialog JP and it IS Maya Action Notes JP gestures KELSEY in COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 379/387
  200. Scene 183 Panel 6 Dialog JP controlling ALLLL them machines!

    CRAIG Nonononono Action Notes OMAR in CRAIG gestures Scene 184 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE SHOT OF CREEK BG (BG FROM WHEELS COLLIDE) BOARD REV - add seatbelt to car COTC 1119-162 "Who Is The Red Poncho?" - Final Board Page 380/387