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Stammer / Stutter

Yun Chen
December 29, 2013

Stammer / Stutter

Telehealth Course Report with Stammer / Stutter and
Android APP

Yun Chen

December 29, 2013


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  5. * 語言治療師發現一個 iPhone app「DAF Assistant」可能對他有用。 威爾森必須戴上藍牙耳機, 這個軟體會延幾數毫秒才 讓他聽到自己的聲音,而 這些微的延遲,會讓腦部 以為在與裝置一起說話,

    作用有點像唱歌治療,當 口吃者在唱歌時,口吃情 況會改善一樣。在電影 《王者之聲》也有這情節。 威爾森上周二(5月31日)第一 次試用這軟體,即時見效。他 說:「聽起來我能說得非常正 常流暢,多謝這便宜的app, 令我可以在愛女婚禮上演講。」
  6. DAF(Delayed Auditory Feedback(延遲聽覺反饋)可透過 秒鐘時間來延遲聲音傳達到您的 耳朵部位,也就是說它可提供20- 320毫秒的延遲,每次可增加10毫 秒的時間量。 FAF(Frequency-shifting Auditory Feedback(移頻聽覺反

    饋)則是可改變使用者的聲音音調, 從一個半八度音降到二分之一八 度的音調範圍。 當在同步採用DAF時,FAF則會提 高該軟體的效率。基本上,這款 軟體的運用就是透過延遲回音來 讓使用者大腦以為正在與另一名 說話者同步說話。
  7. Do you shy away from talking because you have a

    tough time getting words out of your mouth? Do you experience blocks and prolonged pauses while speaking? Are you afraid to speak because of your stammering or stuttering issue? Worry no longer. With regular practice using the StutterHelp, you will be able to speak fluently and with no major blockages. Stuttering/stammering is common in people of all ages. It is a speech disorder and not a disease, as many see it. There are many who have a tough time due to this disorder and that is exactly why this application has been developed.
  8. The StutterHelp is an application that provides techniques for people

    to control their speech fluency, slow down the speech rate, boost confidence for people who stutter or stammer while speaking. I have sought the help of a Speech Language Pathologist and Audiologist to build up this application and it can be used as a part of Speech Therapy. You can refer to the About Us section for more details.