Click4Warranty About Us


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Click4Warranty - About Us

Reliable insurance cover for likely failure since 2004

Since 2004, our underwriters, administrators, consultants and IT crew have worked to make Click4Group products respected as the best of their kind.

In business there's no finishing line and we continue to work to ensure our insurance backed policies continue to deserve the trust of our thousands of policy holders past, present and future.

We pledge to keep delivering the best quality of service and comprehensive cover that's affordable at purchase and reliable at claim.

Financial Strength - The Underwriter

Red Sands Insurance Company (Europe) Ltd. Red Sands Insurance Group is an independent European insurance group operating across a number of market sectors offering a range of products and services. Specialising in UK motor related insurance products.

Member of A.B.I. The Association of British Insurers
Protected by the F.S.C.S (Financial Services Compensation Scheme)
Member of The Financial Ombudsman Service
Over 3 million policy holders
Hold more than 188% Solvency Requirement
Underwrite one of the UK's largest Mechanical Breakdown Vehicle Warranty Insurance books
Paid more than £100 Million in claims to clients in 2018

Since its founding, Red Sands is now authorised to operate in fifteen European countries, offering over fifteen classes of life and general insurance through ten carefully selected partners.

With more than three million policy holders, and growing, Red Sands paid in excess of £100 million during the course of 2018 in claims. An important measure of financial strength and why your policy is safe.

We Don't Have The Final Say

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) make the final decision if you're not fully satisfied.

When you buy from the Click4Group, you're buying direct
We listen, your comments are valued, good or bad and help us improve our products
Transparency. No gimmicks, clear products and information
Our sites are constantly updated to ensure navigation, ease of use and information



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