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Comparing the philosophy of the store libraries...

Comparing the philosophy of the store libraries for react


May 19, 2021

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  1. Who am I? const my_info = { Name: ‘܂ݪ੟ਔ’, Position:

    ‘FE Tech Lead/board’, Skills: ‘PHP, Node.js, TS,’, PokemonGO: ‘TL 40’, }
  2. 01 02 Table of Contents Thought Comparison of Store Libraries

    “Redux”, "Recoil", and "Jotai" Why do we need Store library for front-end development? What kind of library should be chosen in the modern world? 03 Introduction Store Libraries Selection
  3. History of front-end React(UI Lirary), Vue, Svelte, Riot HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Monolithic(templates)

    SPA/SSR, Client-API Frameworks, Two-way data binding State management, Store/GraphQL now…
  4. The clew Redux Recoil Jotai A Predictable State Container for

    JS Apps A state management library for React Primitive and flexible state management for React
  5. Redux three principles • Single source of truth • State

    in read-only • Changes are made with pure functions https://redux.js.org/introduction/three-principles
  6. Recoil three principles • Minimal and Reactish • Data-Flow Graph

    • Cross-App Observation https://recoiljs.org/docs/introduction/core-concepts
  7. Jotai three principles • Primitive: Its basic interface is pretty

    much like useState • Flexible:Derived atoms can combine other atoms and also allow useReducer style with side effects https://redux.js.org/introduction/three-principles
  8. Comparison of size Room Task link redux 1.6kb https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=redux react-redux

    5k https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=react-redux recoil 19.7kb https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=recoil jotai 2.5kb https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=jotai
  9. Select the best Store Partner for each project to have

    a good development experience 😆
  10. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons

    by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik credits https://slidesgo.com/theme/impostors- among-crewmates#search-amoung+us