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Open Digital Publishing With Substance

Open Digital Publishing With Substance

Michael Aufreiter & Oliver Buchtala


May 10, 2014

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    P U B L I S H I N G W I T H S U B S TA N C E D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F Michael Aufreiter Oliver Buchtala
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  6. W H A T I S I T F O

    R ? Stories News Articles etc. Technical Documentation Seminar Papers
  7. Y O U R C O N T E N

    T I S D A TA { "id": "150f5510be9d92a8aee3a4f500f0f522", "schema": [ "substance-article", "0.4.0" ], "nodes": { "document": { "id": "document", "type": "document", "views": [ "content", "figures", "citations" ], "license": "licence", "guid": "150f5510be9d92a8aee3a4f500f0f522", "creator": "", "title": "Arctic 30: Mannes Ubels", "authors": [ "contributor_b3a93d2aeb740e7a8027ec2b78191aad", "contributor_13051090a02fbed74a951f9161b57af2" ], "abstract": "", "created_at": "2014-12-22T19:30:27.257Z", "updated_at": "2014-04-30T21:41:55.260Z", "published_on": "2013-12-22T19:30:27.257Z" }, "cover": { "id": "cover", "type": "cover", "authors": [], "image": "cover.jpg" }, "content": { "type": "view", "id": "content", "nodes": [ "cover", "video_165c67fc7436f302a1a801a00deacc95", "text_3d9e13a18c7cf429f1b4e4afde54cf28", "heading_d903dde68aed8306d7c9e3bb40b4254c", "221c98297a80bcfec9cda1926859a668",
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  9. T E M P L A T E F O

    R F I G U R E N O D E T Y P E <div id="<%= node.id %>" class="content-node figure"> <div class="content"> <img src="<%= node.image %>"> <% if (node.caption) { %> <div class="caption"><%= annotated([node.caption, 'content']) %></div> <% } %> </div> </div> .content-node.figure { margin-bottom: 2em; background:#121415; } ! .content-node.figure .content { max-width: 1000px; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center; } ! .content-node.figure .content a { text-align: center; } ! .content-node.figure .caption { font-size: 14px; color: #a9c5c5; margin: 0 auto; } ! .content-node.figure img { max-width: 100%; } Markup CSS
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