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CUEBiC 会社説明資料 デザイナー向け

September 25, 2023

CUEBiC 会社説明資料 デザイナー向け


September 25, 2023

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  1. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. גࣜձࣾΩϡʔϏοΫ $6&#J$JOD ໊ࣾ

    ୅ද ઃཱ ਓһ ڌ఺ ੈҰӳਔ  ೥  ݄  ೔ ໿໊ʢ୯ମʣ ˞ΠϯλʔϯΛؚΉ ໿໊ʢ࿈݁ ˞ ೥  ݄ݱࡏ ౦ژɺ෱Ԭ ΩϡʔϏοΫʹ͍ͭͯ
  2. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. To open up

    new possibilities for human beings, we work to understand our users better than they do themselves. We think more carefully about our colleagues than they do about themselves. We conduct thorough fieldwork with the goal of getting to hear people` s genuine voices. From the beginning, our unwavering identity has been grounded in a sincere attitude towards human nature. All of us at CUEBiC are committed to constant growth, driven by ideas that originate with humans. To open up new possibilities for human beings, we work to understand our users better than they do themselves. We think more carefully about our colleagues than they do about themselves. We conduct thorough fieldwork with the goal of getting to hear people` s genuine voices. From the beginning, our unwavering identity has been grounded in a sincere attitude towards human nature. All of us at CUEBiC are committed to constant growth, driven by ideas that originate with humans. To open up new possibilities for human beings, we work to understand our users better than they do themselves. We think more carefully about our colleagues than they do about themselves. We conduct thorough fieldwork with the goal of getting to hear genuine voices. From the beginning, our unwavering identity has been grounded in a sincere attitude towards human nature. All of us at CUEBiC are committed to constant growth, driven by ideas that To open up new possibilities for human beings, we work to understand our users better than they do themselves. We think more carefully about our We think more carefully about our colleagues than they do about themselves. We conduct thorough fieldwork with the goal of getting to hear people` s genuine voices. VOICES IDENTITY THINK HITO To open up new possibilities for human beings, we work to understand our users bett We think more carefully about our colleagues than they do about themselves. We conduct thorough fieldwork with the goal of getting to hear people` s genuine voic From the beginning, our unwavering identity has been grounded in a sincere attitude All of us at CUEBiC are committed to constant growth, driven by ideas that originate w To open up new possibilities for human beings, we work to understand our users better than they do themselves. We think more carefully about our colleagues than they do about themselves. We conduct thorough fieldwork with the goal of getting to hear people` s genuine voices. From the beginning, our unwavering identity has been grounded in a sincere attitude towards human nature. All of us at CUEBiC are committed to constant growth, driven by ideas that originate with humans. UNDER STAND Ձ஋ͷݯઘ
  3. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. han they do

    themselves. wards human nature. humans.
  4. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. ໨ࢦ࢟͢ VISION Ϗδϣϯ

    MAKE MOVES ͦͷಎ࡯͕ɺͻͱΓΛɺͦͯ͠ੈքΛಈ͔͢ɻ ʮຊ౰ʹղܾ͍ͨ͠೰Έ͸ԿͩΖ͏ʁʯ ʮͲ͏ͨ͠ΒҰา౿Έग़ͤΔʁʯ Θͨͨͪ͠͸໰͍Λ܁Γฦ͢ɻ ࣌ʹࣗ෼ͱɺ ࣌ʹ஥ؒ΍ύʔτφʔͱ޲͖߹͍ͳ͕Βɺ Ͳ͜·Ͱ΋જΓଓ͚Δɻ ώτΛ஌Γɺ ώτΛಈ͔ͨ͢Ίʹɻ Θͨͨͪ͠͸৴͍ͯ͡Δɻ ώτʹର͢Δ஍ಓͳ୳ڀ͕ͦ͜ɺ ੈͷதΛಈ͔͠ɺ ৽ͨͳைྲྀΛੜΈग़͢ͱɻ ͔ͩΒͦ͜ɻ Θͨͨͪ͠͸ɺ ΋ͬͱਓʑͱؔΘΔ৔໘Λ֦͍͖͍͛ͯͨɻ ώτͷؾ͕࣋ͪੜ·ΕΔ͸͡·Γͷॠ͔ؒΒɺ ͦͷؾ͕࣋ͪঢ՚͞ΕΔ݁ͼͷॠؒ·Ͱɻ ΋ͬͱ΋ͬͱɺ ͨ͘͞Μͷώτͷײ৘Λಈ͔ͦ͏ɻ ͦͷͨΊʹΘͨͨͪ͠͸ɺ ࠓ·Ͱங͍͖ͯͨϝσΟΞΛ͞Βʹຏ্͖͛ɺ ՄೳੑΛ޿͍͛ͯ͘ɻ ·ͩݟ͵αʔϏεΛɺ ώτى఺Ͱ࡞Γग़͍ͯ͘͠ɻ ͋͞ɺ ಈ͜͏ɻ ࢓ֻ͚ΔଆΛɺ ໨Ұഋɺ ָ͠ΜͰ΍Ζ͏ɻ
  5. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. νʔϜͰ΍Ζ͏ ʔ ޓ͍ʹཧղΛਂΊ߹͏

    ʔ ଥڠͤͣͿ͔ͭΓ߹͏ ʔ ڧΈΛ׆͔͠߹͏ ʔ ϒϥοΫϘοΫεΛ࡞Βͳ͍ Team CUEBiC Act with Pride Dive into Insights ຊ࣭Λ௥ٻ͠Α͏ ʔ ͋Δ΂͖࢟Λ໌Β͔ʹ͢Δ ʔ खஈʹͱΒΘΕͣ໨తʹ޲͔͏ ʔ ΠϯαΠ τΛ͔ͭΉ CREDO ߦಈࢦ਑ ΫϨυ ϫΠϧυʹ͍͜͏ ʔ ੵۃతʹϦεΫΛͱͬͯ௅ઓ͢Δ ʔ ൷൑ΛڪΕͣɺ ࣦഊΛ׻ܴ͢Δ ʔ কདྷՁ஋Λ૑Γग़͢ ʔ ࣾ֎Λר͖ࠐΜͰػձΛ࡞Γग़͢ Brave Heart ϓϩϑΣογϣφϧͰ͋Ζ͏ ʔ ϕετΛਚ͘͠ɺ ݁Ռʹͩ͜ΘΔ ʔ ධ࿦ՈʹͳΒͣղܾऀͱͯ͠՝୊ͱ޲͖߹͏ ʔ ޷ح৺ͱ୳ٻ৺Λ࣋ͪɺ ֶͼଓ͚Δ
  6. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. ͨͱ͑͹͜Μͳͱ͖ɾɾɾ ւ֎ཱྀߦʹ ߦ͘ͷ͚ͩͲ

    ΫϨδο τΧʔυ Ͳ͏͠Α͏ ʁ ΫϨδο τΧʔυɹ͓͢͢Ί ʮΫϨδο τΧʔυ͓͢͢Ίʯ ͱೖྗ ΫϨδο τΧʔυɹ͓͢͢Ί ΩϡʔϏοΫͷ࡞͍ͬͯΔϝσΟΞ ͜͜ʹදࣔ͞ΕΔΑͳϝσΟΞΛ࡞͍ͬͯ·͢ɻ ͥͻݟͯ ͍ͩ͘͞Ͷɻ ࢲ͕ͨͪ ͓೰Έ ղܾ͠·͢ ʂ ͳΔ΄Ͳʔ ʂ ʂ
  7. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. ΤΫεϖϦΤϯεσβΠϯηϯλʔͷ໾ׂ Ϣʔβʔͷ໨ʹ৮ΕΔΞ΢τϓοτ඼࣭ͷ؅ཧ Ϣʔβʔମݧͷ޲্

    σβΠϯϧʔϧͷࡦఆ؅ཧ αʔϏε΍ཧ೦ͷϒϥϯσΟϯά ࣾ಺ͷίϛϡχέʔγϣϯମݧͷ޲্ σβΠϯࢥߟͷશࣾਁಁ σβΠφʔͷҭ੒ ໨ඪɾධՁઃఆ ΩϟϦΞϏδϣϯࡦఆ
  8. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. ΩϡʔϏοΫͷମ੍ਤ ϝσΟΞ ࣄۀຊ෦

    ৽نࣄۀ ։ൃ෦ ։ൃ σβΠϯ ʢ9%$ʣ ΤσΟτ ϦΞϧ ਓࣄ ૯຿ ܦӦاը ΩϡʔϏοΫ σβΠϯ ʢ6*ʣ Ϣʔβʔ ΤΫε ϖϦΤϯε 1.0 ΤΫεϖϦΤϯεσβΠϯηϯλʔ͸໿  ໊ ΄Ͳͷ૊৫Ͱ͢ɻ
  9. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. ޿ٛͷσβΠϯʢ%&4*(/ʣ͕࣮ݱͰ͖͍ͯΔঢ়ଶ σβΠϯ͕հೖͯ͠Ϣʔβʔʹզʑ͕࡞ͬͨαʔϏεΛ௨ͯ͡ಘΒΕΔɺ ·ͨ͸ͦ͜ʹࢸΔ·ͰͷϓϩηεͰੜͨ͡ʮମݧՁ஋ʯͷ޲্Λ໨ࢦ͍ͯ͠Δɻ

    ͦΕʹΑͬͯࣗࣾͱڝ߹ଞࣾͱͷࠩผԽΛ͸͔ΓɺαʔϏε͚ͩͰͳ͘ ࣗࣾʹ޷ҙతͳϢʔβʔΛ૿΍͠ɺސ٬ຬ଍౓ͷ޲্ͳͲΛҙਤతʹಘΒΕΔঢ়ଶΛ࡞Δ͜ͱɻ 69 ͸ʮϢʔβ͕ɺͻͱͭͷ੡඼ɾαʔϏεΛ௨ͯ͡ಘΒΕΔମݧʯΛҙຯ͠ɺ$9 ͱ͸ސ٬Λҙຯ͠ʮαʔϏεɾ੡඼ʹؔΘΔ શλʔήοτͷମݧʯΛࢦ͍ͯ͠Δ UI UX CX BX
  10. Copyright © 2023 CUEBiC All Rights Reserved. ΑΓৄ͘͠͸ͪ͜ΒΛ͝ཡ͍ͩ͘͞ɻ IUUQTDPDPEBEFTJHOUFBNTDVFCJD ग़ࣾ

    10:00 13:00 ϥϯν ϛʔςΟϯά 14:00 ूதλΠϜ 16:00 19:30 ؼ୐  ೔ͷ΍Δ͜ͱ֬ೝ ΈΜͳͰָ͘͠ʂ ͍ΖΜͳ৬ೳͷํͱ ૬ஊ͠ͳ͕ΒਐΊ·͢ өը؍ʹߦ͖·͢ʂ σβΠφʔͷ  ೔Λ͝঺հ͠·͢ɻ