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Last Month in PHP - January 2013.pdf

Daniel Holmes
January 19, 2013

Last Month in PHP - January 2013.pdf

Daniel Holmes

January 19, 2013


  1. Last Month in PHP January 19, 2013 Kansas City PHP

    User Group Slides: http://kcpug.org Dan Holmes @dan_holmes
  2. New PHP Versions • PHP 5.4.11 • PHP 5.3.21 Mainly

    little stability improvements on edge items Both had Several fixes in cURL Biggest thing I noticed in the release are those final points! 11 and 21! Yep, 5.5 is in alpha! Changelog available at: http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-5.php
  3. PSR-3: Logger Interface • Not one specific library, but a

    pattern for logging libraries to follow • Based off the SYSLOG levels Debug -> Emergency • Log messages support placeholders {username} for example • Existing libs can just add an implementation of LogInterface from Psr\Log https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-3-logger-interface.md
  4. Framework Updates Symfony • 2.0.20 / 2.1.5 - Fixes a

    double-encode vulnerability in their internal routes / firewall implementation • 2.0.22 / 2.1.7 - Options to disable php/object parsing in YAML • 2.2 in development - Lots being written on Sensio's Blog Zend Framework: • 2.0.5 - "includes almost 60 patches, ranging from minor docblock improvements to complete bugfixes" • 1.11.15 / 1.12.1 - Fix for Zend_Feed_Rss and Atom when instantiating directly rather than using Zend_Feed::import()
  5. Framework Updates CakePHP • 2.3.0 RC-1 / RC-2 - 2.3.0

    stable "in a few weeks" • 2.2.5 - bug fixes, HTML 5 validation improvements Laravel • 3.2 - "new features, including the ability to easily register your own auth, cache, session, and database drivers." • 4.0 Beta 1 - "Eloquent Collections, Polymorphic Relations, Resourceful Controllers, Sub-Domain Routing, Totally Revamped Artisan CLI, New CLI Commands, More Bundle / Package Freedom, Composer Driven, etc." Official Beta documentation at: http://four.laravel.com/ Symfony • 2.0.20 / 2.1.5 - Fixes a double-encode vulnerability in their internal routes / firewall implementation
  6. (CMS) Framework Updates Drupal • 7.19, 7.18, • 6.27, 6.28

    - Security fixes, urging upgrade immediately • 8.x in development WordPress • No new releases since Dec 11's 3.5 "Elvin" Your favorite framework or CMS not represented? Just let us know!
  7. NetTuts+ Some great, foundational articles this month: NetTuts+ did a

    good overview of the PSR's so far - PSR-HUH? The interestingly titled: "Why 2013 is the Year of PHP" which may have gotten more stars if titled "How PHP got so much better in 2012" What to expect in PHP 5.5 Better Workflow in PHP with Composer, Namespacing and PHPUnit 24min video, walks you through every step of setup and coding
  8. NetTuts+ Better Workflow in PHP with Composer, Namespacing and PHPUnit

    24min video, walks you through setup and coding
  9. Free Webinar of the month! 5.4 has been out since

    March and is filled with great new features. Still wondering where to start? Watch Lorna Mitchell's (@lornajane) The PHP 5.4 Features You Will Actually Use http://www.zend.com/en/resources/webinars/ http://www.zend.com/en/company/news/event/1188_webinar-the-php-5-4-features-you-will-actually-use
  10. • Voices of the ElePHPant • PHP Town Hall Episode

    3 ◦ ExpressionEngine, unit testing, and moving towards a post-framework world • /Dev/Hell Episode 26 - Sassy! PHP & Web - Lots of great issues, Free as PDF PHP Architect - Acquired by musketeers.me Podcasts and Magazines
  11. PHPTek 2013 Announced Chicago, Tuesday, May 14-17 John Kary HIGHLY

    recommends this conference!! He says: "GO TO THIS! Get your work to pay.... an incredible community-focused conference" http://tek13.phparch.com/ | @phparch Events and Conferences
  12. Developer Conferences in KC: Kansas City Developer Conference, May 3,

    2013 ($100) Ruby Midwest, April 5th - Early Bird Tickets are now sold out! ($189) Upcoming PHP Conferences SunshinePHP, Feb 8-9, Miami, Florida ($219/$159) Midwest PHP, Mar 2-3, St. Paul, Minnesota ($199) Events and Conferences