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Universal JavaScript with React and Node

Universal JavaScript with React and Node

Why you should care about isomorphic JavaScript and the benefits of rendering your frontend code on the backend.


Presented at JavaScript Meetup Ljubljana on Oct 22, 2015

Dane Šoba

October 22, 2015

More Decks by Dane Šoba

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  1. UNIVERSAL JAVASCRIPT ▸ Single JS codebase everywhere ▸ Browser +

    server (+ mobile?) ▸ a.k.a Isomorphic JavaScript
  2. SERVERSIDE SCRIPTING ▸ Display HTML Browser Server ▸ Database ▸

    Business logic ▸ Templating ▸ Render HTML
  3. JAVASCRIPT ▸ Display HTML ▸ Manipulate page Browser Server ▸

    Database ▸ Business logic ▸ Templating ▸ Render HTML
  4. AJAX ▸ Display HTML ▸ Manipulate page ▸ Retrieve data

    Browser Server ▸ Database ▸ Business logic ▸ Templating ▸ Render HTML
  5. APIS ▸ Display HTML ▸ Change page ▸ Retrieve data

    Browser Server ▸ Database ▸ Business logic ▸ Templating ▸ Render HTML ▸ Serve data API
  6. WEB APPS ▸ Display HTML ▸ Business logic ▸ Templating

    ▸ Change page ▸ Retrieve data Browser Server ▸ Database ▸ Business logic ▸ Templating ▸ Render HTML ▸ Serve data API
  7. WEB APPS ▸ Display HTML ▸ Business logic ▸ Templating

    ▸ Change page ▸ Retrieve data Browser Server ▸ Database ▸ Business logic ▸ Templating ▸ Render HTML ▸ Serve data API Code duplication JavaScript PHP/Ruby/Java/…
  8. SINGLE PAGE APPS ▸ Render HTML ▸ Business logic ▸

    Templating ▸ Change page ▸ Retrieve data Browser Server ▸ Serve JS ▸ Serve data ▸ Database ▸ Business logic API
  9. SINGLE PAGE APP BENEFITS ▸ More interactivity ▸ Faster responsiveness

    ▸ Single JS codebase ▸ No duplication of logic ▸ APIs for data access
  10. SINGLE PAGE APP PROBLEMS ▸ Initial page load ▸ Load

    script -> Load data -> Render ▸ SEO ▸ Mobile ▸ Requires JavaScript
  11. UNIVERSAL JAVASCRIPT APPS ▸ Render HTML ▸ Business logic ▸

    Templating ▸ Retrieve data ▸ Change page Browser Server ▸ Render HTML ▸ Business logic ▸ Templating ▸ Retrieve data ▸ Serve data ▸ Database ▸ Business logic API app.js
  12. PRODUCT PLACEMENT MEGABON NEXT ▸ Next version of travel deal

    website ▸ Highly interactive ▸ Map based ▸ Hotels & flights search ▸ megabon.eu
  13. ARCHITECTURE Browser Server app.js API adapters API backend app.js API

    adapters Routing, rendering, events Routing, rendering renderApp() Renders HTML Fetch data (HTTP) Fetch data (HTTP) Node.js
  14. REACT ▸ Render page in any state ▸ Virtual DOM

    ▸ Diff changes ▸ Apply to DOM
  15. REACT - SERVERSIDE ▸ Render entire page to static HTML

    ▸ Reuse rendered HTML in browser ▸ Browser continues where server left off
  16. WEBPACK ▸ Build common.js modules for browser ▸ Use require()

    and modules ▸ npm install modules ▸ Supports node builtin utility apis ▸ Preprocessing code (ES6 to ES5, React JSX, …) ▸ Live reload for dev
  17. WEBPACK + NPM PACKAGES ▸ Can use a lot of

    NPM packages client/server ▸ Can’t use Node system APIs on browser ▸ Can’t use DOM/window dependencies on server ▸ React componentDidLoad for client side code ▸ Wrap client side requires in a ClientSide component not rendered on the server
  18. NODE SERVERSIDE ▸ require() app code directly ▸ use JSX

    loader for React JSX files ▸ modules are shared between requests ▸ watch out for singletons / global / module state ▸ 1 app instance per request
  19. NODE SERVERSIDE - SINGLETONS ▸ Avoid singletons ▸ Avoid mutable

    module state / global state ▸ Requests reuse same modules ▸ Prefer instance state and immutable module state ▸ Object.freeze to ensure immutability
  20. ROUTER.JS ▸ Micro lib used by Ember.js ▸ Nested routes

    with params and wildcards ▸ Async controllers with promises ▸ Link generation with named routes ▸ Not on NPM ▸ Not used much outside of Ember
  21. OTHER JS ROUTERS ▸ Backbone ▸ tied to jQuery, no

    promises support ▸ ReactRouter ▸ No link generation (hardcoded strings) ▸ Cherytree ▸ New, very similar to ember router, React friendly
  22. SERVERSIDE RENDERING ▸ Handle all app urls with router.js ▸

    App controller loads data ▸ API requests go to localhost ▸ React page rendered to HTML ▸ Some API data rendered to HTML
  23. CLIENTSIDE RENDERING ▸ App controller loads data ▸ API requests

    go to API server ▸ Continue from server HTML ▸ Render entire page on change ▸ Single-page app ▸ pushState for url changes
  24. EXPERIENCES ▸ Serverside rendering code is relatively simple ▸ routing

    & rendering ▸ Handling serverside redirects ▸ Handling cookies ▸ Debug app code in browser 95% of the time ▸ APIs handle business logic
  25. UNIVERSAL JAVASCRIPT TODAY ▸ Lack of mature full-stack solutions ▸

    Rendr (AirBnB, Backbone based) ▸ Meteor.js ▸ Roll your own with React ▸ isomorphic.net
  26. UNIVERSAL JAVASCRIPT TODAY ▸ Useful for highly interactive SPAs with

    SEO ▸ Promising, but not a silver bullet (yet?)
  27. UNIVERSAL JAVASCRIPT FUTURE ▸ Ember server side rendering ▸ Angular

    2.0 server side rendering ▸ Meteor.js ▸ React - community libs
  28. API ADAPTERS ▸ API adapters wrap calls to API backend

    ▸ app.apis.session.currentUser() ▸ app.apis.deals.offer(id) ▸ returns promises ▸ SuperAgent for HTTP ▸ can enhance with caching, error handling, etc.
  29. I18N.JS - SINGLETON ▸ Lib for rails-style translations ▸ singleton

    shared between requests ▸ requests use different locales var i18n = require("./i18n"); i18n.locale = req.locale;
  30. I18N.JS - SINGLETON WORKAROUND ▸ Delete the module cache before

    require delete require.cache[require.resolve("./i18n")]; var i18n = require("./i18n"); i18n.locale = req.locale;