Why do I like writing?
It's simple I'm a dreamer.
I like to think that somewhere in the universe there are other worlds parallel to our world. Where live magicians and wizards, angels and demons, dragons and other magical creatures that we can only see in books and movies!
If you think about it, where did all these myths and legends about witches, werewolves, giants and other creatures come from? It's possible that once upon a time there actually existed people with abilities, but over time people stopped believing in them... So now they hide their abilities, but some of them live among us.
For example, the so-called psychics can be compared to magicians, giants are tall people, witches are healers who were versed in the useful properties of plants. And there are plenty of such correspondences! You just need to look carefully around, and everyone will be able to see some background for the magical world. Very strange but during my school and college years I did not really like writing and I'll tell you honestly, several times I tried to pay to do homework for me at https://writemypapers4me.net/do-my-homework-cheap/. I don't understand what happened to me after college, but the things that didn't work out for me in some way started to happen on their own. Today, for some reason I'm sure that I'll still be a good writer sooner or later, that's how it's supposed to be, and that's how I feel.
The main thing is to believe! After all, magic exists, and it happens to us every day: we are born, we fall in love, we invent various devices and techniques, we discover new planets and galaxies... This is all magic! So believe, and miracles will surely happen to you


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