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Ramen Coupon

December 06, 2022

Ramen Coupon


December 06, 2022


  1. Scene 4 Panel 3 Dialog Rock Lee : How am

    i going to get some training in if no one is here to provide a challenge?
  2. Scene 7 Panel 4 Dialog Have Sakura or Sai been

    through here, I've looked everywhere...
  3. Scene 7 Panel 5 Dialog I bet they went on

    a mission without me!! That's no fair!
  4. Scene 14 Panel 2 Dialog Lee: Would you like to

    be my training partner for the day?
  5. Scene 16 Panel 3 Dialog I was hoping to treat

    someone to ramen with this coupon I had, Action Notes Cycle through A and B
  6. Scene 16 Panel 4 Dialog I was hoping to treat

    whoever I train with to ramen with this coupon I had, Action Notes Cycle through A and B
  7. Scene 17 Panel 1 Dialog I guess I'll have to

    ask someone else Action Notes Cycle through A and B
  8. Scene 17 Panel 2 Dialog I guess I'll have to

    ask someone else Action Notes Cycle through A and B
  9. Scene 56 Panel 1 Dialog I've had enough! I'll never

    be able to beat you with just taijutstu Bushy Brow!
  10. Scene 59 Panel 1 Dialog I said I'd treat whoever

    TRAINS with me, not beat me Naruto.
  11. Scene 59 Panel 2 Dialog I said I'd treat whoever

    TRAINS with me, not beat me Naruto.